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Movember: Donate and win!

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
Did you know that 4,400 men die of prostate cancer in Canada each year and one in six men will be diagnosed during his lifetime?

This month's contest is a little different. As some of you may know, Movember is a fundraising effort to help support Prostate Cancer Canada. The idea is that on 01 Nov you shave yourself clean and use the remainder of the month to grow a moustache and drum up donations. As I have family and friends that have been affected by prostate cancer (plus, I look awesome with a 'stache) I'm participating in this year's Movember event.

So, how does this fit in with the monthly contest? Well, anyone who donates any amount to Movember (via my Movember profile) will be automatically entered for a draw. At the end of the month, names will be randomly selected from the pot, for the following prizes:

  • $60 CP Gear Gift Certificate
  • Army.ca or Milnet.ca Hoodie
  • Army.ca black  golf shirt
  • Army.ca black tech shirt
  • Army.ca tan T-shirt
  • $20 CPGear Gift Certificate

Not a bad deal for helping out a worthy charity! But wait, there's more! Anyone who donates $50 or over will receive a never-before-seen Army.ca patch. These Velcro backed beauties come in either AR (desert) or TW (woodland) CADPAT... get one while they last!

As a final incentive, I'll post a photo of my 'mo at the end of the month, to swoon the ladies and shame the men. Or is it the other way around?

Important links:

All donors are eligible, even if they are not Army.ca members, so spread the word! Thanks for helping me to support men's health,


Names can only be entered in the draw once. Donations must be made via my Movember profile page. Tax receipts are available from movember.com. Participation in this contest may result in a cure for cancer.
And we're off with our first donation! Get in while the odds are still good! :)
Three donors and $150 so far... thanks!
Here's a look at what the Cadpat TW badge looks like. Once they arrive I'll post a pic of the Cadpat AR badges too.
There are still more prizes than donors at this point. If it stays this way, everyone is guaranteed a prize... even a $5 donation will get you on the list and right now the odds are 100%! :)
Toss in some Merit points as a prize or add-on, and I've got a donation with your name on it!  ;)
It's a done deal... how about 1 Merit Point / $10. :)
Payday today, and $50 sent to this awesome cause!
I'm waiting for PayPal to get signed up. Until then, I've got my Movember stash going!
The badges are in but I might as well wait another week and ship at the end of the month... because some of you are going to be getting additional goodies too! :)

Here are some better pics of the badges. If you have a preference on AR or TW colours, just let me know.
Tan please!

They won't give me a new raincoat with Velcro, so the AR stuff is the only thing I have to attach it to.
A green one for me, if you would, sir.

Hope you've managed to get more support on this. 

Excellent thanks!

So far that's 6 prizes and 11 donors... 54% chance of winning something for everyone who has donated... not too shabby!
Only a few days left to participate, and so far everyone who has donated has a 50% chance of winning Army.ca goodies. Plus all those who donated $50 or over already get a badge!

For the rest of you, it's not too late: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/878546

Today is the final day! Remember, any size donation gets you in the draw.
For those running out of time, here's a direct link to the donate page: https://www.movember.com/ca/donate/your-details/member_id/878546/
Mike Bobbitt said:
Today is the final day! Remember, any size donation gets you in the draw.

So you're saying size doesn't matter?  ;)
I've been trying to convince people of that my entire life! ;)
Just done now.  Good for you, great cause!  :nod: 