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Moose Milk and Other Regimental Drinks

Mike Bobbitt

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Directing Staff
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It seems that every Regiment, unit and Mess has their own special holiday drink or variation. Let's see some of the recipes we use to help 'enhance that Christmas spirit'. ;)

To get things started, here is Army.ca's "official" Moose Milk recipe:

40oz Lamb's Dark Rum
20oz Kahlua
20oz Vodka
20oz Disaronno
4L Egg Nog
4L creamy vanilla ice cream
A dash of maple syrup
A dash of vanilla extract

Sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon once it's mixed. Serves a small crowd (6-10) and is very tasty!



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I can tell you a funny story about Moose Milk. One New Years day someone got the idea to get a large block of ice that had a cavity in it. Then the Moose Milk was poured in to the cavity. A short while later a hole developed in the block of ice and the contents poured down over the floor. It seems a plastic liner was supposed to be put in the cavity before the Moose milk was poured in. Oh well you live and learn it was done properly the following year.
Then again, there were the years when "The Roo" (the late Maj Andrew Roberts) used to preside over the Athol Brose/Moose Milk in the Officers‘ Mess of the 48th Highlanders ... resplendent with a cigar, from which he periodically tapped ashes into the punch bowl ... (thereby adding some more fibre to the mix ... already augmented by ... pablum!)

It was always so funny to watch guest‘s faces turn pale when they‘d get to the bottom of their glass and found sediment ... tee-hee ...

Here‘s a modern mixture perfected in the officers‘ quarters at CFB Downsview, but originally discovered by my best man in a bar in Ottawa (they called it something like a "Blue Friday"):

"Windex" (later named "Prop Wash" by a rigged vote in the mess, damn those Air Force rotters ... !)
- one part vodka
- one part white rum
- two parts Parfait D‘amour (a blue-coloured licquer by Marie Brizzard)
- dilute with Seven Up to suit your taste ... while your taste buds are still functioning ... (we found 7Up was better than Sprite)
- makes a delightful, uniquely-coloured drink that will lift floor tiles (yup - I wouldn‘t make that one up) and will leave a mildly radioactive glow on your glassware (which we discovered at our wedding reception ... )
- we‘d serve it to unsuspecting guests, and when they‘d ask about the blue colour we‘d explain that we‘d used Melita coffee filters and Windex ... whereupon their faces would turn a shade of blue to match the drink!

Enjoy, but for Cripes sakes don‘t even think of driving after drinking Windex - I can remember seeing people having trouble going home on their hands and knees!!!!!
        As the holiday season approaches I am looking for some good punch recipes. I partially remember a punch called "Rocket Fuel" from my youth. It was made entirely in a coleman cooler. The recipe was a 26oz white rum, 26oz vodka, 26oz cherry brandy, 26oz alcool, I believe there was grenadine but I can't remember amount. We then added equal parts pineapple and orange juice and sprite until cooler was almost full then added orange, lemon and lime slices.
      It bugs me that I can't remember the full recipe because it was very good and definitely knocks you on your butt. If anyone remembers the entire recipe or has a better punch recipe let me know.
    Cheers!  :cheers:
Artillery Punch

1 qt strong black tea
1 qt rye whiskey
1 bottle red wine
1 pint Jamaican dark rum
1/2 pint brandy
1 jigger benedictine herbal liqueur
1 pint orange juice
1/2 pint lemon juice

Combine all the ingredients in a large punch bowl with a block of ice. If found too dry, sugar syrup may be added. Decorate with twists of lemon peel.

muskrat89 said:
Artillery Punch

1 qt strong black tea
1 qt rye whiskey
1 bottle red wine
1 pint Jamaican dark rum
1/2 pint brandy
1 jigger benedictine herbal liqueur
1 pint orange juice
1/2 pint lemon juice
Combine all the ingredients in a large punch bowl with a block of ice. If found too dry, sugar syrup may be added. Decorate with twists of lemon peel.

(Note to Self) - test artillery punch......immediately submit CT to artillery  >:D

      Anyone have the recipe for Moosemilk or Caribou? ??? Grey Cup this weekend!
Bigmac said:
      Anyone have the recipe for Moosemilk or Caribou? ??? Grey Cup this weekend!

Lots of different recipes out there for Moosemilk, but here is the one we always made at my unit:

40oz Lambs Dark Rum
40oz Kahlua
40oz Vodka
4L Vanilla Ice Cream (the good creamy expensive kind)
4L eggnog

Mix all together, breaking up the ice cream a bit.  Sprinkle nutmeg on top if you so desire.  Stir occasionally as the ice cream starts to melt.  Enjoy!
        Thanks for the recipes! Keep the livation recipes coming!  ;D
Ok guys time to think.
This my not be the right place to post this but hey happy holidays.
From earliest days in the corp I was introduced to Moose Milk so...
I'm a lot older now and have forgotten how good it was. :P
I am asking for a summary of the best batch you have ever tasted and what was the process and ingredients.
A good story to go with it may be appropriate as well.
What do you think George.?
Damn you guys have it all covered here. Next time I will be more vigilant in my searches before I put keys to the test.
I was first introduced to it at New Years though.  1 Jan '92 to be exact, at the first levee I was ever at.  It was after an all-nighter (introduced to my first New Year's Eve party as a sailor), and first thing in the morning the PMC pulled out the ingredients to start on the moosemilk.  The tradition was to start the levee in the JR's mess with a breakfast of bagels and stuff, washed down with moosemilk.

I helped make it every year after that, and introduced newbies to the tradition of moosemilk and levees.
Good idea.....and I do seem to remember some good Moose Milk over the years......but which one was the best is going to be the hard one........Ummmmm!........just saw a recipe for it here last week or so........

So while I am searching, all the people who have it "Stickied" have posted their favourites........but still not the one I remember with 1.14 lt of Dark Rum, 1.14 lt of Kahlua, 1.14 lt of vodka and 4 lt of milk, 4 lt of vanilla ice cream..........where did that one disappear to?
I was out in the insanity today and managed to pick up Capt Morgan and a light came on... :) quick look for ice cream and here I am looking for the best of the best to share with everyone here on the finer parts of being a soldier.
Mike Rochefort said:
... pick up Capt Morgan ...

blasphemy!!  Must be Lamb's!  Oh wait, you said:

Mike Rochefort said:
...the finer parts of being a soldier.

My moosemilk is for sailors (and former sailors and sailor wannabees).  It's too strong for you other folk.  8)
Ok for the ease of the post Army,Navy,Airforce..Lambs,Bacardi or Jamaican black strap..It don't matter after the first dozen glasses and we are all the same at that point.
The thought of it for me today was to mix a batch and when the need comes around I will stand with glass in hand and toast you all  :salute: for there are those that were like us and those who want to be like us and those that cannot be like us. I will reflect on what is and what was then be content enough to envision what will be.
To shorten the rant ( memories,insight and dreams ) you only live so long!!!! be all that you can be and be happy you were.
Old age sucks but I can be deep when I want to.
Old age at 49 ?

Oh my, my friends that are over 70 and still young would laugh at you !

My head hurts.  Moose Milk mixed with Sweets for Dessert after Wine and a meal has a negative affect on the brain.  However, for those who want some for their New Years Party or Levee, here is one recipe:

1.14 lt of Dark Rum
1.14 lt of Kahlua
1.14 lt of Vodka
4 lt of vanilla soft scoop ice cream
4 lt of partly skimmed milk

Mix gently until frothy, leaving a few ice cream chunks. 
Liberally sprinkle with Nutmeg on top.

Of course, if you are missing some ingredients, feel free to make a 'reasonable' substitution. 

I replaced the Dark Rum with Capt Morgan's Spiced Rum and the Vanilla Ice cream with Cafe-Latte Gelato.

I guess Tia Maria can be substituted for Kahlua.......but I insisted on getting Kahlua so as to stock the bar..... ;D

Head still hurts. 