I sent in my application (ROTP) right after I finished high school (July 1st, 2007 is when I dropped it into the mail). I didn't swear-in until early September of 08, and my fingers are crossed that I will get loaded to BMOQ this May, 22 months after I sent in my application. That being said, I may not, and its painful to even think about it.
It sucks, and there's nothing I can do about it, and there's nothing the CF can do about it, or I garuntee you it would. Trust me, the CF WANTS to load us all onto courses. It WANTS to have the capacity to do a lot of things, but it doesn't. It only has the cards it was dealt to play with.
What I'm saying is, keep your chin up. It sucks, but complaining won't get you anywhere. It is not the CF's fault, it is the people of Canada's fault for not placing any priority in the CF. The CF budget has been abused for a long time, and it is only now that it is starting to recover. If you have complaints, mail a letter to your MPs and let them know that you, as a Canadian citizen with the power of your vote, would like to see an increase in Defense spending. Think about the Defense budget when you cast your vote. Who is putting the most priority in our military? (easy answer....)
That is all you can do about this situation, and although it may not solve anything for you right now, it may solve many problems for future recruits and many other problems that our military now faces.