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Meet and Greet in Gagetown?

ToRN said:
alright, what time is everyone planning on showing up tomorrow? 1800 start time for those of us who are going to eat there?

I'm trying for 1600hrs.

Usually though I get tied up with something (work-wise gents ... minds on the road & up out of the gutter) and don't make it there until 1700-1730ish.

Either way, I suspect I'll be there to greet most of you.  :)

If you don't see (or hear) me inside ... check for me under an umbrella on the patio. I need shade.
Alright, for anyone reading the thread still, I'm heading down there now, I'm sure I won't be too hard to spot, black shirt and black/white shorts. Looking forward to seeing all who come out.
Damnit just found this thread, as I still don't have internet access yet (thx 3 ASG Telephone Services).
NFLD Sapper said:
Damnit just found this thread, as I still don't have internet access yet (thx 3 ASG Telephone Services).

We tried to phone you.

I even considered going back over to the Maritime Club and leaving a message there for you with Barb (who NFLD Engineer pointed out wouldn't be there as she was working days ...  :()

So there was me, Fiddlehead, his wife, ToRN, NFLD_Engineer ...

Only 5, so we were the quietest bunch there. Normal.  ;)  (Only 5 members, but I was sitting with a whole bunch of "lurkers" ... can we count them??)

Despite my best efforts --- we only had one pole dancer.

It was chilly out when I arrived home at 0330hrs. That put me in the joint for 12 hours (I think that might be a new Griffens record for me, but will try again tonight to beat that ...)

I even behaved the whole entire time - you'd be proud!
Well, we didn't show as I puled into the house at midnight and was pooped!!

I got delayed by the usual stuff - late departure, nap because I was falling asleep at the wheel only half an hour in, oh yeah, and an overturned car with a member of my brigade in it!!  A few calls later to the duty O to warn people, loading him up into the ambulance and I was on my way!

Sorry we missed it, maybe next time...
A good time was had by all!  Met a lot of good people and really enjoyed ourselves.....as for the army.ca crowd...we went with quality rather than quantity  ;D...... thanks to Vern, ToRN, NFLD_engineer, and all the "lurkers" for their hospitality.    :salute:
fiddlehead said:
A good time was had by all!   Met a lot of good people and really enjoyed ourselves.....as for the army.ca crowd...we went with quality rather than quantity  ;D...... thanks to Vern, ToRN, NFLD_engineer, and all the "lurkers" for their hospitality.     :salute:

And the baby warrants for the drinks, and the birthday boy for the comedic relief, and that french girl who came and sat with us for taking some of the pressure off me, and for all the stories talked about (wow, it's a really small world!!) that made me laugh.

It was a great night. Thanks to you and Beth for the wonderful time too!!  :)
It was a good night.  We will have to try it again later in the summer to see if we can get more people out ;D. 
Mr. and Mrs Fiddlehead should host the next one at their homestead in Wakefield.  >:D
It's okay, had a little meet and greet of my own with Matt Fisher and bzz earlier today, since I'm not "allowed" at Griffen's for being a candidate on a course.  :p
ArmyVern said:
We tried to phone you.

I even considered going back over to the Maritime Club and leaving a message there for you with Barb (who NFLD Engineer pointed out wouldn't be there as she was working days ...  :()

So there was me, Fiddlehead, his wife, ToRN, NFLD_Engineer ...

Only 5, so we were the quietest bunch there. Normal.  ;)  (Only 5 members, but I was sitting with a whole bunch of "lurkers" ... can we count them??)

Despite my best efforts --- we only had one pole dancer.

It was chilly out when I arrived home at 0330hrs. That put me in the joint for 12 hours (I think that might be a new Griffens record for me, but will try again tonight to beat that ...)

I even behaved the whole entire time - you'd be proud!
Which number did you try? I don't yet have access to my local number yet.
Had a good time with those that were there. Sorry I had to leave early, before NE got there, but I had fun after I left.

We'll have to do it again before the end of the summer, this time I might be able to stay later, haha.
NFLD Sapper said:
Which number did you try? I don't yet have access to my local number yet.

What we thought was your cell,  since I switched numbers I didn't have it on my phone; and the one Vern had didn't work  ::)
NL_engineer said:
What we thought was your cell,  since I switched numbers I didn't have it on my phone; and the one Vern had didn't work  ::)

He should be thankful that we couldn't get through!!  ;D