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Military can‘t keep track of reserves

My wife and I were joking the other night about my interests and how it would like to the general Canadian. She asked me not to tell our friends! ( :D ) I currently serve in the army reserve, I am a christian, I carry a Possesion and Firearms License, I am a WASP, and I am a card carrying member for the CA. I also live in the West. I can guarantee if you met me, the stereotypes of what this kind of indivdual looks and acts like does not look like me. ;)

Which ever party we support, it seems to matter little in Canadian politics. Public opinion polls decide direction in this country, not political mandates. Remember the Liberals preaching the end to the GST? How long did that platform last?
Yup Windwolf,
Bring back the Rhino‘s! :D

I liked there one point of Uniting Canada by tearing down the Rockies.
Just a couple of quick points.

Somewhere in the bowels of NDHQ or some base somewhere in this country there is a computer that takes a Reservist on strength (TOS) and then either transfers him/her to another component, or strikes him/her off strength (SOS). To me it should be simple to add a few lines of computer code to calculate the number of Reservists in the CF at anyone time.

I‘m told that the Royal Bank of Canada is the second largest employer in the country. I‘m sure the President or CEO can pick up the phone, ask a question, and within the hour know exactly how many employees the Bank has. Why can‘t our leadership do this? But then again, maybe they can‘t run a bank.

Second: with regards to Roland‘s comment on being a WASP. It brings to mind a friend who would point out how unacceptable it is to criticise a person‘s religion in a negative way (if being Protestant can be classified as a religion), and that the "W" for white is redundant, for there are only white Anglo Saxons.
I can tell you right friggin now why they can‘t keep track of their own pers:

1. People end up as non-effective strength every day. Once this happens, it can take YEARS to get them kicked out, they end up clogging up the system trying to get their kit back, have them signed out etc.

2. People joining the forces are often in the recruiting process for 10 months or more (that 2 months thing is bull), so are also hard to track

3. People leaving the reserves, joining Sup Res or getting out altogether often are waiting for a final release for FIVE YEARS. During this time, they are still on paper "technically" and can really clog up the system.

When Col Fraser is talking about excessive administrative problems, he isn‘t kidding AT ALL!!!