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LSVW and ILTIS Replacements (Silverado & G Wagon)?

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I was up in Red Deer this last weekend, doing recruiting for 749 CS in a mall. Of course, wowing people with an LSVW with an RRB config. and an ILTIS. Thing is, I‘m none to sure about the future of either vehicles. I mean, I‘m sure everyone who‘s driven one knows how much of a marvelous experience it is to drive an LS; in fact, our LCT broke down on the highway 20 minutes outside Calgary. But my SSM told me that there‘s SUPPOSED to be a new program in place to replace the LS (or ILTIS, forgot which) with some sort of Mercedez vehicle or something. Anyone know more about this, because a MCpl told me that the ILTIS is being replaced by another fine Western Star product. Personally, as a young Private of one year, I‘d like to know if I‘ll have to pilot the LS for the remainder of my military career, for obvious reasons.
It is the Iltis that is being replaced by the Mercedes Gelandewagon (G-Wagon). Mixed feeling about this piece of kit! I‘ve seen civie pattern version of this at a dealer, nice family car!
I have also heard a rumour that GM put a bid back in, not sure though.
As for the LSVW! No comment, it‘s a gutless overgrown Iltis. That could stand to be replaced by the versatile Hummer.
So is it a "definite known fact" that the G-Wagen has been chosen as the Iltis replacement, or just a likely possibility combined with some wishful thinking? :p

The USMC has chosen the G-Wagen, right?

From what I hear, the G-Wagon will be the new LUVW, but im at the bottom so who knows...
I would prefer a VBL or something, the G-Wagon is a converted civie truck. But, if a CD player comes equipt, I won‘t complain.
I thought that the G-Wagen was originally a military vehicle, that was later plushed-up to be sold in the civvie market.

That I don‘t know. Detailed information on the LUVW seldom makes it to my level. All I know is that the lowest bidderwill get the contract. Makes you sit easy doesn‘t it...but I don‘t see another LSVW disaster happening mainly because Mercedes is a reputable name.
On the G-Wagon topic, anybody have ideas on who is manufacturing these for Canada? Mercedes? Bombardier?
Any ideas on the variants being made available, is Recce going to be stuck with a hard top? Doors removeable?
As far as I‘ve heard, Mercedes has been the only qualifying bidder. The rest dropped out. In terms of specs and timings, check out this website.
From what I know, the G-wagens will be built in Austria, then shipped here. There will be 2 versions, one a modified/repainted civie version for the reserves. The other will be full spec military, with removeable everything, applique armour add-on capability, and an internal kevlar "blanket". Considering the G-wagen variants have/are being used by several European countries with great success for decades says good things about it.The USMC also acquired some for recce/rapid deployment purposes.
The one thing I noticed when I drove L.S. C.P. in Yugo with European fuel it drove a **** of a lot better there than here , don‘t ask me why may be the differant refining method‘s for fuel oil,i.e. may be more oil or kerosen left in the fuel? but the old thing went like a bat out of **** ,even the S.S.M. commented on it and had to keep telling me to take it easy.
As every one who has been over in Europe the exhaust smell‘s different with diesel powered vehicle‘s and the L.S.‘s engine is Italian.
I would prefer a civie vehicle that has been modified to meet our military needs any day. Remember the 5/4 and CUCV. They did a good job for 20 + years. Civie vehicles have been trialed already, parts are cheaper and more availible, and come with more creature comforts.
But whatever we get it will be better than the LS.
I agree. The LSVW is a piece of crap. I haven‘t heard of any plan to replace it however. Speaking of good vehivles from the past, what about the old 3/4 tons. They were real workhorses.
hmm... i can‘t see any of the threads after spankey‘s... I‘m not spamming, I‘m trying to see them...
I always get a good laugh at this conversation when it comes up - how the old stuff was always better than the repalcement kit. I figure it should lead to us adopting chariots again!

Anyone I‘ve talked to about the 3/4 liked it because it was better than the alternative. But it hardly qualifies as a solid piece of modern engineering. E.g., ask around about why cushions were mounted to the inside of the roof and you should hear about the bad suspension.

Now, the LSVW was probably not a great choice -- but the blame for that falls squarely on the politicians. First, for deciding that the military requirement for a 2 ton truck was not realistic (despite the large number of 5/4 MRTs running around with extra leaf springs and carrying 2T or more of spares), and then forcing the "pass" results when LETE wanted to fail the LSVW -- repeatedly.

I think the SMP vs militarized civilian discussion requires focus on a number of competing factors - cost, necessary modifications, need to add armour, effect of heavier than intended loads, etc. Ideally, if this is to be a "go anywhere, do anything" vehicle, then it would be SMP. But can we afford it??? Probably not in today‘s environment.
I‘m taking driver wheel in Dundurn right now and what they are saying is that the iltis is being replaced, and its being replaced by the mercedes only for the reg force and for the reserves its going to be some chev suburban.
A guy from my unit who was in Bosnia last year mentioned that the French have LSVW‘s as well - but they have a hard canopy in the back, a bigger engine, and normal brakes.

My International Relations prof howe the class some pictures from his trip to the Canadian mission in Haiti. A photo of him in front of an LSVW sparked a 5 minute of the lecture to how bad the truck was and how noisy it was.

If it‘s all-about inter-operability, shouldn‘t we have Land Rovers? **** , the guy‘s in Afghanistan are using Hummers...
It was funny; we came back to our unit from a weekend exercise and stoped at the local husky to fill up. Some guy driving a pick up truck drove up to us and said "How do you like these pieces of **** I built?"

It turned out he worked on the assembly line at Western Star, and he knew how brutal the LS was. I feel bad for having to BS to so many civilians about the LS; I mean, it seems ok for "controlled offroading" but on city streets and highways, and even just standing still in our compound; they‘re TERRIBLE!
Enfield: Yes our guys are using the american‘s hummers, but that is because we decided to not send them over with vehicles except for the Coyotes and support stuff. If we actually had the capability they would be using the ILTIS like the rest of the forces.

It‘s not that our vehicles are bad it‘s just that they are built by the lowest bidder :p

Here‘s a thought. Dump the LSVW and buy Hummers from the US. The Hummer is so versatile it could easily fulfill all the current roles and more of our beloved LS. I am sure our American buddies would sell them to us cheap.

Next point, is the G-Wagon Diesel? That would make sence to. Why? Cheaper, plus isn‘t the Iltis the only gasoline vehicle in the CF?

Lastly, our unit is having it‘s 20 some odd Ilti replaced by 9 G-Wagons! Tell me how that makes sence. It‘s a number on paper issue I beleive for that, but instead of taking away all of our Ilti, let us keep the other 10 or so, so that our unit can trane as a unit, not this troop this weekend and that troop that weekend.

OMG!! I think that statement made sence!! I better shut my mouth before they kick me out of the army!
It all comes down to politics; the G-wagen is being built in Austria, Magna Corp. a "Liberal campaign booster" here in Canada, has alot of influence in Austrian Industry, as a result deals were made for the G-wagen to be procured. Considering ALL other contenders either pulled out/did not bid due to the fact the Libs "manipulated" the process! Also the odds of the Libs buying U.S. built hummers are slim, if they did they would be alienating the big "vote liberal" industry types.
I was told today by a buddy at 39 CBG HQ that mercedes has dropped out of the process to provide the CF with new vehicles to replace the Iltis. Is this true?