Chapter 8 – Leave Without Pay and Allowances
Section 8.1 Leave Without Pay and Allowances
8.1.01 Purpose
The purpose of Leave Without Pay and Allowances (hereafter referred to as LWOP) is to allow members the opportunity to remain in the CF during periods when no service is rendered. Except on enrolment, members must request LWOP.
The reason for the LWOP must be in the interest of the CF.
8.1.02 Limitations
Except when LWOP is granted for maternity or parental leave purposes, LWOP shall not be granted:
- in a member's final year of service, except for an OCdt under the ROTP who requests a voluntary release as per CFAO 9-12; or
- until all annual and accumulated leave entitlements are used for the same purpose for which the LWOP is requested.
8.1.03 Reckoning Time
LWOP is reckoned in calendar days.
8.1.04 Approving Authority (amended 24 June 19)
The table below summarizes the approving authorities for granting LWOP:
IF LWOP is intended for the purpose of... | THEN it may be granted to... | BY the... |
Maternity Leave or Parental Leave | Regular Force members or Reserve Force members on Class B or C Reserve Service
(Refer to paragraph 8.2.01 for guidance if situation is Class A service) | CO in accordance with:
Personal Reasons for parental purposes | Regular Force members or Reserve Force members on Class "B" or "C" Reserve Service
(Refer to paragraph 8.2.01 for guidance if situation is Class “A” service) | CO for up to 26 weeks for members requesting the extended parental benefits option offered in the Employment Insurance Act in conjunction with QR&O 16.27, Parental Leave |
Spousal Accompaniment (see Note 1) | Members of a CF service couple to accompany their spouses on posting | Director General Military Careers (DGMC) for a maximum of 4 cumulative years at any one time. |
On Enrolment | Enrollees to the Regular Force |
- CO of a CF Recruiting Unit for a period of up to 21 days; or
- Commander of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) for a period in excess of 21 days.
Academic, Technical or Subsidized Training, or Personal Reasons | Regular Force members |
- CO for up to 14 days;
- OCC for up to 30 days, including the LWOP already granted by the CO; and
- DGMC for applications in excess of 30 days. Applications must be submitted with a recommendation from the CO and OCC.
1. Members granted LWOP for spousal accompaniment with a service spouse shall be posted to UIC 9917 with a secondary UIC of the unit supporting the member during the period of LWOP.
8.1.05 Application Process
Except for new enrollees, who shall have LWOP documented on a CF 100 and members requesting LWOP for maternity or parental reasons, an application for LWOP shall be made on the application form at Annex A.
Members applying for maternity and parental benefits must complete form DND 2268,
Application Form for Maternity/Parental Benefits.
8.1.06 Points to Consider
Before recommending or approving any period of LWOP, the following points should be considered:
- the reason for the LWOP;
- whether the CF can forego the services of the member for the period of LWOP;
- whether there are better alternatives to achieve the aim;
- the performance and conduct of the member;
- whether there will be significant periods during the term of LWOP when the member, upon request, could be returned to duty;
- whether the period of LWOP should be counted for promotion purposes with reference to CFAO 11-6, Commissioning and Promotion Policy-Officers-Regular Force or CFAO 49-4, Career Policy Non-Commissioned Members Regular Force;
- whether or not the requirements of DAOD 5019-8, Private Debts, should preclude granting LWOP; and
- whether or not the member is undergoing a period of obligatory service.
8.1.07 Reduction of Annual Leave
A member’s annual leave entitlement is reduced as a result of any complete month of LWOP.
A period of LWOP is deemed to be continuous service but shall not be included in the computation of continuous service for the purpose of annual leave entitlement. The exception is for periods of LWOP for maternity and parental purposes which count as continuous service.
8.1.08 Recall to Duty
A member on LWOP is subject to recall to duty at any time. The recall to duty of a member on LWOP shall be done personally by the CO and shall be for a minimum of five working days.
Periods of LWOP shall not be broken for the purpose of establishing an annual leave credit.
8.1.09 Impact on Obligatory Service
Pursuant to
DAOD 5049-1,
Obligatory Service, any period of obligatory service shall be extended by a period equal to the LWOP that has been granted during a period of obligatory service.