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MP Leaves "Controversial" Message on Card for Troops

The Bread Guy

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This from Global TV/CanWest:
Controversial Calgary West member of Parliament Rob Anders is coming under fire for a well-wishing note he left for Canadian troops that says: "When in doubt, pull the trigger."

A Christian group, El Shafie Ministries, asked if a large "Support Our Troops" card could be placed in the House of Commons lobbies for MPs to sign in Ottawa — a request agreed to by the Conservatives and opposition parties.

Many MPs from all parties have signed the card over the last couple of days, including Anders, the representative for Calgary West since 1997.

Anders signed it: "When in doubt, pull the trigger. Rob Anders, Calgary West."

The Tory MP has long been an advocate for veterans issues, but also for human rights. He has protested the Chinese government's activities in Tibet and treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China and other parts of Asia.

In an interview, Anders conceded he left the message on the card, arguing "it's a common military expression" that isn't meant to alarm anyone.

"It's just another way of saying keep safe and defend yourself," he told the Calgary Herald, believing the issue is being overblown ....

Attached photo caption:  A "Support Our Troops" card placed in the lobby of the House of Commons is shown. Calgary West MP Rob Anders signed the card, "If in doubt, pull the trigger. Rob Anders, Calgary West.  Photo Credit: Canwest News Service, Handout
While I don't doubt the Honourable Member meant well, I highly doubt that Mr. Anders' sentiment is going to make it into the training system anytime soon.

Sect. Comd.:
Type of Fire:  RAPID FIRE!!

Fixed it.
recceguy said:
Not in my mind, he didn't.
I get what he means, but MSM did use "controversial".  Gotta love the literalists out there.

Also, it's not "controversial" among some here because we're not creating the controversy.

The latest, from CanWest:
Calgary Conservative MP Rob Anders apologized Tuesday in the House of Commons for comments he wrote to Canadian troops in Afghanistan that told them: "When in doubt, pull the trigger."

His mea culpa came the same day federal politicians of all stripes — including the defence minister —demanded an apology.

Anders stood in the House of Commons and told the Speaker: "Last week I wrote a note on a card to our troops in Afghanistan. I meant to say 'Keep safe and defend yourselves.' For those who found my note inappropriate I apologize for any offence taken." ....
Note that he doesn't apologise for the message, he apologies for any offense taken, after having clarified his intent.  I can buy that.

A large part of me wishes all of our elected representatives had the balls to say/do stuff like this.
Not familiar with this MP but very impressed with how he has dealt with this and do not have any problem with what he wrote, especially with the clarification. That being said though he is a Canadian Citizen and an MP, being that citizens can pretty much say or write whatever and an mp's job is political (this could be construed as a political message being that it is combat related) is he even at all to fault?

So what if he wrote it, its either his personal or political opinion. Both of which I feel he is entitled to write on a card.
Just another variation on "keep yer pecker hard and yer powder dry".  Good stuff.
In war that message makes sense, but in a COIN trying to support another country it may not be the best message.

For those supporting this mentality, you are supporting a mission-losing mentality.

Every Afghan you turn against us makes us lose a step in what we're doing, and I'd like to not be a veteran of Canada's first ever losing effort, thank you.
Yup, that's me...fuck the troops, fuck the mission, fuck Afghanistan... Home by Christmas.
Petamocto said:
In war that message makes sense, but in a COIN trying to support another country it may not be the best message.

For those supporting this mentality, you are supporting a mission-losing mentality.

Every Afghan you turn against us makes us lose a step in what we're doing, and I'd like to not be a veteran of Canada's first ever losing effort, thank you.
Awesome.  I support mission losing mentalities because I like it when an MP actually sends a positive message to the troops. 

COIN is a type of war.  Get over it.
Petamocto said:
In war that message makes sense, but in a COIN trying to support another country it may not be the best message.

For those supporting this mentality, you are supporting a mission-losing mentality.

Every Afghan you turn against us makes us lose a step in what we're doing, and I'd like to not be a veteran of Canada's first ever losing effort, thank you.

If we lose because of this, we had no business being there in the first place. It's insignifigant. Taliban Jack did more damage by saying we should negotiate with the Taliban, but we seem to be over that one. Oh yeah, death by a thousand cuts and all that. I'm with Kat, I guess I just wasted my time there ::) I just appreciate the fact that a politician wrote down an honest, personal thought in genuine support for the troops, whether people thought he was wrong or misguided, or not.
I suppose he had some doubt that the troops would ever see the card.
So he pulled the trigger. Now everybody can see it  ;D
And I like to think that when he wrote "when in doubt" he didn't mean shoot everyone    he was just saying be aware and remember that an alive soldier is in everyones interest.  If our only goal was to please the afghan public why not walk around with no guns?  I'm sure everyone is good with that....
Kat Stevens said:
Just another variation on "keep yer pecker hard and yer powder dry".  Good stuff.

....and the worm will turn!  ;)

I agree Kat, good on you Mr. Rob Anders!


One would think that the House of Commons have things to do then make a stink over such.
Yup, like plannin' to silence the masses and bustin' some hippy heads!