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JTF-2 Selection

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Baden  Guy said:
1. I would expect the majority of JTF2 personnel are of a combat background.
Combat arms background, as in all 4, I would expect so too, as the majority of the young, fit members who would be interested in that sort of thing would be employed. Not to say all of them, just most.

2. Does being able to run 120 miles across a dessert necessarily make a good Special Forces soldier ?
Why run? That is why they have trucks and helicopters, so they don't have to cross 120 miles of desert on foot. CF SOF is smarter than that.

As for 120 miles of a final dinner course, not sure how that fits into this conversation. But running across the top of Jello or whipped cream would be interesting.  ;D
Snakedoc said:
Interesting, is there anything to identify the non-beret wearing types in Navy or Air Force DEUs?

yes there is, its in the dress regs.
SFB said:
As for 120 miles of a final dinner course, not sure how that fits into this conversation.
Probably in much the same way that a navel person would be addressed as an umbilicus or a belly button....(vice naval person)  ;D
Flawed Design said:
Honestly fellows, how in depth do we think the combat trades are?

Lets say Infantry -16 weeks of battle school. How much is really imparted on the soldier? I'm not crap talking the infantry but on average the combat arms back round isn't that awe inspiring in the greater scheme of things. I mean if someone has their recce course, sniper course, pathfinder course ya sure that's great but how many people really get those courses then apply?
Maturity, physical and mental endurance, attitude and drive seem (to me anyways) more important that having learned section and platoon attacks.

Combat arms probably DO have an advantage but not to the degree I think some of the posters here feel it does. Hell I know of a handful of combat arms types that would rather sit at home and drink and play call of duty than deploy (and in fact tried to get OUT of deploying).

I'd take a 35 year old clerk/dentist/cook who can hump 120 miles through a desert (coming in 1st no less) over a 20 year old infantry guy any day.

Although I agree with you to a point, the combat arms still have 16 weeks of infantry training, PLUS however many years of active duty, on somebody who's a clerk, etc. A clerk might be able to train for 16 weeks to be an infantryman, but he still lacks the years of experience that the JTF-2 asks for (Corporal ranking, if I'm correct?).
  Well I went to a JTF2 recruiting session the other day, and the main point they put across was that they were looking for highly motivated people, no matter what trade, that had the mental and physical abilities to do what they ask them do do. 
  They will train you to do what it is that they do.
  The key points were, maturity...sense of duty...always looking to improve...intelligence...etc. etc.
Above all..if you're interested, just go for it.  They would much rather see you go for selection , than to not try at all. 
  And apparently, if you're in it for the money....DONT, because you will forget all about the $$ withing half an hour of selection, lol.
silver said:
Really? Not so sure if they all actually remain in their original trade anymore after some time has been served...
Original DEUs and everything are kept for sure but methinks you are a tad off on the trade assumption.

Unless their trade request/changeover (can't remember the fancy word for it right now) has come through a MSEOP assaulter is still considered an MSE OP according to the military.  Although he won't follow the MSE Op (insert their trade here) course/rank progression, but rather the infantry model.
dangerboy said:
They remain whatever element they originally belong to and still remain that trade. So a Navy pers in the JTF retains his navel DEU's and is addressed by his navel rank.
Even JTF-2 should not be allowed to take people's navel away...
silver said:
Quite right, they do follow the Inf trade progression model. But if you are speaking of the MS - as I am - then I think its a bit more of a, "Hey, you made it through SOAC++. You should sign this." and less of a Request for trade changeover as you said (ie. it's more of a suggestion from higher that they Should sign rather than a request from the member to let them sign), ergo, most assaulters probably aren't really their trade anymore. Not a new trade, just the MS..

Ahh yes Managed Specialty.....thanks couldn't remember the term for the life of me yesterday. 
Just wanted to highlight the discussion about whether one needs to have a combat arms background to be succesful in the SOF world, one only need to look south.  US Navy SEALS, 99.9% of them have no background in the combat arms prior to joining (Occaisonally they get the odd Marine/Soldier/Airman, get through BUD/s), and no one questions their capabilities.  JTF2 has the luxury of being able to recruit from combat arms types, but that should in no way suggest, a navy cook can't be trained to just a high standard. 
Ok, just came across this JTF2 unit while browsing this awesome sight. And found out that after 2 years you can apply. Doesn't that seem kind of short. I couldn't imagine anyone coming out of highschool signing up at 17 like myself and then at 19-20 being part of this tough/mature/disciplined unit. I guess that rule is more for the people that sign up late to early twenties who may have a higher mental stamina. Because I honestly can't see a 19 year old being one of the best soldiers in the world.
Rinker said:
Ok, just came across this JTF2 unit while browsing this awesome sight. And found out that after 2 years you can apply. Doesn't that seem kind of short. I couldn't imagine anyone coming out of highschool signing up at 17 like myself and then at 19-20 being part of this tough/mature/disciplined unit. I that rule is more for the people that sign up late to early twenties who may have a higher mental stamina. Because I honestly can't see a 19 year old being one of the best soldiers in the world.

If you have what JTF-2 wants, you will pass selection, do the course, and become an assaulter. No matter what age you are, what trade you are, or how many tours you have. It's their club, they pick who joins.

  Hey Rinker, at the recruiting breif I went to, your point was one of the things they were using to attract the younger fellas to join.  He said can you imagine joining up young, applying, and subsequently passing selection, then getting promoted to Master Corporal..and then getting your monthly allowances on top of that?  You'd be 19 or 20 years old and making almost 100,00$$ a year!
  But don't do it for the dollars!
I wouldn't have signed up for the army if I was interested in the money. Even though I could pass the coopers test beyond the minimum required. I still don't believe that I at such a young inexperienced age could have the mental stamina. Plus I haven't even started BMQ. And I got bad eyes, but hey maybe 5-6 years down the road, with eye surgery and all. Definitely have respect to the guys who attempt selection.
Ok, just came across this JTF2 unit while browsing this awesome sight. And found out that after 2 years you can apply. Doesn't that seem kind of short. I couldn't imagine anyone coming out of highschool signing up at 17 like myself and then at 19-20 being part of this tough/mature/disciplined unit. I guess that rule is more for the people that sign up late to early twenties who may have a higher mental stamina. Because I honestly can't see a 19 year old being one of the best soldiers in the world.

You don't have to be 17 and the best soldier in the world. If you have the mentality they are looking for, they will make you good.

There was a sailor who was 17 and made it through BUD/S to become a Navy Seal. Is it common? Probably not, but it's doable. Don't place limits on yourself based on stereotypes.
i thought you had to be between corporal and sergeant to get in jtf 2 ??  anyone knows
Well this thread made me curious and made me wonder: how many chances do you have to "try out" (recruiting process + 1 week of hell) when it comes to JTF2?

If you fail, can you try again? etc