B. On the P's of Poilievre
- Personality- he has crafted a patently dislikable (not the same as unlikeable) persona, far from stateman like, and while he is certainly not Trump, he certainly has borrowed some of his messaging both in style and substance, which further contributes to rubbing a lot of Canadians the wrong way
- Policy/Platform- he's early 00's Reformer and devout Flanagan school acolyte, whose views by his own admission (boast actually) haven't changed since undergrad. So he's unflinchingly and unwaveringly committed to an ideology and vision that while that's while neither "alt-right" nor "far-right", is as far right as you can go in the mainstream of the Canadian Overton window.
So the CPC is running an un-flexible and dislikeable leader, whose ideas and vision are solidly to one wing of what needs to be a big tent, and had their collective lunch eaten by a centre left version of the LPC 20 years ago before said tent broadening and shift centre with the PC merger. That's not a recipe for a win under any normal circumstance.