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Made in China

  • Thread starter Thread starter Highlander60
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http://www.parentcentral.ca/parent/article/511758  Some serious quality control issues here, or should I say health and safety. Now to make matters worse, my beloved chocolate bars are now even at risk: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/10/113_32148.html

Anyone else have some other issues with made in China?
Highlander60 said:
Now to make matters worse, my beloved chocolate bars are now even at risk

Does this mean you are going to stop buying them by the pound?  8)
Celticgirl said:
Does this mean you are going to stop buying them by the pound?  8)

Sobey's has my Hershy Special Dark on for 2 for a dollar, so keep out of my fridge! :-X
Celticgirl said:
Does this mean you are going to stop buying them by the pound?  8)

Actually, if you're buying from China, the lot size is probably a shipping container.    >:D
Highlander60 said:
Sobey's has my Hershy Special Dark on for 2 for a dollar, so keep out of my fridge! :-X

Mmmm...Hershey's Special Dark, eh.... >:D

Michael O`Leary said:
Actually, if you're buying from China, the lot size is probably a shipping container.    >:D

OMG, don't encourage him!  :rofl:
Celticgirl said:
Mmmm...Hershey's Special Dark, eh.... >:D

OMG, don't encourage him!  :rofl:
So much for my topic of made in China, now I am hiding chocolote like it's Easter around here.....
Highlander60 said:
So much for my topic of made in China, now I am hiding chocolote like it's Easter around here.....

Army.ca scavenger hunt .....

Highlander60 said:
So much for my topic of made in China

OK, this is on topic...I actually do find myself checking things I buy for "made in China" labels, especially toys and food. My father and I had a slight disagreement the other day over whether "made in Thailand" is the same thing or not (he said "yes", I said "no"). Christmas shopping this year is being done with this made-in-China 'concern' in mind. I don't want to be neurotic about it, but I don't really trust their products with all the problems they've had recently, either.

now I am hiding chocolote like it's Easter around here.....

You've got about 10 hours.  ;)
Maybe I'm neurotic but I check the labels on things every time I make a purchase.

I will not buy food "Made in China" and especially fresh produce for these reasons:
I've been told by people who've visitied agricultural parts of that country that using "night soil" is common practice in China.
(I don't know if this is truth or legend but prefer not to take chances--anyone here know?)
I also don't trust the chemicals many countries use on produce--including China.

My worst "Made in China" story: I purchased a large :cdn:  from Canadian Tire this summer.
I naively assumed the flag would naturally be "Made in Canada". I got it home and opened the package
to discover a small "Made in China" tag sewn onto the edge.
This bothered me a great deal; consequently, I sold the flag for a pittance at my garage sale this summer.

I try not to buy anything made there as I'm not really fond of slave labour......
Yes Bruce, you are right and more on point with that comment than I ...
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I try not to buy anything made there as I'm not really fond of slave labour......

It can be quite a challenge to avoid all products made in China. I think we often don't realize how many products come from China until we start checking the labels. China is also not the only country where slave labour is common. However, as consumers are always looking for lower prices, we will find that it is products produced in those places and under those conditions that we are buying most often.
I do buy 'Made in China' because, in reality, one has very little choice, however I will go out of my way and also pay extra just so I don't have too.....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
I do buy 'Made in China' because, in reality, one has very little choice, however I will go out of my way and also pay extra just so I don't have too.....

That's ultimately what it comes down to - whether or not we are willing (or in some cases whether we are even able) to pay more. Fair trade coffee is an example of this. I'll admit that I used to buy fair trade coffee most often when living in the valley (other than the occasional Tim's), but I haven't been buying it at all over the past year because I am trying to manage my dollars more these days.
Keeping in mind that although a product may have made in Canada or some other 'safe' country, parts of that product may in fact be made in China. For myself I try not buy anything but Canadian or American but sometimes, depending on what you want, you may have no choice.
kincanucks said:
Keeping in mind that although a product may have made in Canada or some other 'safe' country, parts of that product may in fact be made in China. For myself I try not buy anything but Canadian or American but sometimes, depending on what you want, you may have no choice.

I always check items prior to purchasing and what I find bothersome is when an item only lists the company which has imported it and does not state where has been manufactured/harvested. I've always looked at where my food came from prior to purchasing but now I examine everything. The most difficult in my opinion is finding north american made clothing.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
I do buy 'Made in China' because, in reality, one has very little choice, however I will go out of my way and also pay extra just so I don't have too.....

This is the most anyone can really do. Hopefully more people will take this into consideration and we will see an increase in north-american made brands.
I usually look at the price when I am buying something, as a parent of 3 and a 4th on the way paying higher prices for items manufactured in North America is not always an option.

Don't get me wrong I am not buying food items at my local dollar store (Troy The Tiger Cereal), but most of the toys and electronics in my house do come from China.