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Juice crystals in canteen, split from Re: Gun stolen from CFB Gagetown

aesop081 said:
Seems that genuis was too lazy to come down from his 40-ish foot OP to refuel the coleman.  he decided that it would be a time/effort-saver to bring naphta up top in a canteen. I guess during the night the stove caught fire and the canteen was used to extinguish said fire.  Pooring naphta on a fire = bigger fire........

"don't be a donkey......don't burn your buddy" were the RSMs words

That is ourstanding. Bravo, Laddie!
You know.....a little Baking Soda goes a long way in taking out that foul smell or taste.....so does airing out your canteen when you are done Tour/Ex.

In an emergency, I too would not hesitate to use Canteen water in cleaning a wound.  It should be clean water.  After all you are drinking it.  It is like using a shirt or towel for a dressing in an emergency.  It may be all you got.
"A little tip.  The packets are water proof.  Pour the water from the canteen into the packet and stir.  Not vice versa."

- Step One: Pour drink powder into your mouth.
  Step Two: Take a mouthfull of water - avoid backwashing.
  Step Three:  Swish it around until mixed to taste.
  Step Four: Swallow.

Mmmmnnnn... was that good?

WARNING: Do NOT prepare hot beverages using this method!


And while we are on the topic, remember to purify your canteens, camelbacks, nalgenes, thermoses, jerrycans, flasks, gourds and skins IAW the simple instructions avail from your PMED Techs.  Regularly.

Just to tackle this from another angle guys, keep in mind it's not necessarily your buddy's sucking chest wound that might need cleaning. Ever get some horrid god awful painful dirt/dust/pine needle/CLP/whatever in your eyes?

HA!  I actually had that happen to me on my SQ..  We were out in the heat of ValCartier for 5 days in the field.  It poured on us every day.  We dug our trenches and every day we were attacked by EnFo.

My buddy and I had the C-6 Trench.    5 days of rain and mud, the weapon was full of water and dirt (even though we coated it with CLP every day)  On the 5th day, we were cleaning our weapons and me, who hadn't slept in nearly 2 days, and a hand full of CLP decides to clean the dirt and rain from his eyes.   

Boy did it burn.  My canteen was empty but my bussy had a full one.  I poured the water right into my eyes.  Had it been anything else in there, god help me....
- Step One: Pour drink powder into your mouth.
  Step Two: Take a mouthfull of water - avoid backwahing.
  Step Three:  Swish it around until mixed to taste.
  Step Four: Swallow.

Ya know?  I actually did that once.  The powder went right down my throat and I choked :P      We were in the field for 7 days and I was looking for surgar to stay awake on a 48 hour OP we had to do.  I was even eating the Strawberry jam from the rations for the surgar to stay awake.
Boy did it burn.  My canteen was empty but my bussy had a full one.  I poured the water right into my eyes.  Had it been anything else in there, god help me....

It could have been worse, someone could have gave you a canteen with juice in it ;)
"remember the incident on OP HARMONY 5 where a guy had naphta in his canteen at the top of SC-54 (?).  I still remember the speech from RSM Bentley.  Now that guy was a donkey alright !!"

- Didn't they flavour coffee with Naptha back then?


aesop081 said:

remember the incident on OP HARMONY 5 where a guy had naphta in his canteen at the top of SC-54 (?).  I still remember the speech from RSM Bentley.  Now that guy was a donkey alright !!

Ah yes, well they all wanted to be like the champions of Mt. Petrim On SC-44, but were a little dyslexic....

Rakia = Naptha



MasterPrivate said:
Just to tackle this from another angle guys, keep in mind it's not necessarily your buddy's sucking chest wound that might need cleaning.

If you even consider cleaning a sucking chest wound with water I suggest a refresher in first aid is in order.

Ever get some horrid god awful painful dirt/dust/pine needle/CLP/whatever in your eyes? I don't know about you, but if i was stumbling around blinded by something like that, I would be kind of choked if my fireteam partner passed me his canteen so I could flush my eyes, only to get a face full of chicken noodle soup, chocolate milk or whatever nasty concoction he had put in there....furthermore I would look pretty dumb in that scenario if it was my own canteen that was the one full of soup/gatorade/etc....

-Edited for terrible, embarrassing spelling-

Flushing with water here is correct.

As a first aid instructor not to comment on the first point could lead to someone believing this is the proper action & could seriously make a bad situation far worse.

Best Wishes
PMed Techs recommend that canteens and Camelbacks be cleaned regularly with a 10% bleach solution (one capful of Javex with a canteen full of water).  Ensure that you rinse very well after with clean water to get rid of the bleach after taste and the potential runs that might follow.  The odour and taste of backwash and stale water will disappear, unless you prefer it.
Caesar said:
Now, the non-issued kit (for the most part):
3-Camelback - treat as canteen. Plastic absorbs, water only.
4-Nalgene bottles - hard plastic, doesn't absorb, fill with whatever.
5-Flask - Filled with your choice of single malt, rum, or other spirit. This is completely theoretical of course, and is never actually carried.

No flasks, I must take it out of my ruck; and I thought that was the purpose of the center pocket lol ;D

I have on more then one occasion have seen troops putting other liquids in there canteens. The one that stands out the most was a guy who had a nice drink mixed in his canteen, it was confiscated by the course staff and returned when it was empty (they never dumped it out). ;D I also know some people that take a few 600ml bottles of Pepsi out on a weekend ex, not shore but they all seem to have the seal broken before the ex starts.
NL_engineer said:
........and returned when it was empty (they never dumped it out).
It was returned empty.  Of course they dumped it out.  Just not on the ground.   ;D 

X Royal beat me to the punch on this...
The only time you yahoo's should be flushing any wound with water is when;
a. chemical in the eyes, and
b. thermal or chemical burns on the skin.
and only with the former would you actually use a canteen. The later...as many gerry cans of water as I can find.

Issued green 1 or 2 quart canteens are for water, only, period.
Caesar said:
That rank taste? Doesn't exist in my canteen and never has. You know why? I have never put anything other than water in it.

That rank taste is quite possibly bacteria.

As far as what you pour onto my wounds, well, it depends how dirty the wound is. If it's full of anothers blood/bodily material, I would rather have a little of your spittle in there.

Yes, if I had my bowels spilled all over the ground and my buddy's brain matter was mixed in with them, I probably wouldn't object to canteen water rinsing my innards off/keeping them moist.

As for the rank taste, my canteen's had it since I got it and I didn't start using juice crystals in it until loooong after I'd been issued my kit. I'm sure it is bacteria - it's a kind of mildew-y smell/taste. I rinsed it and rinsed it and rinsed it - washing it out with scope a few times finally substituted a minty-fresh taste for the mildew and after a few dozen more usages even that went away. It still pops up every once in a while, but I've found the juice crystal bit actually helps with getting rid of it. Of course, you have to rinse and air the canteen out well after the field, but I did that when I wasn't using juice crystals anyway.

George Wallace said:
You know.....a little Baking Soda goes a long way in taking out that foul smell or taste.....so does airing out your canteen when you are done Tour/Ex.

Baking soda, eh? Never heard that one before - I'll give it a shot next time I have need. I usually air out my canteen after an exercise but every so often, even after airing, that taste/smell rears its ugly head again.
Glorified Ape said:
As for the rank taste, my canteen's had it since I got it and I didn't start using juice crystals in it until loooong after I'd been issued my kit. I'm sure it is bacteria - it's a kind of mildew-y smell/taste. I rinsed it and rinsed it and rinsed it - washing it out with scope a few times finally substituted a minty-fresh taste for the mildew and after a few dozen more usages even that went away.

Well, I think that's grounds for that canteen to be N/S. I'd try and exchange it. Hopefully you have a good CQ.
Purify it as per the PMED Tech's instr for purifying a Jerry can.  If it still stinks, bin it.  $1.98.

Don't forget, empty your canteen *religiously* after every exercise and before storage (Even if you've been on ex for a few days and haven't been drinking from said canteen... if it's hot, and you've got the water to spare, dump it and refill it with fresh water.) and leave the cap off for storage (If the cap is left on, the water inside will go mouldy, even if it's just a few drops).
People don't use them, because they can get stuck in the pouch, and  or they let them fill up with dirt etc. (just like course, you should clean your canteen cup before each ex).