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Leopard 2 Pictures

Sweet Jeebus another SME on the panzers who never served a day on one.

Great.....            ::)

Some more Taliban are about to get f@#$ed up BIG TIME ;D  Happy hunting tankers :tank:
To bring back a bit on-topic life some pic´s of danish Leo2´s in A´stan:







Fresh from MP.net

Good Lord!!!
Was the MPEV servicable???
Umm.... no slat armour panels - and all our 2A6s have em...........

Could these be the few Dane Leos that they brought over?
Well hell. Like that they look all fuzzy and friendly, not scary at all.
Maybe they're trying to entice the Taliban to come play with the fuzzy 'teddy bears' and then - BAM.
geo said:
Umm.... no slat armour panels - and all our 2A6s have em...........

Could these be the few Dane Leos that they brought over?

ironduke57 answered your question.      ;)

ironduke57 said:
To bring back a bit on-topic life some pic´s of danish Leo2´s in A´stan:
Fresh from MP.net

I think that the following might be of intereste for one or another.
I ripped from TV an documentation about Leo1 and 2 with video footage of the prototype´s and there testing. As I already have uploaded it for another forum I just though why not post it here. Language is german, but the video footage speak´s for it self.

- https://gigamaildownload.alice-dsl.de/DownloadPage.aspx?attachmentid=3df650ae-2c26-436c-abff-56cddbda03bb&deliveryid=702c3d03-a254-42da-8aa1-71584e8eb717

The link will only functional for 2-3 days.

It is encoded with DivX (latest Version), so you need an corresponding codec installed to watch it.

BTW: The link is dead now.

Do the Danes have A5 Leos, or the A6?  To me, it looks as though they are A5; however, the turret angle may be throwing me off...
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Do the Danes have A5 Leos, or the A6?  To me, it looks as though they are A5; however, the turret angle may be throwing me off...
A5 or to be more exact A5DK as they have some modifications to the normal A5.


BTW: @Colin P: Did you get the vid to work?
ironduke57 said:
A5 or to be more exact A5DK as they have some modifications to the normal A5.


BTW: @Colin P: Did you get the vid to work?
Thank you ironduke!  I guess my AFV recognition isn't that far off :D
ironduke57 said:
A5 or to be more exact A5DK as they have some modifications to the normal A5.


BTW: @Colin P: Did you get the vid to work?

Yes I did, downloaded the stuff you mentioned and it worked fine, thanks
They all can be found on combat camera. ;D
This photo tells me that someone had too much time on their hands,but it is pretty. ;D


tomahawk just to let you know that is a memorial to the Canadian troops that have died in Afghanstan and it was done by our troops on there own time which is very sparse.
I'm sorry, it is quite nice I just thought it was the usual base beutification project so beloved of US commanders.