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Here, reproduced under the fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from today’s Globe and Mail, is sone good sense from Parson Preston Manning:
First: deficits are not always ”bad,” sometimes (1930s and 40s) they are both “good” and absolutely essential.
Second: deficits must, always be temporary. The long, long period of structural – and quite unnecessary – deficits run up by Trudeau and sustained by Trudeau, Mulroney and Chrétien was bad, even horrible public policy.
(In fairness, Mulroney “settled” the “programme spending deficit” – his government collected more in taxes than it spent on programmes (like health care, defence or aboriginals) – but he could not bring himself to tackle the “debt service deficit” in which we saw the miracle of compound interest drive us, nearly, to third world status. In his defence, ordinary Canadians like Solange Denis* made it politically impossible for him to tackle the “root cause” of our problems: excessive social programme spending.)
The inflationary impact from the stimulus and deficits caused by irresponsible social spending is a far greater threat to Canada than is the (temporary) higher than normal unemployment or the asset “value” loss in 2008/09/10.
* “Mention the name Solange Denis in Ottawa, and finance department officials are likely to wince. She is the feisty senior who ambushed Brian Mulroney on Parliament Hill in 1985 and berated him for trying to cut pension benefits after he had promised not to touch them. Mulroney promptly backed away from the cuts ... Eleven years later, Martin took the trouble to stage a photo opportunity with Denis so reporters could record her nod of approval for the way he was handling pension cuts. He had to show that a fiscally responsible government could also be compassionate.”
Are we in store for some intergenerational warfare? Charlotte Gray, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1997
How do we recover from the recovery?
The last time, it took 14 years and a great deal of public pressure to eliminate the deficit. Maybe a road map will help this time
Preston Manning
Monday, Sep. 14, 2009
To combat the current recession, governments around the world have instituted economic recovery measures breathtaking in their magnitude and scope. These include dramatically expanding the money supply (printing money), taking significant ownership positions in key sectors of the economy and heavily engaging in deficit spending.
Such measures have other significant and long-lasting effects besides stimulating economic growth.
Rapid expansion of the money supply can lead to a tsunami of inflation. Government ownership of businesses can lead to unhealthy dependencies, unfair competition, corporate inefficiencies and serious conflicts of interest when governments must also regulate businesses in which they have an ownership stake. And heavy engagement in deficit spending leads invariably to increased public debt, increased interest payments and the necessity of cutting services and/or raising taxes in the future to rebalance the books.
So what must be done to recover from the adverse effects of these measures?
Let me focus particularly on what might be done to recover from the orgy of deficit spending in which virtually all governments in Canada are now engaged.
At the federal level, Canada's last big deficit-spending binge began in the Pierre Trudeau years. Fourteen federal deficits in 17 years eventually led to a national debt of $572-billion and annual interest payments of almost $40-billion in today's dollars (or stated in 1984 dollars, $250.5-billion debt and $21-billion in interest costs).
In 1984, the Liberals were replaced by the Brian Mulroney Conservatives, who promised a more responsible approach to public finances. But federal spending continued to soar, the annual deficit and national debt continued to rise, and the government resorted largely to increased taxation rather than spending reductions to try to tame the deficit dragon.
According to the pollsters, as early as 1984 there was significant public support for deficit reduction as a policy objective, including major cuts in public spending, but politicians were slow to recognize or respond vigorously to this shift in public attitudes. So the leadership of the deficit-reduction movement began largely outside the formal political arena.
Market-oriented think tanks such as the Fraser Institute and the C. D. Howe Institute provided much of the intellectual capital for the movement, hammering away on the problem's dangers and offering alternatives for alleviating it.
Interest groups such as the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, the Canadian Chambers of Commerce, the Business Council on National Issues (as it was then called) and later the newly formed (1989) Canadian Taxpayers Federation added their voices, energy and resources to generate public and political support for budget balancing by governments at all levels.
Grassroots publications such as Ted Byfield's Western Report and the radio talk shows gave media voice to the movement, and later several national newspapers joined the fray.
And on the fringes of the political arena, the embryonic Reform Party (with Stephen Harper as its policy chief and fiscal critic) made budget balancing a central plank of its election platform and set out to prove that it was possible to elect candidates to Parliament on the pledge of saving taxpayers' dollars rather than spending more of them.
As the movement for deficit reduction grew in public support, municipal and provincial politicians finally began to take notice. (Federal parties, because of their distance from grassroots voters and taxpayers, are usually the last, not the first, to respond to major shifts in public sentiment.)
Though rarely recognized for it, the first provincial government to commit itself seriously to the goal of budget balancing was the Conservative government of Gary Filmon in Manitoba. At the time (1988), the province was running a $500-million deficit on total revenues of about $4-billion and it took seven years to reduce the deficit to zero. Manitoba was also among the first to pass budget-balancing laws making it illegal to run deficits except in specifically defined emergency situations.
Next it was Alberta, where Ralph Klein made a similar commitment in 1993, eliminating that province's $3.5-billion deficit in two short years while at the same time decreasing revenues as a percentage of gross domestic product.
And then in Ontario, where the annual deficit was in excess of $10-billion, the Mike Harris government, elected in 1995, reduced it to zero in four years.
Meanwhile, in the federal arena, where the deficit was approaching $40-billion a year, the 1993 election saw the demise of the Mulroney Conservatives and the election of the Jean Chrétien government. But that election also resulted in the election of 52 Reformers committed to reducing the federal deficit to zero in three years. Eventually, the Liberals, though philosophically inclined to ever-increasing public spending, felt the political pressure to move in the opposite direction, and by 1998 the budget was finally balanced.
The most disturbing aspect of this story is that it took 14 years (1984 to 1998), and an enormous effort at great expense by tens of thousands of people outside the formal political arena, before the federal government could be persuaded to take the self-evidently necessary actions required to balance its books.
Given this history, what will it take to tame the current deficit, the one being incurred in the name of economic stimulation? Political leadership, more likely to come from conservatives than liberals or social democrats, would certainly help. But no doubt another major effort outside the formal political arena – by think tanks, interest groups and media committed to fiscal responsibility – will be needed to create the public pressure required before politicians will act.
That effort would be greatly aided if someone – perhaps one of the think tanks or a respected academic institution – were to provide a definitive history of the last deficit-reduction movement. Most of us involved in that exercise have only partial knowledge of who did what, of what worked and what didn't, and of how the whole process might have been expedited. A road map to deficit elimination, based on a comprehensive analysis of past experience, will be extremely helpful to the deficit-fighters of the future. Hopefully, this time it will not take 14 years to get the job done.
Preston Manning is president and chief executive officer of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy.
First: deficits are not always ”bad,” sometimes (1930s and 40s) they are both “good” and absolutely essential.
Second: deficits must, always be temporary. The long, long period of structural – and quite unnecessary – deficits run up by Trudeau and sustained by Trudeau, Mulroney and Chrétien was bad, even horrible public policy.
(In fairness, Mulroney “settled” the “programme spending deficit” – his government collected more in taxes than it spent on programmes (like health care, defence or aboriginals) – but he could not bring himself to tackle the “debt service deficit” in which we saw the miracle of compound interest drive us, nearly, to third world status. In his defence, ordinary Canadians like Solange Denis* made it politically impossible for him to tackle the “root cause” of our problems: excessive social programme spending.)
The inflationary impact from the stimulus and deficits caused by irresponsible social spending is a far greater threat to Canada than is the (temporary) higher than normal unemployment or the asset “value” loss in 2008/09/10.
* “Mention the name Solange Denis in Ottawa, and finance department officials are likely to wince. She is the feisty senior who ambushed Brian Mulroney on Parliament Hill in 1985 and berated him for trying to cut pension benefits after he had promised not to touch them. Mulroney promptly backed away from the cuts ... Eleven years later, Martin took the trouble to stage a photo opportunity with Denis so reporters could record her nod of approval for the way he was handling pension cuts. He had to show that a fiscally responsible government could also be compassionate.”
Are we in store for some intergenerational warfare? Charlotte Gray, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1997