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MOZART: MOC to MOSID (Merged Topics)

What does everyone think reguading Mozart? Will it work?

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Don't know how well it will work. I guess that it may work well with respects to some trades and be catastrophic for others.

If the want to combine similar trades, with similar training standards so that they don't loose the integrity of the trade, then it would work even though the people in the trades will need some time to get used to things and get crossed trained.

As for the original question "will it work".......do we have a choice!!
MORPS -1986-------------------------time travel--------------------------------2006-MOZART.

What a coincidence!! The re-alignment of trades every 20 years.

I think we can focus our limited monetary and personnel resources elsewere.

I spent weeks writing MOZART trade papers....yawn!

I think that there is a possibility that MOSART will work. At least with certain trades.

For example: in the sigop trade you can be employed as an IT specialist. So you spend a few years doing training and gaining experience and then you get posted OUT of that type of job, usually into something totally different. So now the system has to train someone new to do your old job, and you have to try and learn your new job, which may be just as complex as the one you just left, say for instance, sat comms or something.

Mosart will allow people in the "signaller" (for lack of a better name) trade group to specialize and STAY specialized. So if the soldier is well suited to working in the IT end of the trade, then they can stay in that type of job, or if a soldier wants to be a technician, they can do that.

I don't know how it will work for combat arms trades, maybe all the combat arms trades will combine into one?
CFPAS tells me now that I'm a 00329-001 Sig Op.  Anyone else have their new MOSID yet?
Michael Dorosh said:
I'm reasonably sure I'll be able to stop myself from applying for any courses that have certain MOCs as prerequisites....beyond that, does the number really matter to an individual troopie?

Maybe it is a branch thing but the signals trades all identify themselves by moc.  As you can see on other topics names like 291er, etc are all trade names.  Even within the Sig Op trade (215), the older guys still identify themselves as old 211s (radop) or 212s (puffies oops I mean tel ops).  We became one trade in 2000 (hang our heads for a moment of silence).    The young guys bug us that we must be old 'cause they never heard of a "rad op" but they may have seen one in the museum. lol.
signalsguy said:
For example: in the sigop trade you can be employed as an IT specialist. So you spend a few years doing training and gaining experience and then you get posted OUT of that type of job, usually into something totally different. So now the system has to train someone new to do your old job, and you have to try and learn your new job, which may be just as complex as the one you just left, say for instance, sat comms or something.
signalsguy, you know my opinion on specialising within our trade but the more I see of CFJSR, the less conviced I am of my opinion.  My background includes all aspects of our trade except MACS yet I don't want to be employed in the IT field not because I don't have the abilities but because the Pte and Cpls have way more knowledge of the new systems and I would have to start again at the beginning (even though I have networking experience, I don't have resent experience).  Maybe we do need to break our trade into specializations with alpha indicators that are already in use with the PDRs in Pet.

signalsguy said:
Mosart will allow people in the "signaller" (for lack of a better name) trade group to specialize and STAY specialized. So if the soldier is well suited to working in the IT end of the trade, then they can stay in that type of job, or if a soldier wants to be a technician, they can do that.

I don't know how it will work for combat arms trades, maybe all the combat arms trades will combine into one?
The only thing I have seen is the military will have the choice of the trade you will specialize in based on need (first), aptitude (through testing), and then by assessments in the different work environments.  The members opinion was nowhere in the process.  I think that we would loose a lot more soldiers if we force them into a trade they don't want.  Conversely, it is suppose to make it easier to move left or right rather than upwards.  If you are no longer interested in being an operator and you have the aptitude to be LCIS, then you could fill that positon.
Luck881 said:
CFPAS tells me now that I'm a 00329-001 Sig Op.   Anyone else have their new MOSID yet?

As of Janurary 1st of this year, all trades are to be refering to the new MOSID vice the MOC #
I was an 041 then 2 years ago of so became an 043 and now i'm a 00339. A couple more numbers to remember, thats all it is to me. I don't get it but hopefully it will make someones life easier.  ;D
I'm a 314, now under MOZART a 00123

Cue Elmo (or was it the Jackson 5?)

"123, easy as.......'
I am now 00179-01 ARTY. Gotta love how much more simple that is than 22U.
earlier then 2008  :D

When i was sworn in the other day 031 was no where to be found, it was just 00010.

(And yes i realize that this thread is very old, i apologise).
Anyone know if there is a working list of the new MOSID's (Or whatever it is they are being called) online? (Preferably on the internet as apposed to DIN as I am not able to get on to the din for a few weeks)

Just in case someone is looking for a list of MOS IDs for officers.