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Log Officer and Supply Tech

DAA said:
Actually, based on todays standards and your quote.....

CFR - you must be "nominated" by your Chain of Command and must be QL6A qualified in your present occupation
CEOTP - currently NOT available this year and not likely in the future
UTPNCM - always an available option for NCM's who don't currently possess an under-grad degree
SCP - currently OPEN, all you need to do is meet the requirements and submit an application

So if you originally applied DEO, didn't get selected, took the NCM route, got accepted and are now looking to go officer.....competition is tough!  Not to mention, the occupations are very limited.

Great, thanks for the update.

How exactly do the QL courses work? After your initial trade training, is it simply the amount of courses you choose from the list below(Specialty/Advanced)? IE completing 6 courses on top of your initial training would have you qualified as a QL6A?

Supply Technicians may be offered the opportunity to develop specialized skills through formal courses and on-the-job training, including:

Instructional Techniques
Parachute Packer/Rigger
Control of Hazardous Material
Hazardous Material Packaging
Storage and Packaging
Special Packaging

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As they progress in their career, Supply Technicians who demonstrate the required ability and potential will be offered advanced training. Available courses include:

Military Contracts
Internal Audit Procedures
Personnel Management
Material Management
Budget Management
Business Planning Process
DAA said:
Actually, based on todays standards and your quote.....

CFR - you must be "nominated" by your Chain of Command and must be QL6A qualified in your present occupation
CEOTP - currently NOT available this year and not likely in the future
UTPNCM - always an available option for NCM's who don't currently possess an under-grad degree
SCP - currently OPEN, all you need to do is meet the requirements and submit an application

So if you originally applied DEO, didn't get selected, took the NCM route, got accepted and are now looking to go officer.....competition is tough!  Not to mention, the occupations are very limited.

I also saw those informations, but wasn't sure if it applied to switching from NCM reserve to officer in the regular.

I do have a bachelor degree already, so I guess in my case that would be with the SCP program.  I still could have left my application for the officer trade but as there was no urgent need my application wasn't going to be enough compared to someone who had 3 years in administration program, while I only had 1 out of 3.

I took a chance and asked the captain who interviewed me the other day. I'm not sure if he is 100% sure of what he said (cause no one is anyway in recruiting centers). But if for example I complete a M.B.A. (master degree in business administration) while serving as a NCM supply tech, I could transfer in the regular and apply as a logistic officer.

Honestly, I don't want to believe it as I've believed many things being said to me in recruiting centers while they were bullshit and nobody gave me the same answer.

It's a bit frustrating to see many people can't answer you with the correct answer, but I will deal with it.

I just need to do something with my life and feel useful at something. I think that giving my time for my country is a good way to do so.
dapachec said:
Great, thanks for the update.

How exactly do the QL courses work? After your initial trade training, is it simply the amount of courses you choose from the list below(Specialty/Advanced)? IE completing 6 courses on top of your initial training would have you qualified as a QL6A?

You do a QL3 course immediately after basic.  After 2 to 4 years at your unit being employed as a supply tech you should have completed an on the job training package.  Once you have done that you can go on your QL5 course.  Around this time you should also be hitting the 4 year mark and are then eligible for promotion to Cpl (with a valid medical and CO's concurrence).

Sometime after this you may be selected to attend a Primary Leadership Qualification course.  This qualification (along with medical/merit board standing) allows you to be appointed a substantive Master Corporal.  After this you could go a QL6A course.  So you are looking at 6 years minimum, maybe up to 20 years, maybe never if you don't get past Cpl.

And you don't select courses, you either get sent on them, or in some case can volunteer (parachute packer for example) and perhaps be selected by your chain of command.  Most of the speciality training you mentioned is carried out at the Pte to MCpl level.  It is quite possible to hold all the qualification you mentioned as a MCpl.  The advanced training you mentioned is usually at the Sgt plus level.
l.viita said:
I also saw those informations, but wasn't sure if it applied to switching from NCM reserve to officer in the regular.

Yes you can do it

That is all the answer you need now seeing as you plan on joining the reserves, getting trained, and getting an MBA before doing that you have 3 to 4 years to figure out the nuts and bolts.  Focus on getting through basic first is that is your plan.
AmmoTech90 said:
Yes you can do it

That is all the answer you need now seeing as you plan on joining the reserves, getting trained, and getting an MBA before doing that you have 3 to 4 years to figure out the nuts and bolts.  Focus on getting through basic first is that is your plan.

Alright! Thanks for the advice!  :salute:

I still need to do the physical test and further examinations for visual and auditory acuity.

My only fear is the auditory acuity. I know I have a slight hearing loss, but nothing scary. The most frustrating part is that I have had a tinnitus for a couple of days already (also during the small audigram during medical, which didn't exactly help my cause).