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haha, if you only knew, at sea im one in two and i spend most of time time in the gym out of the ops room.
mmike,.........reel in the attitude son, if you wish to stay around here.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
mmike,.........reel in the attitude son, if you wish to stay around here.

get with the program, the attidtude of all nci ops have been horrible with our generation, maybe were lazy but you can see it.
I would like to address some of the things you said. I too am an NCIOP, I have been my entire career. Why would you tell someone to stay away. We have a good trade, a little boring at times perhaps. I looked at your profile before I started this reply, I noticed that you hadn't really filled it out other than your name. A couple of things about this site that I learned early, first if you want to rant or make statements, especially based on experience, fill out the profile and show people that you have some. Second, if you start mouthing off to the monitors your gonna get punted. this is an excellent site, where you can get a lot of valuable info. Treat others with respect and you have no problems, act like a 20 yr old @$$ and you get treated like one. Judging by your posts, glad you are not in my section. I hate doing the monthly reports for C & P.

For Bruce, just remember YOU HAVE THE POWER.
Dude I have no desrespect for anyone here. I just have so much hate for my job. I love the people and the money for what we do you cant beat but I really do hate my job.
mmike said:
Dude I have no desrespect for anyone here. I just have so much hate for my job. I love the people and the money for what we do you cant beat but I really do hate my job.

Then maybe you may want to consider OT or a Release.
I recommend the release, I get the impression you would not be happy with anything.  Remember negativity can be contagious, the last type of person anyone wants working with them for a six month deployment is someone like yourself, its bad for morale.  I seriously hope no one has ever taken your advice on the trade.

Do the navy a favour and seriously consider an OT or release (as Ex-Dragoon pointed out), but don't expect a stellar write up for your OT if your attitude at work is the same as you display here.
May I suggest we get back to the subject?

I just came back from RIMPAC 2008, it was a good trip.  Many new ports for me anyway.

Bottom line, 2 different trades that makes a great team if they work together.  The best way to pick a trade, in my opinion,  is to find a passionate guy in the trade you want to choose and compare it to the other passionate guy comments.  Don't listen to those with negative comments, they would probably be unhappy in a different trade anyway.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
I recommend the release, I get the impression you would not be happy with anything.  Remember negativity can be contagious, the last type of person anyone wants working with them for a six month deployment is someone like yourself, its bad for morale.  I seriously hope no one has ever taken your advice on the trade.

Do the navy a favour and seriously consider an OT or release (as Ex-Dragoon pointed out), but don't expect a stellar write up for your OT if your attitude at work is the same as you display here.

I have a great attitude in the work area, since were on a forum and were all pretty much anonymous it's fine.
mmike said:
I have a great attitude in the work area, since were on a forum and were all pretty much anonymous it's fine.

You'd like to think so, wouldn't you...... ::)
PMedMoe said:
You'd like to think so, wouldn't you...... ::)

You mean we're not?? What's up with that?

I thought I was. My real name is ...

Slim Shadey.
mmike said:
I have a great attitude in the work area, since were on a forum and were all pretty much anonymous it's fine.

It's kinda funny what one can gather on another by just Googling names and email addresses.

Some people here have run into problems in the workplace due to flapping their gums here and on other sites, most recently one being charged that I know of.

Anonymity ???

mmike, take this quote:

Preserver is awesome, never been on a 280, didn't like the frigs

and this one:

negative, im a ships diver and my *** cannot swim very well.

and this one:

We have a lot bigger problems than that. PS mine are longer.
(referring to sideburns)

and finally this one:

I start training in august along with 2 others from my ship.

Then, how hard in our relatively small Navy, would it be for someone to find out if there is/was a junior NCIOP, posted to PRE in April 08, who is a STD with longer sideburns who commenced pre-deployment training for AFG in August?

Now, if that "someone" happened to be an old friend of PRESERVER's Combat Officer, and that person reads these comments:

I just have so much hate for my job

and, more importantly, this one:

Its not an attitude problem its a leadership problem.

then that someone would, rightly, as an officer and leader himself, want PRE's Combat officer to be aware of the discord in his Department, after all, the Combat Officer is the HOD, so the overall welfare of his department rests with him and it behooves him to be made aware of it.

Fear not, I am not an old friend of PRE's CbtO at all - only her Executive Officer, so I won't be dropping a dime on you, but your supposed anonymity is far less then you might think.

Really, the "Killing with Keyboards" sticky should be part of the technicolour "Welcome to army.ca rules and regulations"...



...apologies for continuing the thread hijack...