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Joining Reserves?


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Allright Allright. I know alot of people have probably read the subject title thing and thought to themselves, "Oh god, another person who didn't bother read the FAQ". But I did read the FAQ and I couldn't find anything answering my question. I go to a self directed learning school where you do the work at your own pace and I am going into grade 9 in September and I am planning to complete some grade 9 courses and grade 10 courses in the same year so I can be done grade 10 a week or two before I turn 16 in January 2011 and have all my forms ready and submit them on the day I turn 16. Now heres my question? Will it help to enlist if i do it in the beginning of the year when less students would be applying and does cadets help?
Just for my sake, if you think that I am being premature, I am in a way but I want to know if it would matter because if I want to apply right on my birthday, I am going to have to do alot more work in my Grade 9 year. And atleast, I am not asking questions about ROTP or the Reg Force.
Have you looked into the Co-op program?  It usually starts up in Feb.  You could submit the paperwork in the fall so you will be good to go once you turn 16.  Just a thought.
It can take months for an application to get processed no matter the time of year so sooner is probably better.
Have you looked into the Co-op program?  It usually starts up in Feb.  You could submit the paperwork in the fall so you will be good to go once you turn 16.  Just a thought.

In your opinion, is that better?
You will get your BMQ, SQ, and DP1 in one six or seven month session (Feb to Jun 4 days a week and a few weekends, Jul and Aug 5 days a week plus a few weekends).  Plus it gives you, I believe, 5 high school credits.  And a pay cheque to boot.  Where as if you don't do the coop, it is just weekend training, could take a year or more to get all three quals.
I'm currently applying for Co-Op (through my Highschool) and for me it goes from Sept 8 till sometime in January, then February something till June something. I earn 4 credits, i get paid, I work Monday to thursdays (fridays off), and I'm also giving the option of a job. Plus tons more benefits and such. But I'm not in it for the benefits, obviously. I highly recommend this program, even though I haven't gone through it yet. The only downfall to the Reserves Co-Op program is that (well at my school) there's only 7 or so trades to go into.
when your in gr 11 seriously look into the co-op. i am taking it in ferburary with my school. I have a question if someone could answer it. In september i am turning 16. I would very much like to apply in september, but if i joined in september would that in anyway affect the co-op. i ask this because i can not talk to a guidance counseller at my school due to summer, and also im hopeing someone has experince on this matter. thanks.
brandon_ said:
when your in gr 11 seriously look into the co-op. i am taking it in ferburary with my school. I have a question if someone could answer it. In september i am turning 16. I would very much like to apply in september, but if i joined in september would that in anyway affect the co-op. i ask this because i can not talk to a guidance counseller at my school due to summer, and also im hopeing someone has experince on this matter. thanks.

Well I believe that you could apply to the February one, but you'd have to a) Wait till your school opens back up (most due in August) and B) Talk to the Recruiter in you area that either did the presentation for the Co-Op program (we had one at my school) or go to the Recruiting centre and talk to them there.

I'm applying for the 1st semester one at my school, and i really hope I'm not the only grade 12 in the 1st semester one :) jk
Kmess said:
Well I believe that you could apply to the February one, but you'd have to a) Wait till your school opens back up (most due in August) and B) Talk to the Recruiter in you area that either did the presentation for the Co-Op program (we had one at my school) or go to the Recruiting centre and talk to them there.

I'm applying for the 1st semester one at my school, and i really hope I'm not the only grade 12 in the 1st semester one :) jk
In my city there only having one in the second semester. thanks.
Have you looked into the Co-op program?  It usually starts up in Feb.  You could submit the paperwork in the fall so you will be good to go once you turn 16.  Just a thought.
You cannot submit an application until you ARE 16 AND have enough HS credits, regardless of the fact that you will not join until after you are 16 and will get co-op credits ... you have to have the minimum pre-requisites first.