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Conrad Black has some ideas - most of them flawed - in this column, which is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from the National Post:
Black is correct in say that we have "the sinews of an important country, but the habits of an American satellite". We do so because we are, already, an important country but we are, by geopolitical circumstance, also an American satellite - and partially, by coice, too.
Black's economic solutions are too tricky by half. Good fiscal policy is simple and clear - slicing and dicing a consumption tax is neither. I agree that we should reduce corporate and capital gains taxes to zero - for reasons i have outlined several times - but most canadians oppose such moves so they are unlikely to happen. I also agree that we should reduce the income tax - especially for the lowest paid third of the population. But we need revenue. My answer, mt personal preference, is a Green Tax, a carbon tax which is paid, like the HST/GST by you and me - meaning it flows through all the corporate and intermediate levels with only a minor bookkeeping burden attached - whenever we start our car, turn up the heat in winter (or the AC in summer) and watch our big screen TV.
Raising Canada up, while beating inflation down
Conrad Black
Many readers have asked that I propose some solutions to the problems, outlined in this column last week, of chronic and almost constant inflation.
I did propose, as I have here and elsewhere before, that I think the budget deficit has to be reduced with taxes on elective spending, and the economy stimulated with reduced income taxes. Elective spending is anything that is entirely optional, such as restaurant meals, holiday travel, automobiles above a certain cost and most financial transactions — but not groceries, children’s or work clothes, gasoline or fuel needed for work or home.
Part of our economic problem throughout the West has been over-reliance on a service economy that does not really add value (such as most legal and consulting bills), and on consumer spending for quickly or instantly depreciating assets. You knew George Bush Sr. was on the political skids when his economic message at the beginning of 1992 exhorted Americans not to save or invest, but to spend. This impulse in the United States, as that country outsourced 60 million jobs while tacitly admitting 20 million unskilled, undocumented workers, has helped create an immense current account deficit. Unsophisticated manufacturing departed to low-cost countries, which then supplied the U.S. through Walmart and Target.
Our own budget will be balanced if we tax optional spending adequately to produce the necessary revenue — particularly if savings and investment are encouraged by realistic interest rates and minimal capital-gains taxes. While I sympathize completely with the motives for it, I think it was a mistake for this government to lower the GST-HST almost across the board rather than just on some categories of spending, while not cutting personal and corporate income taxes.
It is a myth of modern economics that the preferred condition is constant, moderate inflation. The ideal would be no inflation: That supply and demand would always be in balance and prices would decline and volumes increase as non-inflationary prosperity increased.
Of course, a perfect balance would rarely be found, but one of the many failures in Keynesianism was the notion that governments could pile up debt to fight recession and could be relied upon to reduce debt in prosperous times. They have usually piled up the debt whether times were prosperous or not, as I lamented in this space last week. John Maynard Keynes was correct that it is appropriate to run deficits during recessions, but almost everything else he wrote was mistaken (including the flimsy canard that reparations after the First World War generated Nazism).
Canada should take the lead in restoring some value to currencies with a composite standard of measurement of currency value: One third the price of gold, one third the basic crude oil price and one third the cost of a representative consumer price index range of goods. (The gold standard alone would put too much power in the hands of mining engineers and precious metals speculators.) Some such yardstick as this would be adequately flexible, sufficiently broadly based to be impossible to manipulate, would be a discipline on currency, an immense confidence-builder, which other aspirant hard currency countries now addicted to sloppy fiscal habits would have to follow, and it would be advantageous to Canada as a country generously endowed with all the ingredients of the composite standard.
Nor should we be afraid to revive the joint public-private sector initiative. This was what built Canada, from the Canadian Pacific and (eventually) Canadian National Railways to atomic energy to the Trans-Canada pipeline. I have, at intervals, been one of those who advocated taking a joint public-private Canadian interest in Chrysler Corporation when it was financially vulnerable. The failure to do so has been an opportunity missed, though it is not too late for a Canadian-controlled automobile industry. It is, as many have observed, illogical for us to rush to divest a Canadian government-controlled oil company (PetroCanada), while acquiescing in a Chinese government-controlled one (Nexen). We have not thought this through, and we should.
And, for a combination of reasons, I think we should increase defence spending. It is the best stimulus, and the most successful form of adult education. It enhances both military and foreign-disaster relief capability, and if carried out intelligently, will raise national pride and morale. We also should involve the able-bodied unemployed in various forms of infrastructure and conservation projects, which military engineers could supervise at economic cost to the taxpayers, and it should be combined with enhanced professional and vocational training.
The federal government should get on with its $35-billion National Shipbuilding Strategy, whose cost it has obviously sharply underestimated. Canada has coasts on three oceans, and has a brilliant military tradition, having always fought with distinction, with almost all-volunteer forces, in ethically justifiable wars that our side won. We could reduce unemployment, build a serious shipyard and advanced defense industry, and become an alliance leader and looked-to country for emergency relief, instead of bumping along at about 60% of the level of military spending we promised to NATO.
The F-35, which has doubled in cost to $167-million per airplane, should be cut back. It is a metaphor for American defence extravagance (U.S. destroyers and submarines now cost $1.2-billion and $2.4-billion each). We should build our aviation industry and joint venture with lower-cost partners such as South Korea and Germany, while we reactivate our shipyards, starting with the construction of an aircraft carrier.
Canada has the sinews of an important country, but the habits of an American satellite. For our own and the world’s good, and with hostility to no one, (and certainly not the U.S.), we should grow into, but not above, our rightful status.
National Post
Black is correct in say that we have "the sinews of an important country, but the habits of an American satellite". We do so because we are, already, an important country but we are, by geopolitical circumstance, also an American satellite - and partially, by coice, too.
Black's economic solutions are too tricky by half. Good fiscal policy is simple and clear - slicing and dicing a consumption tax is neither. I agree that we should reduce corporate and capital gains taxes to zero - for reasons i have outlined several times - but most canadians oppose such moves so they are unlikely to happen. I also agree that we should reduce the income tax - especially for the lowest paid third of the population. But we need revenue. My answer, mt personal preference, is a Green Tax, a carbon tax which is paid, like the HST/GST by you and me - meaning it flows through all the corporate and intermediate levels with only a minor bookkeeping burden attached - whenever we start our car, turn up the heat in winter (or the AC in summer) and watch our big screen TV.