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Looking For Former Sigs


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Hail All,
  former Rad-Op here, I'm trying to track down a few folks that served in 1 Brigade HQ & Sigs back in 90-93. Any chance someone could direct me to a web site or is this the place to make the inquiries?
  Sean McCulloch
are you looking for someone in particular?  i was there from 93 to 97.
My name is Sean McCombe..I was posted to I field Amb form 86 to 89  I remember you....do you remember me...
i dont remember you, but are you talking to me or sean mcculloch?
Hey Sean, 
    I might be able to help you if you let me know who you are looking for.  I was some surprised to find this army.ca forum and was even more shocked when your name came up. .  I can look up anyone in the forces for you and tell you where they are and such. 

Let me know.... Cheers...

Bob (Tiny) Gaudet
I was trying to pull up that www.radops.com site and had not luck.    I'm an old rad op from the late 70's and 80's  before a remuster in 89. I was thinking that might help me find some of my old friends but the site isn't working.
Strange, I'm getting some weird site. I'll check the link when I get home.
By chance do you know of a Richard Clark, Sig's

He was in Winnipeg from 86-88 tn en went to Calgary.

Appreciate any help  ;)

BTW the radops.com website has been hacked, thats why your getting some weird site.