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Liberals lie about Gun Registry Costs and Army Recrutiting not working: AG rept

>As well, I particularly enjoy how our Auditor General is finding all these scandals years after they occurred, maybe if she was doing her job better she would have immediately stopped the sponsorship and all the other scandals she has "found" (most of the scandals she has reported on were not discovered by her-what does they say about her capabilities) as soon as they started rather than them being allowed to persist for years.

I particularly enjoy your efforts to deflect the blame onto the OAG.  I'd like the police to prevent more crimes too, but, failing that, I still expect criminals to receive every inch of the consequences they deserve.  Let's not lose sight of who did wrong here, shall we, and at least separate malfeasance from mere lack of competence.

Notwithstanding your debate with Edward over exactly how the monies could or should have been approved, there is still one huge stinking turd in the punch bowl mentioned in the article cited by Edward: the apparent lack of documentation regarding the accounting decision and who made it, and the apparent unwillingness or inability of anyone involved to locate such documentation if it exists and is merely difficult to find.  Maybe we should have a national "Find the File" day during which all federal government offices come to a screeching halt so that every office, no matter how small or inconsequential, exhaustively combs every cabinet, desk, binder, etc in an effort to find the information.  (Sound familiar?)
13,500 Applicants
-1200 Medically Unfit
-1600 Physically Unfit
-1200 Failed Aptitude Tests
-950 Drug Use
medically unfit?
These usually are pretty good reasons why not to accept people. Flat feet for example can develop into a pretty bad condition.
Physically unfit?
as I've explained elsewhere. perhaps a possible training camp to get you into shape. Hypothetically, you could gain a good amount of good people by doing this.
Failed Aptitude Tests?
Nothing can be done except guiding them to a GED course or something similar.
Drug Use?
Definitely not people you want to be shooting guns and/or worse. Guide them to a detox centre.

But as explain by another person in this thread. A lot of people are lost because of how long it takes before training starts. Usually people apply for a job because they need a job. Not to wait awhile.
Hebridean (I'm from Kyle myself - no accounting for tastes I guess)

Your Special Warrant example goes to prove Edward's point.  A Special Warrant is Special because it is not Usual.  It assumes that the Usual situation of Parliament not being dissolved is not in effect.  Usually, if Parliament is in session then Parliament will scrutinize dollars spent.  If dollars are to be spent when Parliament is not in session then you need a very good reason (Such as a SARS outbreak) to justify circumventing the Usual procedure.  Once Parliament sits your decision will be held up to scrutiny, a non-confidence motion on a money bill called by the opposition and the government defeated (if the circumstances warrant -edit).

As to the 1.3 BCAD in Urgent spending for the public good just after the election was called......funny they couldn't have voted the funds before the election.  Emergencies are what you make them I guess.

munky99999 said:
medically unfit?
These usually are pretty good reasons why not to accept people. Flat feet for example can develop into a pretty bad condition.
Physically unfit?
as I've explained elsewhere. perhaps a possible training camp to get you into shape. Hypothetically, you could gain a good amount of good people by doing this.
Failed Aptitude Tests?
Nothing can be done except guiding them to a GED course or something similar.
Drug Use?
Definitely not people you want to be shooting guns and/or worse. Guide them to a detox centre.

But as explain by another person in this thread. A lot of people are lost because of how long it takes before training starts. Usually people apply for a job because they need a job. Not to wait awhile.

And as explained to you in another Topic (also), it is not the Government's job to teach these people to pass a GED Crse, or to train them to become physically fit, in order for them to qualify to join the Canadian Forces.  It is the individuals own initiative to prep themselves for any job that they may apply for; not the Employer.  We do not live in that kind of a Welfare State. 

It appears that you are showing some attributes that may get you into trouble on this site, so please clean up your act, and stop posting the same stuff in numerous threads.  As a matter of fact, on reviewing your responses there, You are being introduced to the Warning System, as per the PM coming your way about Trolling and not obeying the Rules of Conduct for this site.
All good points.  I will have to yield to many :)  Not wanting to get in an accounting brouhaha.  I just wanted to say that Order-in-Councils and Special Warrants are more common than we think.  By no means was I attempting to deflect all the blame on the Auditor General, sorry if this was how my position was perceived. 
Go Sheila. Go Sheila.

I believe Mr. Swallows was refering to the quest for the Somalia documents in his mention of file day in which thousands of CF members were assigned for a day to go through file cabinets in search of a document????  While I do share his concerns of lack of documentation I do know that there can be too much documentation and too much bureaucracy as well.  I am sure there is a happy medium though. 

Actually, it was Paul Martin, after Adscam broke, that reworked the AG coverage to have the "equivalent" to a CFO for each department. Don't quite know how far that got implemented, but all finances had to go through them prior to being spent.