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Joining the air force

volition said:
RMC and the university of manitoba do have 3 year degrees offered through distance education. :cdn:

If you do them part-time, it will take you alot more than 3 years to do.
CDN Aviator said:
If you do them part-time, it will take you alot more than 3 years to do.

holy geez so 3 years of uni and studies for avation...wow thats pretty hardcore....shoulda done it when i was like 19 :(
If you're not willing to put the efforts in, I would not suggest you venture in the pilot direction.  It's a long, hard road.
Is their a fighter pilot shortage? what kind of uni classes can I take how does it work?

3years of the school and about another 3-4 for pilot total of 7+ years id be hitting about 35 hmmmmm
lynx08 said:
Is their a fighter pilot shortage? what kind of uni classes can I take how does it work?

Try doing a search before everyone has to repeat themselves.
Welcome to Army.ca, lynx08.

If you decide to join the CF in any capacity, and if you make it in, you will find certain things expected of you. One is that you do your own work. You will not be spoonfed anything, and if you expect that, you will not last long. Put in a reasonable effort, though, and people will be willing - even eager, at times - to assist.

As most of us on this site are serving or have served, we expect the same here as well.

While some people may provide answers to questions that have been asked many, many times before, many will not as they do not like to do others' work for them. You have been asked to use the Search Function, which will usually turn up a ton of useful info. Should you genuinely be unable to find an answer to a question, mention that you have tried the Search Function, and then ask away. If anybody has an answer, you will shortly have it. Mind you, any claim to have tried the Search Function unsuccessfully will be verified by at least one person with too much time available, resulting in instantaneous destruction of reputation if they turn up the requested information.

Many of your questions should also be directed towards your nearest recruiting centre. We'll be happy to clarify anything that you do not understand, but the recruiting centre is your best source of information for enrollment and initial training questions.

Participation here can be a joy or like swimming with sharks - well, it's always like swimming with sharks, but it can be a long and happy swim or a short and brutal one.
Dimsum said:
Since most places don't have 3-year degrees anymore, to get your schooling done then apply as a  Direct Entry Officer will take 4 years.  But, as some others have said, CEOTP may be open (you join first, do your training and squeeze in the univ when you can) or try for ROTP (they pay you to go to school). 

I believe most schools do offer general degrees (which are 3 years in length) as well as the 4 year, honours degree.  That being said the vast majority of people in University take the honours route as it's only an extra year and it does look better.  Also universities strongly recommend that people do the honours year (if they can), as it does leave more doors open to you in the future.  For example you can't do graduate work without an honours degree and most professional programs while still technically accepting applicants with only a general degree do prefer honours work. 

plus of course there’s the LCF, B.Sc (hons) looks much better than B.Sc. 

If there is something in life you really want, you should go for it.  On your death bed you won't to regret the things you've done, you'll most likely be regretting the things you didn't do.
If you really want to be a pilot then do it.  Go get your degree then apply.  If all you want to do is be tom cruise, go rent Top Gun and book some time at http://www.aircombatzone.com/

lynx08 said:
IDK I mean I always wanted to be a fighter pilot....But doing MORE schooling before even getting into the books and learning to fly would cut me back some time!!!! UNLESS they have basket weaving 101 :p

Im 27 as of now.....id be set back for about more than 1 year to get the uni degree?? then and only then would i be hitting the books to learn about planes and so forth...

I have 10 years on you, I am also trying to join the aircrew world (not as a pilot) which will put me as a 'newbie' starting over in a new trade yet again, I am taking courses towards my BMASc thru RMC, working my current position, and still have a decent social life and all that.  Its doable, its whether you want it bad enough.  I am looking at 1.5-2 years of training just to be half-useful once I change trades. Learning and training is ongoing with life in the CF; you never really stop.

From what I understand of my reading on this forum, there are (potentially) some gaps in the flying training for pilots, where you'd have lots of time to work on a degree if you applied and were successful under CEOTP;  the program is there for a reason, its up to you to apply for it.

Good luck with whatever you decide!