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Myths and legends

cplcaldwell said:
The furry patches on the back of your arctic mitts are for wiping the snot off your gob....

er....it's not?  :o
charlesm said:
Helicopter support on a Reserve Tactical Weekend Exercise?

There always would be one or two officers that would believe their own orders!

  When I was with the Lincoln And Welland Regt in '83, we drove to Fort Drum, NY and boarded choppers there.  We flew in to the Matawa Plain in Pet, playing silly bugger and practicing with these NY Air National Guard types (at least I assume they were ANG).  No rappelling, but definitely a good go....except for the guys afraid of heights.  Not me of course.  Well....maybe a little.

  As for myths, one of my favs has always been that "x" number of feet of snow/brush/dirt piled in front of you will stop a bullet.
Biggest "myth" I have ever heard of?

It used to be the 16th step of Battle Procedure...not sure what different varieties of BP there are now but...

"Forced Rest".

Now THERE is a myth most of us are familiar with.  ;D
Basic training.. Matawa plains...  10 of us in the section

MCpl walks in with a football....

MCpl "Who's up for a game"

Everyone puts their hand up but me.

MCpl "What, you don't want to play?"
ME "Not a huge fan of sports"

MCpl "Ok, everyone who had their hand up is cleaning washrooms."

Thank god... not being a jock paid off for once.

NEVER Volunteer.  Who has their driver's licence... was my other favourite.
You're a recruit on course... like they're letting you drive somewhere?! 

Stupid is as stupid does.
wotan said:
   As for myths, one of my favs has always been that "x" number of feet of snow/brush/dirt piled in front of you will stop a bullet.

I've seen its ability to survive a 105mm sabot at 1000m...

cplcaldwell said:
The Regs are only borrowing the Bisons, we'll get them back in a year or two...

... or "the Cougars will be replaced with Leopards if we ever do this for real."  :rofl:
Oh the beat goes on... and this a true one, delivered by a very serious LCol at a stand down parade, it had to come from somewhere (above) because this guy was (is) a very intelligent man...

Troops, I fully expect that within a year you will see Coyotes, here on this Armoury floor...

Of course to make it worse, as a particularly tall and oafish fellow I am usually right marker at such affairs, thus parked next to the SSM on parade. Shite, when that zinger came down range it took every once of discipline (and fear of the stick the nasty little man beside me was wielding) to keep my cake hole shut! "Yeh right! now that I'm a part timer The Queen is gonna give me kit no one trusted me with as a full timer...."
True, perhaps one of the homeless people will be allowed to bring a pet in this winter!
My favorite was just before your haircut at basic in Cornwallis.
This coming from a more senior recruit:
"Don't worry the haircut's not that bad :rofl: ,but watchout for the vaccinations. The ones in the arms only hurt for a couple days but the square needle in the left nut is a killer."