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My Rollercoaster lol

Holy H#@@ thats some bad luck Rob, but hey like you said it seems like it might be turning for you!! ;D maybe with this new file manager things will start rolling better for you.  Good for you for not getting worked up and recognizing the process takes time and patience!!
Exactly, no sense getting worked  up, its much better to find out what happened, correct it and then proceed, everyone has bad days and sometimes bad weeks including Recruiters and flying off the deep end doesnt prove nor show them anything other than you can't control yourself, and not every system is perfect, but we keep our heads high and keep marching in hopes of becomming a Combat Engineer!!!.

Oh left 1 thing out, have a little appointment with the MCpl at the Unit Recruiting to find out exactly whats happening with my file and answer my questions. So hopefully when he types my name in the changes were made and screening form sent.
Well went down to meet up with the MCpl at the Armoury, he had answers for me, he said something to the effect that people that are applying who are of Native origions are given priority right now and that's what is taking so long. Well now I was very polite and blunt and said what does that have to do with 3 different people telling me that they will send my screening form in and 1 of the 3 (File Manager) actually saying she just got finished entering my trade change stuff and just sent in my screening form, and another manager on Monday saying she just made the final changes and for sure she will put in the screening form 3 people and 3 weeks later. This isnt a matter of time,or how long things take, things do take time , but when nothing actually done thats a waste of time, this is something entirely different. So he will look into it and get back to me Monday. Keep you all posted.
Well the rollercoaster has come to the end, got the call today from the CFRC, and as most said, regarding the variance to my Prohibiton order that would not hold up, didnt, it was a kind of a waste of time getting it changed, should have come on the forum before, but now the mission begins on getting it REMOVED, I will have to prepare a pretty solid case and present it like no other becuse I have no Lawyer working on it, lots of paperwork , and have this Prohibition order lifted completly, so as of now my file is officially closed.

I kind of had a feeling it would but allways like to think positive and hopefully good things happen, but at least this gives me more time to workout and who knows by the time all is clear, lots of Combat Arms Reg force would be open and can be a Engineer in the Reg force.

Not giving up on joining, just going to take a little longer than expected, and still keeping positive!!! :salute:

        That is terrible news my friend, i will keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully we will cross paths again :nod: 

Good Luck :salute:

RTG :cdn:
Thanks RTG,  hopefully we will cross again.
Good luck with the Med position also, any word?
Not yet unfortunately....she said she would get back to me this week so hopefully that rings true.  Im finding it very difficult to not call every 2 hours(as my wife believes i should be)  Much like everybody else i am in a race against time with so few spots left open.  But hey im sure it will happen in time.

RTG :cdn: