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MMMM......Wendy's Chili. Yum Yum!

The mix for Wendy's chili comes in a bag frozen, the meat is hamburgers that are not presentable as a burger with the meal, deformed or been on the grill longer than 15 mins or so. Once a day, they take all the patties and boil them for hours, it is then chopped up and the chili is mixed and used for two days, what's not used at the end of two days is disposed of. The chili is actually quite healthy, it's low in saturated fats and high in protein and fibre. Not to mention that it is a very cost effective way to reduce product waste. I know this because a very good friend of mine owns a Wendy's (Best in canada as judged by Wendy's) and I worked there as a supervisor while in school. It's fast food and I never saw any of the horror storys that people constantly spin up about fast food. Jeez these people want to be succesful business people, have a very large investment and would not risk losing all that on a "burger on the floor, goes on your bun" deal. Anywho, as you can see Ms fingertip appears to be a hoax.  8)
Ayala's claim that she found the finger tip, complete with a well-manicured nail, on March 22 initially drew sympathy. But when police and health officials failed to find any missing digits among the workers involved in the restaurant's supply chain, suspicion fell on Ayala, and her story has become a late-night punch line.

hmmm if it is a hoax, I wonder where she got the finger. Trip to the local morgue I suppose.

Yeah the worst part of this story is that Wendys has had to lay off ppl since the story broke. Even though it's a lie, Wendy's reputation will be negatively affected for years. Finding a finger in chili is sensational, everyone hears about that. Woman getting arrested for lying about it? I'd be surprised if it made the first 10 min of any news program.

As an aside. Wendys was my first job. I still prefer them to any other fast food and the only product that I thought to myself, I can't believe people eat this was the bacon mushroom melt. People say the old burgers for chili meat is disgusting, until I point out its just cooked ground beef.
Yeah the worst part of this story is that Wendys has had to lay off ppl since the story broke. Even though it's a lie, Wendy's reputation will be negatively affected for years.
Yes, people seem to think that just because a corporation is big, if they steal or do something else, it will not have an effect on the little guy. Which in the end, the little guy is probably the first to feel the effects of it.
More problems with finger food:


WILMINGTON, N.C. - A man in North Carolina took a mouthful of frozen chocolate custard and found himself sucking on a piece of someone's finger.

Clarence Stowers picked up a pint of the dessert on Sunday night at Kohl's Frozen Custard in Wilmington, N.C.

When he got home, he scooped up a spoonful and began sucking on the finger, which he said he initially thought was candy.

Stowers told the Wilmington television station WWAY that he spat the piece out but still couldn't tell what it was so he took it into the kitchen, rinsed it off and "just started screaming."

"I'm sick at my stomach, I just can't get that taste out of my mouth," the television station WECT reported him as saying.

The owner of the custard shop, Craig Thomas, confirmed that an employee had lost part of a finger in a custard-dispensing machine.

As some employees hurried to help the injured worker, a drive-thru window attendant who didn't know about the accident scooped some of the custard into a pint and sold it.

State officials sanitized the equipment involved in the accident on Monday.

Finger Traced to Woman Who Blamed Wendy's By GREG SANDOVAL, Associated Press Writer
1 minute ago

SAN JOSE, Calif. - The finger that a woman said she found in a bowl of Wendy's chili came from an associate of her husband who lost the digit in an industrial accident, police said Friday.


"The jig is up. The puzzle pieces are beginning to fall into place, and the truth is being exposed," Police Chief Rob Davis said.

The man is from Nevada and lost a part of his finger in an accident last December, Davis said. His identity was traced through a tip made to Wendy's hot line, he said.

He said authorities "positively confirmed that this subject was in fact the source of the fingertip."

Anna Ayala, the woman who said she found the finger, was arrested last month at her suburban Las Vegas home and is charged with attempted grand larceny.

Ayala, 39, said she bit down on a 1 1/2 inch-long finger fragment while dining with her family in March at a San Jose Wendy's. But authorities had said they believed the story was a hoax.

Ayala's husband, Jaime Plascencia, was arrested earlier this month on a fugitive warrant at the couple's home to face charges unrelated to the Wendy's case. San Jose police had said he used his children's personal information in a fraudulent manner for personal gain.

Authorities are considering additional criminal charges against Ayala and her husband, Davis said.

"We are exploring all other options and avenues available to see that those involved in this charade will be investigated," Davis said.

The man who lost the finger, whose name was not released, had given the finger fragment to Plascencia, Davis said. Davis would not disclose details of the investigation but said the man was cooperating.

A phone call to Ayala's attorney on Friday was not immediately returned.

Wendy's has offered a $100,000 reward and has said it has lost millions in sales since Ayala made the claim. Dozens of employees at the company's Northern California franchises also have been laid off.

"There are victims in this case that have suffered greatly," Davis said.

The news initially aroused sympathy for Ayala, but suspicions grew as questions were raised about her story.

Wendy's had said no employees at the San Jose store had missing fingers, and no suppliers of Wendy's ingredients had reported any finger injuries. Authorities said there was no evidence the finger had been cooked, and also said Ayala had a history of filing claims against businesses.

As scrutiny mounted, Ayala withdrew a claim she had filed against the chain.

In addition to attempted grand larceny in the Wendy's case, his wife is charged with grand larceny in an unrelated matter.

Plascencia remains in jail in Nevada, but Davis said he would be extradited soon to San Jose. He was charged with identity theft, fraudulent use of official documents, failure to pay child support and child abandonment in the case involving his children.

Police received a number of tips about the possible source of the finger, including one about a rural Nevada woman whose finger tip was bitten off by a spotted leopard kept as a pet. Police also recently searched a ranch north of Guadalajara, Mexico, owned by a relative of Plascencia

Solved eh, back to the Big Bacon Classic we go.  8)