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List of Drill positions and suggestions for improving

down on the upside

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I recently started the BMQ course on weekends for the reserves, 3 weekends in and I have 2 Initial Warnings and am extremely worried about getting booted off the course. It is entirely my fault why I am in this situation, forgot to get slippers 2 weekends in a row and misplaced issued pen when warned not too. The only thing keeping me going is that my I am very fit and the PT is has been pretty easy for me, even when I'm sick. My drill on the other hand needs improvement. Does anyone have a list of drill positions out there for the course? I have the CF Manual of Drill and Ceremonial but it has a lot of drill positions that weren't covered and we cannot write down the ones we have as we have to clear out all of our stuff from our uniforms for drill. I really want to stay in the course but at this point it's quite iffy, my 2IC told me I am at the bottom of the troop and all the course staff call me out on the smallest possible things (I consider this a good thing because I immediately check). I am improving every weekend and I am committed (no Voluntary Release from me) but I have to get to the top if I am to stay.
I suggest you take the drills taught to you by your staff and practice them in a mirror using the drill manual as a guide.  You are allowed to ask your staff for more practice time if you need it as well.

Write things down if you have a tendency to forget them and put things in the same place everytime you get home will help you.

Good luck!
It is extremely hard to get kicked off a reserve BMQ or a regular BMQ for that matter. If you are trying hard and doing everthing you are told, not talking back and keep showing improvement then you will be fine. Follow Bzzliteyr's advice and practice your drill in the mirror to get better.
Also, if you need some help you can get a hold of me during the week and I'll show you some stuff.  If you parade tomorrow night don't hesitate to ask some of the others in your mess as Mewata.. if you're too shy, ask some of the Cal Highs.
As Tank Troll said, it's extremly hard to get booted off of a reserve BMQ. As long as you're trying your best and show improvement you won't get kicked off. For me, I was pretty good at drill, and in all the classroom stuff, but my fitness wasn't all that great....but I never gave up. Sure, I fell behind on the morning runs but I kept going no matter and wasn't jacked up for it. Whereas the few guys that full out stopped running got s*** kicked by the course staff for giving up.

Also, something that helped alot of the guys on my course was that we would run our own drill practices. On our down time at night and on weekends the few guys that were stronger at drill would help out the weaker guys. It was a great system and probably the reason some of the guys passed their drill exam.
down on the upside said:
My drill on the other hand needs improvement.

Our whole course needs to improve our drill. We will get ya through it don't worry!
I guess they don't have the 'buddy' sytem on the courses these days. 

Find someone on the course who is decent at the drill and practice with them.  Being a good buddy, help him/her with something you are finding easier than they are.

Eye In The Sky said:
I guess they don't have the 'buddy' sytem on the courses these days.
Well, the previous poster did say, "Our whole course needs to improve our drill. We will get ya through it don't worry! "
You should come check out an Air Force parade...It'll make you realize your probably not all that bad at it!    >:D
HappyWithYourHacky said:
You should come check out an Air Force parade...It'll make you realize your probably not all that bad at it!    >:D

Air Force and drill  :facepalm: