I know the 2 year residency requirement is now being enforced, but is that for NCM's too or just officers? Nobody seems to know for sure. It sounds like the residency requirement is looked at on a case by case basis, so I'm just going to take my chances. I'd imagine I won't have as much trouble with it as you and Pieman did since I'm only going for NCM.
Jascar, go for it! The worst thing that can happen is they will say 'no', and that is really not the end of the world even if they do. I know that from experience.
Just study the situation, and have a good idea what your chances are before you make the jump across the pond. You have to make a calculated risk so you can recover from any bad situation that arises.
They are sticking to the 2 year requirement for Officers for sure, my understanding is that it is the same for NCM positions. I am not the official word of course. So when you do get the official word on it, please post it here.
How old are you? Your age is a very serious factor if you are over 25.
I looked into joining as a NCM, but they said they would not take my application for NCM until my sandhurst application was complete. I probably could have gotten them to take it if I pressed the issue, but things were looking good for the Officer position at that time. Sadly they tossed this two year requirement in the mix while I was applying, and that made things very difficult. On top of that, I was in the very upper limit for NCM age, and that was also a serious problem. For the better anyway, I guess, I don't think I could have afforded the pay cut even if I went as a NCM.
If you have any questions about getting yourself over to the UK, or want some advice on cheap places to stay and eat, PM me as I got some experience living in London. If you want to earn some money while you are going through the system, apply for a UK tourist visa. It costs about $80, and I got mine in 3 days. It is good for 2 years and gives you the right to a 'working holiday' and you can get a part time job legally when you are there.
It is too bad you had to come to the conclusion to terminate your application. But like I said, it is a calculated risk, and the odds do not appear to be in favour for old buggers like us
I think you made a wise choice, and you will save yourself lots of time by not persuing something that is simply not going to pan out. I hope your security clearance comes through soon so you can join the CF!