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Need alittle help selecting a MOC

basrah said:
You guys love going off topic. I responded to GW judging me based on the limited information he had about me by doing the same to him, of course because I am not part of the 'crew' of the boards I am instantly seen as a troll... or whatever it is you all call it.

basrah said:
Going off topic for a sec...


(Emphasis added)

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Going off topic happens to all of us - and it's very rarely that anyone is called on it.

The perceived problems you're having here have nothing to do with being part of the "clique" (that's the correct spelling, should you have need to use it in future) - they have to do with your fairly aggressive attitude.

Aggression is good - when it's called for.  When it's not called for, it tends to breed more aggression, and so the circle goes.

And that's the extent of the warning you'll get from me on this particular subject.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

basrah said:
You guys love going off topic. I responded to GW judging me based on the limited information he had about me by doing the same to him, of course because I am not part of the 'crew' of the boards I am instantly seen as a troll... or whatever it is you all call it.

I am trying to give this kid relevant advice, as someone who has quite a bit of experience with recce platoon, and patrolling, yet again because I am not part of the clic here my experience is seen as second rate to someone who has been on this board longer.

I would think this forum would be happy to have guys with real time infantry combat experience dropping by, but since I dont have 100,000+ points and subscribe to the board, and buy a army.ca coin, I am wrong for voicing my opinions. While I am the first to admit I am opinionated, I am no more so than many of the moderators on this site.

Im sure Ill get some sort of warning for speaking out.

Kid, go infantry. If you want some advice feel free to send me a message, because this board is so far off topic it is hard to get any real info out of it.

Yes you are opinionated, and way off base on a lot of what you have been posting. 

There was one Reply in this whole topic that is very important, more so than any of the advice you have given, correct and incorrectly so far.  That advice was to first find out what Reserve Unit is near you.  The OP can not join an Infantry unit, if there isn't one in their location.

FastEddy said:
George Wallace

I'm trying to follow the continuity of this Tread, but its like, you can't tell the players without a program.

Now your response was directed at "Basrah", but how could he be referring to your age, as your Profile is Blank. Wasn't he  referring to "George's", now his remarks should have been directed at "George" and not you.. Of course I stand to be corrected.

May I complement you on your Service and Deployment Record. It certainly would merit being included in your Profile.


Yep GAP got it right.
I brought up my service on a tank just to prove a point.No matter how many tours you got etc someone else has a crap load more.I am not a fan of profiling my MPRR/awards/Op's I've been on.While some do put it on their profile I dont think my service merits respect.

Basrah I'm far from being in a "crew" "posse" look at my previous posts here.However why would you bother calling someone out on their service?Keep in mind many of us have been in "da mush" as well.Roto's in Afghanistan have been happening for years,your not the only guy who has been in a TIC or been injured or watched comrades being pulled out of vehicles VSA.
While Kommanding a tank in Afghanistan was the highlight of my career,I still am proud of my prior service to those "other" countries.

You have not seen war.You seen a counter insurgency warfare.So in 15 years time when your on a retirement posting somewhere and the shit hits the fan,do you expect young guys to look down on your service as "only Afghanistan"....... not like it was a battle against REAL armies? Dwell on that for a bit.

Get over yourself man.You went to Afghanistan.So did the rest of the army.
Methinks its time for everyone to do thier zippers back up.

The problem here is simply that "metilhed" is asking an impossible question to answer. He states the things that he wants to do but the problem is he doesn't have a clue what that entails. I'm sure we have some Infantry people here who have spent a lot of time "staring at a screen".
He is also going to get answers from folks who love, and are proud of what they are doing, so of course they are going to answer "artinfanmour" depending on thier trade.

I always tell those who are getting out and don't have a plan yet to apply for Corrections, however two of the CO's on this site have recently traded thier walking boots to go back to marching boots................
Does that make my opinion wrong?

It must have been easy being in Bosnia back in the 90's.
You know where you had no air support, no real medical support. No permission to return fire. Having to watch people get raped and murdered and not allowed to intervene. No support from the media. No support from people back home. People dying and it doesn't even hit the news. No support the troops stickers everywhere. No MSN hotmail and facebook at your finger tips. No carepackages. No real understanding of PTSD, no help programs for people.

What a walk in the park that must have been.

For a warrior that's a pretty shitty attitude to have, even if your butt hurt for coming on a forum swinging your been there done that stick and getting a cold reception.

Methilhead you'll find reserve infantry regiments in practically every large city or even medium sized city. From what you've spoken about you want Reserve infantry with a view to possibly component transfering to the reg force infantry if you want. End of story.
Flawed Design said:
It must have been easy being in Bosnia back in the 90's.
You know where you had no air support, no real medical support. No permission to return fire. Having to watch people get raped and murdered and not allowed to intervene. No support from the media. No support from people back home. People dying and it doesn't even hit the news. No support the troops stickers everywhere. No MSN hotmail and facebook at your finger tips. No carepackages. No real understanding of PTSD, no help programs for people.

What a walk in the park that must have been.

For a warrior that's a pretty shitty attitude to have, even if your butt hurt for coming on a forum swinging your been there done that stick and getting a cold reception.

Methilhead you'll find reserve infantry regiments in practically every large city or even medium sized city. From what you've spoken about you want Reserve infantry with a view to possibly component transfering to the reg force infantry if you want. End of story.

I did my time in Bosnia. Nice try though. Ive also done my time in Iraq in 05/06, 14 months to be exact.As well, Ive also done time in Cyprus as a matter of fact... dont remember it so well though.

I guess as jammer would say,this is just me talking about how awesome I am. I think Im gonna go look at myself in the mirror for a while.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Methinks its time for everyone to do thier zippers back up.

Hmmm.... yet my pants dont have a zipper, but the back of my skirt does!

I'd love to hear your fine speech Bruce  ;)
Back, front, side, pants, skirt, doesn't matter. EVERYONE - ZIPPERS UP 2..3!

PS: the seech was a winner in my books too!
I guess being banned he'll have lots of time to reflect on his awesomeness in mirrors.
Anyhoooooo.... back to original poster's question (what was his name again?)....

I'd suggest to him that he goes infantry.

While it's not very common for infantry reservists get the Basic Recce Course, it is VERY common for any and all infantry soldiers to participate in recce patrols.  It's a basic skill that all infantry soldiers are expected to have and even infantrymen who are not recce qualified can expect to participate in and later lead recce patrols throughout his career. 

This is common knowledge for most of us, but for the sake of the original poster I'll elaborate a bit: 

-On exercise in Canada recce patrols are ordered by rifle company commanders because they are an excellent vehicle for training fieldcraft and battle procedure.

-On operations overseas they provide company commanders the ability to check things out in their local areas without having to call for assets outside of their own sub-units.  Because the actual Recce Platoon is controlled by higher level commanders, sometimes it's just easier of a rifle company commander to just task his own guys to do the job - especially if the patrol is expected to be straight forward and of relatively short duration.

Now the original poster is probably asking "So then what's the point of the recce course?" Well...

The Basic Recce course just builds on skills that all infantry soldiers have from the time they qualify on their DP1 courses.  On the course you'd go into detail about the finder points of recce patrols, and learn from NCOs who are Advanced Recce or Pathfinder qualified.  On completion of the course you may be selected to work in the Recce Platoon, and overseas the Recce Platoon works for ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Reconnaissance) and take orders from the same commander who would also control the Armoured Recce guys, the snipers, and the UAV operators.  To put it another way, ISTAR is a mix of different "kinds" of recce and made up of Armoured soldiers, Infantry, and Artillerymen.

Hopefully I've provided a bit of context for the original poster, and others who are unsure of whether they want to join an Armoured Recce or an Infantry unit.

My opinion is that if you're the kind of guy who thinks he would enjoy getting muddy and sneaking up on the badguys, then infantry is the place for you.  The job is a pleasant mix of sneaking up on badguys then shooting them, and sneaking up on badguys and watching them so you can shoot them later.
Wonderbread said:
if you're the kind of guy who thinks he would enjoy getting muddy and sneaking up on the badguys, then infantry is the place for you.  The job is a pleasant mix of sneaking up on badguys then shooting them, and sneaking up on badguys and watching them so you can shoot them later.

Oh God that's poetry... I think I've found a new signature.

To the original poster, I don't think you can go wrong with any of the Combat Arms trades... Before you get into you may feel preferences towards one or the other, but on my BMOQ this summer when we were exposed to a couple Infanteers, a Artyman, and a Sapper, on our staff, and an Armoured guy during our weapons-handling classes, I think those of us who were going Infantry quickly realized.... They're all awesome!

EDIT TO ADD: I guess when you're that kinda guy, once you get into these trades you grow to love them pretty quick anyway. They all satisfy what it is you're looking for.
