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National military physical-fitness test fails 1,000 people: report

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Wouldnt it be easier to just not expect our militia to be in shape?Volunteer search and rescue is just that.Volunteer.They don't do strenious courses or such but can be called upon to do tasks within a "regular" SAR tech search.
I know a few volunteer sar techs who are old and not quite in good shape but they plug a gap in the sartech world and help out a lot when needed.Maybe we should just stop expecting our reservist to match the rest of the army and give them other tasks that free up regular force guys to deploy.
X-mo-1979 said:
Wouldnt it be easier to just not expect our militia to be in shape?Volunteer search and rescue is just that.Volunteer.They don't do strenious courses or such but can be called upon to do tasks within a "regular" SAR tech search.
I know a few volunteer sar techs who are old and not quite in good shape but they plug a gap in the sartech world and help out a lot when needed.Maybe we should just stop expecting our reservist to match the rest of the army and give them other tasks that free up regular force guys to deploy.

I got a better idea.....

The GoC should give Reservists job protection.

Once thats done......institute reserve terms of service obligating members to show up for unit training, career courses, unit PT, etc....

That way they get all the benefits the regs do and all the liabilities and obligations that go with it

recceguy said:
Ours do quite a bit more than that. The average of your 12-20 is about a normal week. One of 4 weeks, then there's the weekend ex, at least once a month. So yeah, quite a bit more than 12-20. The key word was also 'subsidised'. And call me crazy, but why would we procure subsidised memberships for people that have a modern weight/ excersize room, large empty drill floor, sports equipment and showers available in the armouries? A new facility, BTW. But I see your point.  ;)  Heaven forbid that we try to even things out, even a little bit. Let's keep those ungrateful Cl As where they belong eh? :)

Sorry dude, I'm calling BS on 12-20 hrs a week from a class A. Our Class A's on Sqn only get max 15 days a month, so don't try to tell me that your average Class A type puts in that much time in a uniform. I was a reservist once upon a time and as a student I would have loved to be getting 2 or three days pay a week. I had to settle for the Thurs evening half days and a couple weekends a month.

My point was if a guy is spending an hour a day in the gym and only going out to one training evening a week, how do you figure that it's worth paying for his gym membership? Use unit funds to put in a gym if that's what they want, but in no way should they be getting YMCA memberships.

You want to even it out, put in the stupid random hours that we all do and 16 plus hour days more often than a weekend or two every month. The postings every 4 years, random scheduling and work hours, obligation to deploy, etc equals out to gym memberships and a few other perks IMO.  If you don't want to put in the time, that's your call and I don't look down on you for it, just don't expect the same benefit package.

Just my opinion though, take it or leave it.

CDN Aviator said:
I got a better idea.....

The GoC should give Reservists job protection.

Once thats done......institute reserve terms of service obligating members to show up for unit training, career courses, unit PT, etc....

That way they get all the benefits the regs do and all the liabilities and obligations that go with it

Damn, you typed that as I typed mine. Bang on.
But the reservist hold down civilian jobs as well,so how do we expect them to parade ever certain night and get career courses.I say let them fill spots like driving positions and desk jobs.
How many RCMP auxillery have physical testing?
The reserves are just that an auxillery,that we have been using more and more.They are the civilian soldier,and if we expect them to commit to reserve terms of service obligating members to show up for unit training, career courses, unit PT, etc.... they are no longer civilians which they have chosen to be are they?
they also do it at 85% of the reg's salary.
geo said:
they also do it at 85% of the reg's salary.

They dont have the same liabilities so why should they get the same pay ?
X-mo-1979 said:
How many RCMP Auxiliary have physical testing?

I did. I did the PARE as part of my training. IMO everyone who is an Auxiliary should be PAREd and they should be PAREd every year just like their Regular Member counterparts. I will not have an unfit Auxiliary back me up, because when sh^t hits the fenders, that Auxiliary had better be fit and have their crap together.

Same goes for PRes members. FIT.
I wonder if the report also focused on reserve units?Or just full time reservist working ?I would like to see those stats.

As for they pay,Civi SAR's get gas reinbursed in their boats and thats pretty well it.They do it to serve the public.And to say they don't deploy to dangerous places like reservist do I suggest look up a story (believe ctv)where a Auxillery SAR died last week on the east coast.Out doing an exercise in which he was only given per km gas.
Im a little lost on the reserve fitness.So many seem to be against it,or want every benifit the regular army has.Why dont they just serve their country for 85 percent and be expected to do a little less...that is why they are paid less right?

Folks, stop chasing your friggin' tails and go chew on a bone or something.

Inch said:
Call me crazy, but why should a guy (or girl) that only puts in 12-20 hours a month be entitled to a membership where they would spend more time at the gym than they do in uniform?

I'm not sure what Res Units your familar with, but I assure you the majority of my soldiers put in far more than 12-20 hours a month.  As an example one of my average Sect Comds will be expected to work in Nov 5 Thur trg ni, 2 Tue ni preparing lectures for the Thur if needed, Unit PD day, Remberance Day (Though not considered trg per se, some are tasked as Guards, speak at dinners etc...), Domestic Operations Weekend, Unit Weekend for a total of 6 full days and 10 half days.  That's a little more than 12-20 hours.

(Sorry, didn't realize it was locked until I went to check my post)
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