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Just something i found from a friend!!

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Thats the reason i put it in radio chatter cause it doesnt count as a  post, and its more just for fun.    :P
recceguy said:
This is an Army/AF/Navy forum!! Aren't we getting WAYYY of topic here? Enough of the touchy, feely bullshit!!!! I like to think I'm as sensative as the next guy, but lately the board has been innundated with cutesy little signature lines and the like, little flashy girlie stuff. Where'd all the Military ethos and stuff go? This is a MILITARY forum, not a Dear Abby, my Spouse isn't here, my Teacher is a putz, my elected representative is a lyin' sack o' shyte type forum, but a MILITARY forum to talk about MILITARY stuff. Do you think it'd be to hard to go back to the root reason why we're here? To talk about the soldier and the military problems we face on a daily basis? Spouses and deployments are OK and the things that go with it, because that directly impacts the deployed soldier. Leaving your two week girlfriend to go to Basic, is not. Grow up and accept responsibility. Done drugs for th last three years? Don't waste our time. Your an idiot and I won't/ can't tell you how to pretend your a viable member of the human race long enough to pass through training and spend one evening in a fighting trench with me. Don't like the right wing, political ethos that the majority of our military subscribes to? Tough shyte, get a life and welcome to the 21st century, YOUR the dinosaur if you think flowers and rhetoric will save your ***. An AK and 20,000 rds of non corrosive primers MAY help you out, but I doubt it. HINT, the gun only has trading value for the ammo, as long as you have IT!! So for you civies, don't trade the gun first ;)
This has gone on longer than I wanted. I started off goofy and off the cuff, having some fun, and found myself somewhat serious.
I have noticed a trend of lately though. We've had this "thing of ours" for a number of years. It's been self policing and certain constraints have held themselves without   having been mentioned. We welcome input from all sources, especially spouses, but please follow the trend of the other 8000 members here. We don't use cutsey little avatars in our sig line, and this is not, in the main, a spouses forum.

OK, go ahead and pile on.

I'm taking a wild guess.....November? :D
uhhhh....if you don't like it...leave! Is someone forcing you to read this thread??? My guess is no.....hence the name..."Radio Chatter~ Off topic discussions not relating to the Canadian Army.".

Maybe you should ease up on the testosterone injections.........just a suggestion.
tee hee hee...I agree with that last statement.

I think it was a great thing to post..but just my opinion.

I'm april...but was supposed to be June...i'm more June than April...and hubby is July...and couldnt be more true.

angelbear said:
Maybe you should ease up on the testosterone injections.........just a suggestion.

The person making the statments of concern is amod on this site and tasked with keeping things running smoothly.

You have all of two posts here. Don't you think you should take some time to get the lay of the land before shooting off your mouth?!

Please moderate your tone to others.

angelbear said:
uhhhh....if you don't like it...leave! Is someone forcing you to read this thread??? My guess is no.....hence the name..."Radio Chatter~ Off topic discussions not relating to the Canadian Army.".

Maybe you should ease up on the testosterone injections.........just a suggestion.

You're barking up the wrong tree, angelpup.
angelbear said:
uhhhh....if you don't like it...leave! Is someone forcing you to read this thread??? My guess is no.....hence the name..."Radio Chatter~ Off topic discussions not relating to the Canadian Army.".

Maybe you should ease up on the testosterone injections.........just a suggestion.


Now if you'll excuse me, something I have to do.


Well I am at least in part (a very large part) of this post...

I have to say that in the beginning, I was very nervous to post here as the rules seemed long and the penalties harsh... I did however start posting, mostly questions.  As I got a bit more comfortable with some people, I was teased that I was putting a very "female" spin on some of the topics, thus I made it my goal to ensure that my posts were recognizable from others.  Hence the "girly" avatars.  Since it apparently Actually bothers some peoples, I will remove my Sig line, though I wish there had been an attempt to address the issue to ME instead of as a large public attack.

The thing I do find Ironic is that there are SOOO MANY times that sex and alcohol and chauvinism come into play in normal topics in the ACTUALY ARMY threads, yet these are never pointed out by staff...On one occasion, a thread getting SOO off topic and being asked several times to close it down as it was not only off topic but painted a pretty nasty picture of your men who so selflessly protect our country, yet it took FOREVER or that to be closed!!! And that wasn't in radio chatter.  Granted, I have now been taught the "report to moderator" button and shall use it.

It is funny how everyone is so pro teamwork and comradely and bonding over a beer and a stripper but when one person attempts to share a joke amongst "internet friends" he is flamed.

Everyone was having a good time with this thread, I am confused where the harm was?  It's sad that fighting would be encouraged over a little chuckle, or is that the only way things can be "Manly".

Also amusing to note that a man with an avatar of running breasts or a self photo consisting of a drop dead gorgeous woman is acceptable yet a kitten with a riffle is not.  Sorry that I am not able to provide more stimulation.

Anyhow, I am not trying to take target at anyone, I have REALLY enjoyed reading the topics on here and my husband refuses to post yet has enquiries so hence why I am here.  I apologize for being female and irritating the snot out of some of you...

I just needed to offer an alternate view point on this matter and hope in turn I am not reprimanded.
I find it funny that some of you signed up on the spouses site and were more than welcomed but as soon as some of the women sign up here its a threat. I don't think that insulting someone and making them feel unwelcome because they have a cute little siggy is appropriate. Why not see what some of these women have to say before you judge them. Some of them are pretty intelligent and I'm sure they could add a different perspective to things on here. It's funny how a bunch of men who are trained killers are threatened by a few women.  >:D
Guys, everyone..I am sorry. There is some discussion amongst the women as to who started this whole load of attraction and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was me. Mine is pretty girlie but I can be just that and since it represented who I was I didn't see any harm in it. I checked the rules, and though I noticed none of the "boys" had one I went ahead and put one up. I checked with Mike about this and he said there were no rules against it. So I left it up and will continue to do so unless directly asked by admin to pull it.  I think the girls who have one up now or in the future put one up should be allowed. I don't see the harm in it. But maybe I am missing something...... :-\
armyjewelz said:
The thing I do find Ironic is that there are SOOO MANY times that sex and alcohol and chauvinism come into play in normal topics in the ACTUALY ARMY threads, yet these are never pointed out by staff...On one occasion, a thread getting SOO off topic and being asked several times to close it down as it was not only off topic but painted a pretty nasty picture of your men who so selflessly protect our country, yet it took FOREVER or that to be closed!!! And that wasn't in radio chatter.   Granted, I have now been taught the "report to moderator" button and shall use it.

Well talking about beer and sex is acceptable to men, cute little pink pictures are not, and well who doesnt like a good cat fight between women.

armyjewelz said:
Also amusing to note that a man with an avatar of running breasts or a self photo consisting of a drop dead gorgeous woman is acceptable yet a kitten with a riffle is not.   Sorry that I am not able to provide more stimulation.

You could stimulate them if you post a link to your website. But of course you better be hot and half naked and need a vote or two to win a contest.

I understand the need to patrol this place and for the most part the moderating is good, but come on, did  three mods really have to attack one woman.
camochick said:
Well talking about beer and sex is acceptable to men

I have to point out again cause for some reason I am being taken as an anti drinker etc..

I am absolutely NOT against alcohol and I am sure that there will be some of you who one day may even witness me with a beer in hand as I do have a social drink so PLEASE ONDT BOMBARD ME WITH MESSAGE ABOUT HOW WONDERFUL ALCOHOL IS and stop calling me a Mormon and the likes.. I am not against alcohol or having fun in ANY way.. I just feel there is a time, and a place for it to be discussed and right here in radio chatter looks good to me!

ladies, it's not threatening. It's just visually annoying. We're guys. As you very well know, we're visual stimuli-oriented. It's aggravating to attempt to focus on any relevent (or funny) points in a post when you have blinking lights and crap distracting you. So, nobody really does. All it does is cause soldiers to dismiss you as an attention-seeking irritant. Soldiers, especially NCOs have a certain code of behaviour we follow: Quiet Professionalism. Loud yelling, blinking lights, and shiny shit is the antithesis of that code.
That's why it's been brought up. Several times. In different threads. Repeatedly. Often.
Ev'body trackin'?
I like the sigs that some of you have, they are cute and show some originality, rather than one like mine, so bland and icky! ;)

ArmyJewelz, if someone has been harassing you, you should report that to the mod's.
That is NOT acceptable behaviour and they need to be dealt with accordingly.

Too bring this back on topic, I'm March and it suits me to a "T".
Springroll said:
I like the sigs that some of you have, they are cute and show some originality, rather than one like mine, so bland and icky!
see, that's the crux of the issue, right there. The antithesis of the CF mindset. That's why they draw fire, ladies. CF soldiers have taken the idea of Quiet Professionalism almost to an extreme. We have taken the traditional Canadian understatement and run with it. The more checked-out a troop is, (in my experience) the more likely he is to down-play his abilities. Boasting, bragging, attention-seeking is severely frowned-upon.
We all on 'net now?
It's a culture-clash, and this is our culture. You're all welcome. Nobody knows better than we how difficult it is to be an Army-wife. You just gotta learn the ropes. Just like everybody else. Just like I did, in fact.
paracowboy said:
see, that's the crux of the issue, right there. The antithesis of the CF mindset.

You seem to have left out my little winky guy at the end of that quote of mine..... :'(
I cut them out of quotes to save bandwidth. And because they annoy me. Unless they're important to the message.
paracowboy said:
I cut them out of quotes to save bandwidth. And because they annoy me. Unless they're important to the message.

It was important to mine....it showed that I was messing around and not to take my comment to seriously.
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