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Married couples and children

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I wouldn't worry too much about being co-located with your spouse.  During my last Career Managers' visit he stated that they do everything in their power to co-locate service couples and that 99% of the time they are successful.  He also mentioned that when he has to post someone on IR he would have to explain the situation to the Colonel.

If you are going as a purple trade and your husband is an Infanteer you should have no issues at all with being posted in the same spot.  As everyone has already stated on here, be aware that you could find your self at one point in your career posted away from your spouse.

Problems arise for service couples when they are of two trades that are not posting compatible.  Example  Any Naval Combat trade married to an Infanteer

By choosing a purple trade you are making it much easier for the military to co-locate you with your spouse
Dolphin_Hunter said:
I wouldn't worry too much about being co-located with your spouse.  During my last Career Managers' visit he stated that they do everything in their power to co-locate service couples and that 99% of the time they are successful.  He also mentioned that when he has to post someone on IR he would have to explain the situation to the Colonel.

If you are going as a purple trade and your husband is an Infanteer you should have no issues at all with being posted in the same spot.  As everyone has already stated on here, be aware that you could find your self at one point in your career posted away from your spouse.

Problems arise for service couples when they are of two trades that are not posting compatible.  Example  Any Naval Combat trade married to an Infanteer

By choosing a purple trade you are making it much easier for the military to co-locate you with your spouse

Step back into your lanes re your bold bit.

Been there, and done that.

They required my purple trade in my rank at a location (in another province) where there were no infantry positions period ... let alone those of my estranged's rank. Ergo -- Service Requirements saw me posted there IR.

It happens. More often than you seem to think. I can list numerous couples who fall into the purple/infantry spoouses category who've all been there and done that. At least, I was a little closer to my kids/estranged than my sister-in-law found herself (same trade as me) with 3 kids under 5 and her posted with them in Gagetown while my brother was in Edmonton (PPCLI) for 4 years.

It's already been stated MORE THAN ENOUGH times on this site that the CF will attempt to keep couples together, but SOMETIMES service requirements necessitate otherwise -- regardless of uniform type or trade. Let's be VERY clear on that point.

Step taken back into my lane.  Although I did grew up as a military brat and both parents wore the Log cap badge, and only once was there a separation and that only lasted a year. 

I too have "been there, done that" and I am about to do "that" again this summer, but both times were/are a direct result of personal request (ie. Submarine Training, I was sent on IR to conduct my training in Halifax).

I also happen to have an Infanteer brother who is married to a RMS clerk (no issues yet).  We all know that co-locating issues do happen, but the feeling I was getting from the thread was doom and gloom, I can list numerous individuals that are on IR, some of them are in that position because of a direct request or a service spouse who refuses to leave a certain area (we know that happens). 

Starting out they should be fine, as they progress into more senior positions it could prove to be more difficult that's for sure.  The fact that one service member of a service couple is in a purple trade does make it easier for CM's in Ottawa to do their thing.  Obviously with rank and experience there are potential issues, but starting out both members should not have a problem being posted to the same location.
Doom and gloom!!??

Every post prior to yours stated exactly that which you did. "That all attempts will be made to co-locate, but that sometimes it's not possible due to exengencies of the service".

Posting 2 Loggies together -- is WAY easier than posting a hard green/purple couple together. Why is that?? Because there are Loggies at every single base in Canada thus the possible locations and positions for them to be co-located at is much higher than that where a spouse is a hard green type.
Posting a Cook with an Infanteer should be just as easy regardless of what his badge is.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Posting a Cook with an Infanteer should be just as easy regardless of what his badge is.

Do you not understand the concept that there are cooks at virtually every base, but that there are not Infanteers at every base? So no, it's NOT just as easy. It's much easier when you have many more posting locations (and thus available positions) to choose from -- and in the "two loggie" scenario ... there are a heck of a LOT more choices & options available for the career managers to keep that couple together ... somewhere (not necessarily at an ARMY base which is what a purple/hard green couple would be limited to).

My comment about "two loggies" was made as a direct response to your post about your "two loggie parents." <-- A TOTALLY different and uncomparable situation to the "Infanteer/purple" scenario.

As already stated, you posted absolutely nothing more to the thread than has already been stated here by everyone else numerous times ...

the CF will attempt to keep couples together, but SOMETIMES service requirements necessitate otherwise -- regardless of uniform type or trade