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More training nights

I'm quite fond of my weekends.
Background Info on CFAO 49-6 :  (Emphasis is mine)
In order to respect the provisions of Section 46 of the NDA that requires cadet activities be under the authority and command of the CF, there is a requirement to have a minimum of one paid cadet instructor present and responsible for each cadet activity.

The challenge in implementing this policy is to do so within the current employment guidelines. Currently, Corps/Squadrons are funded for 30 sessions (1/2 day's pay) plus a further 8 days for weekend activities as well as the two days currently allocated for Special Directed Activities (SDA). This allows for a total of 25 paid days for each established position. In addition to this, the Corps/Squadron Commanding Officer is allowed an additional 10 days to complete the extra administrative duties associated with that position

Bandmaster is right, the best thing to do is optimize the time we do have.  Not only do many cadets have other commitments, such as sports, volunteering and part time jobs, but in some squadrons, it can actually be impossible to get the supervision needed to have even more training.  Basically, you need a minimum of one paid staff responsible for the event/activity, but CIC officers only have a limited number of days for which they are paid.  You run out of paid days, and you run out of time to run activities.

The real issue here is finding ways to optimize the time we DO have.
As a former cadet myself, I remember that for alot of our 'extra' training events (i.e. Drill Team, First Aid, Marksmanship, etc.) the CIC and CI staff volunteered their time, as they didn't have the budget to provide for the events over and above the minimum that was provided for in the budget.

Now with CFAO 49-6 taking effect, cadet units are going to feel alot of strain to maintain the level of extra training events.  I imagine that most will end up juggling their CIC budgets so that on a regular parade night, possibly only one of the unit's officers is on paid status, with the rest being non-paid/volunteer status.  Then for the other training events a similar situation will follow.

Also, it may make sense for multiple cadet units (regardless of their respective branch) within close proximity to one another, to pool their CIC resources for collective training events so as to maximize the economy of requiring one paid position supervising the event.  This could be done for events that's training is relatively universal to the 3 cadet branches, i.e. first aid, marksmanship, biathlon, Duke of Edinburgh Award, etc.  That way, the unit's training tempo can continue unhindered by budgetary restrictions caused by CFAO 49-6 which otherwise may have precluded conducting such events.