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Mirror,mirror on the wall.

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The subject of this thread is:

What do you see when you look in a mirror
& who is that person looking back @ you?

Response is of course optional,You decide how much
physical,mental & emotional info you wish
to deal out.

Since i started this i will go first.

5‘10" 168lbs blue eyes 42yrs old
large amount of gray hair everywhere & growing out of places it should not.
scarred about 45% ie: burns,blades & assorted
fractures.ambie textroius.Sharpel in lower
back & left knee.eyes have permanent squint.

Grade 12 (ged) last IQ was @ 120 & holding.
crap @ higher math but can add fractions in my head.learns things quickly & needs only to be shown once.Will improvise & adapt/over come.

army attitude.takes no crap.treats all as equal
until proven otherwise.understanding but not forgiving.generous to a fault to friends.
burn me & i WILL return the favour in spades.
Loves all females regardless of type (weakness)
Does not understand why people have little
respect fot the forces.laws will be upheld.
My word is my bond.Never break a promise.
Childish @ times over silly things.Highly
opininated on most subjects.egotistic.sometimes
shallow.More scars on the inside than out.
A contradition in terms @ times.

This is me in a nut shell.I rarely care how
others see me as i am secure in my person.
5‘9" 135lbs 17 years old
Medium build
brown hair, short

Mental : grade 12, smart
I learn quick
This sounds like a dating service...

Physical: 20 years old, 5‘6", 140 lbs, green eyes, short brown hair. Have a scar on left eyebrow. Have perfect vision (yep, I want to get into the Air Force)

Mental/Academic: Third year @ York University, majoring in English Literature (2 years in Computer Science). Love and do pretty well in almost any subject, especially Math (esp. geometry) and Mechanics (Physics), very quick in analyzing problems and finding solutions. Hate things I can‘t do well in, but eventually work on it and improve. A bit of a procrastinator, but when I seriously make up my mind to do something, I force myself to do it.

Emotional: Stubborn in my opinions on things. Non-judgemental of people based on their racial background, religion, beliefs, etc. A bit quick-tempered with children, sometimes even harsh. Absolutely hate any kind of injustice, esp. if it‘s done to me. Get angry fairly quickly. Get disappointed rather quickly if I don‘t get what I want, but after recovering from it, I become even more determined. No one can tell me what I *should* do with my life. Don‘t like destructive criticism. Sometimes a bit critical of certain laws that don‘t make much sense and are rather unfair, but there‘s nothing I can do about it, so I hope for the best. Don‘t like people who do things just to show off (join the army, etc.) Like people who are respectful and don‘t think that women shouldn‘t be allowed on the battlefield or in the Army or Air Force.

That‘s me. :)


PS: Reply to : "This sounds like a dating service...DOHH!!!"

Ummmm, not really. I don‘t think it is. It‘s just a way for people to think and talk about themselves honestly. For instance, I‘m really interested in the way other army applicants/officers think of themselves, or the way they are and what sorta personalities they have.

If that,s an offer Infanteer,thanks but i,m
already taken. LOL

Be nice,this is my first topic of some interest
to me.

D*mn, my picture of Ron Jeremy wouldn‘t post.

Ok, ok...I‘ll play.

I‘m 6‘2, 195 pounds, with chisled abs and lusty blue eyes. I like long walks on the beach....
Physical: 17 years old 5‘11, 130lbs, dark-brown eyes, black hair, scar near right eye. Scar on elbow. defined upper body. hairy legs :p well i‘m mid eastern can‘t help that.

Mental: finished gr. 11, Hard to apply myself in school (because I try to support my family, not much time for homework) but I can do well. great at history(especially war topics). Easy to adapt to change.

Emotional: Modest. Dont like to show off. Uncomfortable taking compliments. If I say i‘ll do something I WILL do it. Don‘t like to be late, and dont like people being late. Quick to assume. Get annoyed with constant whining and bitching. Get annoyed by people who dont respect the forces. Smiling and joking even through the toughest times. Easy to make smile. Don‘t like to be mean, but i can be cruel to certain people without feeling bad. Very prideful esp. Nation and History, always willing to fight for it. always willing to defend friends, family and comrades.
Physical: 6‘4", 180lbs, 18 years old.
Blonde hair, brown eyes. The other day some punk told me I look like Justin Timberlake...
One scar from a cigarette burn on right arm (typical bored Sunday afternoon "endurance test").
Glasses with weak perscription, but I wear them all the time anyways cause I‘ll probably loose them if I kept taking them off.

Mental: Graduated high school with grade 12.
Can think quick, and adapt well, but have hard time with mathematical calculations and rules that don‘t follow any logical patterns.
IQ was 166 last time I took a reliable on-paper written test with a real life doctor.
Can speak fluent German and have been known to revert to it when I am inebriated... I can‘t really speak much French (I always mix in German when I try to speak French) about all I know is "Tabernak!" and "Mange de le merde!"

I had a psychiatrist when I was younger that diagnosed me with a "Paranoid personality disorder" and she said I had "trust issues". I guess this is true, but I found it odd she could make this decision since I never told her anything, as I did not trust her motives behind wanting this information on me (I think she was working for the American government).

Emotional: Well I have been told I have 10 different personalities for 10 different people, which I guess the more I think about it, the more I realize it‘s true. Some friends I can joke around with, some I have to be serious with. With some people I am very arrogant and with some I am incredibly modest. Again depending on the person, I can be loud and obnoxious, or I can be very quiet and can come across as shy. I suppose the most common trait it my sarcasm which penetrates all of my personalities. I am very very easy going and cannot remember the last time anything bothered me or got "under my skin".

Motive: I was always proud of Canada and wanted to be in the military since I was a wee little kid. I like the dignity that we still have in our forces, and I like the fact that whenever I tell someone I am joining the army they want to shake my hand and congradulate me, and have this look of awe in their faces. I truly think this is one of the best countries on the planet, and would fight for it vs just about any enemy that could be thrown at it...

Except for my beloved Vaterland of course. So lets all hope the Euro-American war never happens, or Canada decides to be on the Euro side of it...
This is just giving me a "Warm Fuzzy....."

6‘4, 240, Physically imposing, excellent shape, but poor cardio (I‘ll hump all day with my ruhk full, and with the Karl G), but I suck at running anything over 8-10km, that is army suck, not civi.
mental: university, smart enough to learn and smart enough to take advice from those who know better (ie: experienced Snd NCO‘s) Here‘s a bit of praise for the forgotten WO, who taught every snot nosed, fresh faced newbie officer his first job as a leader. I thank mine whenever I see him.

emotional: Always happy, but you can never tell, because it is always kept behind a blank face. Scars, loads...most should know; spend a couple of years in the combat arms and you appreciate your "war wounds" which you‘ve earned from courses, Ex‘s, tours etc.. I say what I feel and think and I don‘t hide my appreciation or disgust for others and their actions (keeps you real and it never allows your actions/words to be interpeted for anything other than what they are) I‘m impatient, dedicated to a fault, proud and sometimes cocky...it is all natural. Cynical and untrusting. I Love animals, more than most people. I am driven by challenges, and I believe that there is no greater honour or pleasure than leading a Pl, and being part of one.
i really like that quote suffering builds tolerance, pain builds character.

-- I want to learn german i like the way it sounds.
Ja, German is a very cool language. I‘m learning it by myself. ;)

Hey Arty Aygun, where are you from originally? You said Middle East. Where in the Middle East? Just curious. :D

"Leid fördert Toleranz, Schmerz stärkt den Charakter" (my not-so-perfect translation of "Suffering builds tolerance, and pain builds character.") Anyone who knows German go ahead and correct it if I have something wrong in there. :)

I‘m from Turkey, but I have a kurdish background. Since kurds dont actually have their own country and our religion can‘t really exist.
I‘m proud of them both.
Tag Frau!

Depends if you want a literal translation or not. What you have is pretty good though. I‘d be careful about the word "fördert" its not really used a whole lot in the way you want it to. You can use it, and it would be accurate, but its a little....odd.

Kommen Sie aus Deutschand? Sie sprechen aber schon gut Deutsch. (We have to say that to people who are just learning).
Oh, another thing to add to my mental/academic info: I LOVE learning languages. I know Armenian, Arabic, English, some German (still pretty bad at it), a little French, and I can also read Russian (without understanding it LOL) :D

Kommen Sie aus Deutschand? Sie sprechen aber schon gut Deutsch. (We have to say that to people who are just learning).

Hah! German humour, eh? ;) My dad actually went to Münich and studied engineering there, but he didn‘t know any German when he got there, and I don‘t think he did learn much of it. He tells me he had a small pocket phrase-book and a German-English dictionary with him, and that got him through everything, and he was the first in all his classes. :eek: Now now, I‘m not *that* good with languages. ;)

I spend a lot of time studying languages, I suck at grammar, but I‘m very good with pronounciations. :) Next languages on to-do list are: improving French, studying Russian, then Spanish, and Hebrew (being close to Arabic and all that, I‘m sure I could learn that pretty fast). But learning languages alone without any audio help is hard and maybe not the right way to do it. :(

183cm 84kg 27yrs old
Brown eyes, brown hair with patches of grey
scarred shins and arms from mountain biking (my own war wounds)
despite signs of aging I‘m physically stronger than I‘ve ever been before

grade 12 and some post secondary education
extremely rapid mental process resulting in almost useless short term memory (working on that)

Old. Too old for my age, but calmer than in my youth
frustrated by people with less drive/determination than myself
often called negative by those who don‘t understand that critisism is the precursor to change
will not tolerate anyone not willing to back up their opinions or beliefs
I will always let you know what I think of you
I unknowingly intimidate people with weaker personalities
never lie to me, you will not like the results
extremely generous to generous people
I have an undying faith in the human race
I regret nothing as I‘ve learned from my mistakes
Physical;6‘2",185lbs,graying,50yrs old.,scarred face,hand‘s (like many engineer‘s)getting a bit of a belly.
With extra effort can keep up with the young‘ns
except running.

Mental; No,rather sane I think.
At a tender age of 4 used to speak fluent Serbo Croat,German (Father Brit Army,3yrs in Germany)
Picked up Spanish as a Merchant Seaman,Quick learner,like travel,have seen most of the world as a Seaman,the Far East is one of my favorite place‘s,that‘s why I married a Philippina also latin America.

Emotional;Yes,every Remeberance Day Parade tear‘s come to my eye‘s when the last post is called.

I do not like brown noser‘s,fool‘s,or the gung ho type who abuse‘s their men for their own end‘s,
In the Military I alway‘s help those who are weak in the trade to help them along.I despise men who beat the farer sex,abuse kid‘s (hang them all)

My word is my bond and will help friend‘s to the best of my ability.I don‘t get mad,because what goes around come‘s around sooner or later and this has alway‘s worked for me,or is my God looking after me? :>))
I hang around with a crowd 20yrs younger than I am,may be that‘s why I don‘t look 50.

I‘m not ready to have to leave the C.F. in 5yrs,would like to stay on for 4 more after,as it is a big part of my life,27yrs is a long time all full of good and bad time‘s,good and bad people also.