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Just begun the Application Process

Mike Baker said:
Thanks T6, I appreciate it.

Mom and Dad are still all for my decision, too, thankfully. I figured that they wouldn't be all for it, but they are. Likewise with the fact that I want to go to Afghanistan, if we do stay there.


Mike, don't use A'stan as a reason to join the Forces. If you don't get to go than you may not be happy with your decision to join.(Unlikely in your case)
Today's CF is vastly different from my time(Cold War) there will be new challenges ahead and one has only wait.
The CF is finally taking its place with countries that are not afraid to toe the line.

I along with others former soldiers would give up anything to turn back the clock and have the opportunity to do what you are doing. :warstory:

Best of luck Mike,
GUNS said:
Mike, don't use A'stan as a reason to join the Forces. If you don't get to go than you may not be happy with your decision to join.(Unlikely in your case)
Today's CF is vastly different from my time(Cold War) there will be new challenges ahead and one has only wait.
The CF is finally taking its place with countries that are not afraid to toe the line.

I along with others former soldiers would give up anything to turn back the clock and have the opportunity to do what you are doing. :warstory:

Best of luck Mike,
Oh no it's not a reason why I want to join, I just want to serve with the best, and know that what I will be doing will make a difference.

Mike, we may be crossing paths in Battle School...have you decided what regiment you are going to ask for?

popnfresh said:
Mike, we may be crossing paths in Battle School...have you decided what regiment you are going to ask for?

Well, I am looking at the RCR right now, because I would like to stay in the 'eastern' part of Canada. But that can also include Petawawa, instead of Gagetown :D But I would go where ever they want me.

Well I'm asking for PPCLI, so knowing the army that probably means I'll be seeing you in the RCR haha...

Keep the thread updated, and let us know

popnfresh said:
Well I'm asking for PPCLI, so knowing the army that probably means I'll be seeing you in the RCR haha...

Keep the thread updated, and let us know

Haha will do.

Well, I phoned CFRC St. John's today, and I had to leave a message. I might phone back again tomorrow, just to make sure they know about me and that.

Gettin' closer
And they just phoned ;D

I have to go into the CFRC an do a new Application, so I'll go in over Easter break and do that. The Recruiter said that since I only had the application in for the Reserves, and that the application was slowed down, it'll be a lot easier then if I had a lot more done with it, application wise.

So I was talking to them again on Friday, and I don't have to go in to do a new application, just done one out here. But I will still go in, and bring in my application, so I can ask some questions I may have ;) Thank you all for helping me, an especially Mr. Bobbitt for putting up with me :D and having such a great site made. I cannot waite until the day I can finally serve with you fine people, in the best Armed Forces in the world.

Well, I couldn't get in Town, so I will get it sent in tomorrow to the CFRC, and phone them if I need to ask anything.
Sorry to hear you could not make it to town.

We may have bumped into each other. :warstory:
That's one of the hazards of living out in the sticks. ;D

The only War Stories I have are of the Cold War-not exciting.

War Stories of today will now replace the (War Stories of WWII and Korea) era.

The soldiers serving overseas will be the future of War Stories both good and bad.

Instead of young soldiers listening intently to the stories of veterans(WWII/Korea). Now it will be us veterans(Cold War), listening to the stories of young soldiers.

Though our body's may be to old to wear the uniform, our hearts are still young for the military.

Wish I was in your shoes.

Oh yeah. Still, I bet you have done some great things in the CF, an saw some cool things.

The new application is sent now, and they should have it by early next week ;D
Baker said:
Oh yeah. Still, I bet you have done some great things in the CF, an saw some cool things.

The new application is sent now, and they should have it by early next week ;D
They phoned this morning before I went to school, an they now have it. Idiot me forgot to send in my School Transcripts an a copy of my Birth Certificate ::)

So that will leave here on Thursday.

Getting ever so close now ;D


Whoa, that is 2000 posts for me :o
Well, I guess I should fill you all in on my current confusion.

I was talking to the school guidance counselor, and, because of my little intrest of school during grade 10, and the fact I didn't apply myself to my studies, I may have to go back to school again next year, to get the other credits that I need to get. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a smart young guy, I just though I had 'better' things to do, then do my school work. Also, I will have all my credits I need to have by the end of this year to graduate, but not in some fields. Yeah, I really fu**ed myself up.

So, here are my current options. I can go back to school here in the fall, do the courses I need to do, and some other ones, and be totally finished with it by about March(not including tests and such), then join the CF.

Or, I can just say shag it, and join once I finish this year, then, some time down the road, get the courses I need to get.

I do know that I can wait a year, and the CF will still be there for me, but this is something I have wanted since I was knee high to a grass hopper. I also know that the courses I can talk will deeply help me in the years to come.

See my confusion.
As someone who delayed his education (post secondary and OPMEs), all I would offer as advice would be to get your formal education done now.  As you said, the CF will still be there. Any options of going the reservist route while finishing school?
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
As someone who delayed his education (post secondary and OPMEs), all I would offer as advice would be to get your formal education done now.  As you said, the CF will still be there. Any options of going the reservist route while finishing school?
Sadly, no. I am not close enough to the RNFLDR. As you could expect, I would already be a member ;)

Thanks for your insight, because it is looking like I will stay back, and do a few more courses then I have to. Might even take French again. Too bad they never offered German on CDLI (I'm sure at least SOMEONE on here knows what that is, if not, google it).


EDIT, well actually, I may join the Reserves after I finish all this, and go to MUN in St. John's at the same time, and get an even better education, and then go Regular Force.

If you don't mind me asking, exactly what courses do you need? I dont know how it works out East, but i know of some people who were in the same boat as you and went to nightschool,correspondence or summer school. Sure as hell beats returning for a whole semester if you really are sweating it. On the other hand, if you feel a victory lap is what you want to do, give'er!