Skeletor said:
This was my plan, Join the army as infantry soldier. Get Basic, Battle school done and Finish school with the army. My friend went this way and did fine, he says he would of not changed anything. So my plan was finish school with the army, why not?
As others have pointed out, there are MANY threads here on this particular subject. I've posted to quite a few of them.
I'll summarize my previous posts here. The situation you are envisioning is a close approximation to my own situation. I joined (1977) with only a Grade 10. I'll be honest - I really liked it. BUT, life moved on, I partied a lot - school slid down on my priority list. I eventually got married, had kids, and school got LOWER on the priority list. I won't get into the details of my personal epiphany, but suffice to say that ONE day, SOMETIME in the future - you're going to realize just how limited your options are without having graduated from high school. At that time, you will attempt to study up and get your GED - it won't be easy, you'll give up some valuable time with your family ( in addition to what the military demands), you'll give up socializing with your friends, and you'll sweat to achieve that goal of graduation. It'll be HARDER to do than it would be to do it NOW, while you have no OTHER responsibilities in life.
As for home schooling - I don't have an opinion, but I have made some observations. I've known home schooled folks who were outstandingly prepared for higher education, and did it in quick-time - taking MUCH less time to graduate than those in the public system. I've also known some who took FOREVER to graduate, and were not ready for the rigours of life after having done so. My current neighbour's kids are home schooled, and they definitely fit in the first group of over-achievers. Of course, their Mom is a former teacher in the public system and therefore has a detailed understanding of the curriculum, methods of instruction, and so on.
My point is this: your posts seem to indicate some considerable angst and disillusionment regarding home schooling - I don't know the details, and given the intertwining of familial relationships involved in home schooling, I probably wouldn't understand anyway. HOWEVER - you state you are 18 - and considering joining the Military (a VERY adult decision). If you're so disillusioned with home schooling, why don't you make a different KIND of adult decision; withdraw from home schooling, and check yourself into the local public school, community college, correspondence course, or whatever meets your needs. I'm sure this might cause some friction at home, but surely not more so than joining the Military.
Trust me - do it NOW, while you've got nothing else on your plate, it only gets HARDER later. Others have suggested that you join the local Reserve regiment in the mean time, and that's not bad advice - it'll give you a taste of what you're getting into, and will actually assist you in completing school (all discipline is self-imposed, including study habits - the military can show you how to discipline yourself to achieve a goal).
Naturally, of course, you're 18, full of piss and vinegar, and sure that YOU are different and can handle it; therefore you'll disregard this posting, as well as the many others on this thread (and other threads on the same subject.)
Whatever you decide - good luck to you; make up your mind NOW to live with the consequences of whatever decision you might make.