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Joining the Air Force, but i dont want to be posted too far away from ontario...


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I havent sworn in yet but my medical is this friday, I've spoke this over with my family and my significant other. And it turns out they are fine with is as long as its within ontario. I understand that the CF will post me where ever they need me but is there a way i can be posted here in ontario?

I did my research, there are 13 wings accross canada. The ones that make me uncomfortable is thinking about the ones far east (5 wing, 9 wing). Is there a way i could have the CF post me where i like?
no garuantees huh? Is there a way to figure out which wing needs how many avionics techs?

please list more info
yoeun said:
no garuantees huh? Is there a way to figure out which wing needs how many avionics techs?

Makes no difference, you will go where the CF wants you. Even if 8 Wing Trenton needed the most AVS tech, it doesnt mean you will go there. You cant apply for "AVS Tech at 8 Wing"

yoeun said:
And it turns out they are fine with is as long as its within ontario.

Your family is setting themselves up for a disapointment
yoeun said:
no garuantees huh? Is there a way to figure out which wing needs how many avionics techs?

please list more info

How about you go to your recruiter and ask these questions.

Also, get ready for an answer you will not want to hear.

i would definitely go to a recruiter. your chances of going to where you want are not always there. its worth a shot though! just don't set yourself up for  disappointment.
yoeun said:
I havent sworn in yet but my medical is this friday, I've spoke this over with my family and my significant other. And it turns out they are fine with is as long as its within ontario. I understand that the CF will post me where ever they need me but is there a way i can be posted here in ontario?

I did my research, there are 13 wings accross canada. The ones that make me uncomfortable is thinking about the ones far east (5 wing, 9 wing). Is there a way i could have the CF post me where i like?

Now that I have stopped laughing, are you serious, have you  and company, considered the possibility or eventuality of being Deployed to the Sandbox ?.

You better do your homework before you sign on that dotted line.

I have to agree with all the other posts.  After my 20 years in the CF, I found myself posted in Ontario (closer to my family) only during my last 2 years in the CF.  There are never any guarantees and situations and career manager plans can change very quickly.  You can ask for specific postings but where you are posted is based solely on the service needs of the CF.  Talk to your recruiters but I am sure they will tell you the same thing. 

In my opinion you are not starting off your career with the proper mind set.       
yoeun said:
no garuantees huh? Is there a way to figure out which wing needs how many avionics techs?

please list more info

Right off the bat, you could be sent here to Shearwater NS for your AVS Tech QL3 course.  From your QL3 course, you will then find out your posting.

You will have the opportunity to put down your 3 posting preferences (*note* preference is EXACTLY that, nothing more) at which time you can put down your 3, of which you may not get posted to any of them.
Don't bother joining if you don't want to "be too far away" from Ontario.  If you (and your family) are wanting to stay near Ontario you may be in for some disappointment and hardship.

On a (hilarious) side note, I can't seem to get posted out of Ontario!  :-\
If serving close to home is a deal-breaker for you then you should look at the reserves (part-time) rather than the regular force (full-time).  As a reservist you would join a specific unit and, apart from travelling from time to time for courses, you would stay in that unit.
I'm not sure that joining the military at all, outside of a reserve unit, is advisable if you want to stay in Ontario. You probably should have checked with your family to see if they were okay with it before you started the process. A lot of us joined up for some adventure and the opportunity to go places and do things because that's what it is all about. If you want to stay in Ontario, maybe join Hydro One.
Everyone here has brought up a valid point, including that if your heart and family's desire is to stay in Ontario then don't sign.  But something that wasn't brought up is as long as your not married and your parents are your NoK, ( next of kin) the army will once a fiscal year ( unless your deployed and then it can be twice ) pay for most of the cost to get home.  It is called LTA or leave travel assistance and in some cases it can pay for your transport to and from especially if your doing it with a car. This benefit stops when you are married, or you change your NOK address.

Mind you from my experience ( not a homebody and loved to travel ) and my brother's,  ( is a homebody and it took him years before he realized that you need to make a home where your at or your not really living in the present ) as time goes on you don't mind leaving the nest and growing as a person.  Family will always be there and you will see them again. Your friends you may find you outgrow in some aspects ( although not will all of them mind you ) but yah make knew ones with those you work with and where you live. 
helpup said:
But something that wasn't brought up is as long as your not married and your parents are your NoK, ( next of kin) the army will once a fiscal year ( unless your deployed and then it can be twice ) pay for most of the cost to get home.  It is called LTA or leave travel assistance and in some cases it can pay for your transport to and from especially if your doing it with a car. This benefit stops when you are married, or you change your NOK address.

Actually, your LTA can be used to visit your NOK if they are not located with you (for valid reasons).  Your NOK must be your spouse if you are married, might be a child if you are divorced and the child lives with the ex, and if you are single your NOK can be a parent (or grandparent, uncle/aunt, sibling in special cases).

LTA does not cover the first 800 kms, so if you live closer than that to your NOK, you won't get it.  You are entitled to claim it once per fiscal year.  If on tour, you are entitled to an HLTA which is separate.
helpup said:
This benefit stops when you are married, or you change your NOK address.

Or you get it if you are on tasking/TD/attached posting, once per fiscal year, and you have to be 'away' for 60 days before the entitlement kicks in.

Note, also, if you are on a tasking/course that spans 2 FYs, you only get one LTA per tasking, etc.
Ok I sit corrected, but then I didn't want to put the whole rules and entitlement of LTA ( not to be confused with HLTA )  :P Since at his stage he can ask about this from the recruiter and be taught about it once he ( make that if he ) signs the dotted line.  I was just pointing out that being posted away does not mean you wont see family or friends again.
yoeun said:
I did my research, there are 13 wings across canada. The ones that make me uncomfortable is thinking about the ones far east (5 wing, 9 wing). Is there a way i could have the CF post me where i like?

I'll put it this way. I'm a Supply Tech, and as I was leaving St-Jean after BMQ my staff asked where I wanted to go. "Petawawa" I say. "Oh, you'll get that for sure, they need lots of Supply Techs there." During my QL3 I fill out my preference sheet as follows: 1. Petawawa, 2. Halifax, 3. Esquimault. I am now posted to CFB Edmonton. Point being, yes, they need techs everywhere, but no, just because you would like to go somewhere doesn't mean you will go there. We were told the entire length of our QL3's "Don't expect to go home, because you aren't going back." That statement is always true. Think of it this way, it's a chance to see the different parts of this beautiful country we have. And if you have a significant other, well, you are 1 step ahead of me. I got dropped into the middle of Alberta. No wife, no family, and few friends already here. That's life in the CF. It's tough, but if you are willing to deal with it, it's a good life. If you want to stay at home, the Reserves will gladly take you as well. Best of luck with your choice whatever it may be.
    Going home is often over-rated. I was all pumped at the possibility of getting posted to Manitoba where I am from. I had a big plan ready thinking if I moved back in my father's house (who lives alone so it was not a case of moving into "your parents basement". If anything the rent money would have helped him out) I could save up and buy a house within the year as they are cheap in that province compared to other places.
      Obviously I didn't go back there and now everytime I go back there for leave I thank god I am here in Cold Lake instead! I feel like I have finally commenced having a life of my own and am doing something worthwhile and "for me" for a change. In my hometown, so many people have not changed from high school days and after a week I get bored and am happy to return here. I don't know if the OP is single, but I always figured that if I was married with or without kids it would be easier than for a single person since you had family with you even though you are in a different place.
    You will find the more times you go home on leave, the easier it is when it comes time to return to wherever your posting is. When I returned home after BMQ to pick up my car to drive to Borden, it was very hard looking in the rearview mirror and seeing my dad on the front step at 6am in his housecoat watching my brakelights fade away. It was likely harder for him when I left for BMQ than for me as it was the first time in 30 years he would be living alone. Now three years later I tell him just drop me off at the front of the airport and don't get out of the car. You will get through it and you may be happy you decided to go elsewhere. Just my $0.02. Take it how you want! ZGood luck with your decision.
yoeun said:
Is there a way i could have the CF post me where i like?


Sorry, that just kills me.  Its every soldier's/sailor's/airman's dream and very few get it...