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Needing to gain weight and Muscle mass HELP!!!!!!

Try going to bodybuilding.com and navigate through the site. There's a lot of good information for both men and women on what kind of meals, supplements, and workouts that one can do to achieve to build muscle and gain weight. It's also one of the cheapest places to buy any workout related supplements or gear, and is highly reliable.
weiss said:
good question. I am 46, obviously aged out from just about anything. Passed my long security checks through the course of 3 (fkn THREE eh) years, and then I had to reapply and fill in another security form, because the old one lapsed through the passage of time. At which point I said fokkit, and rightly so. So much for recruiting process. There are Canadians and "other Canadians" apparently. I have my mom living in Russia, and I served in Russian navy, perhaps that was a bit to much for recruiters to swallow. As for weight, I am at my 189lbs, lean as a rabbit, train twice daily, lift weights and some boxing. And shoot pistol competitively. I have great career in my field that also pays the bills. doubt I would have this much fan if I enlisted. Although sometimes I dream that things were different, I still have this bug about being a soldier. Enough wenting

You mean our recruiting system managed to turn away a physically fit person with life experience and previous military experience? I don't believe it.

lookingintoit said:
  O.K. So my goal is to enroll by February. My dilemmas are these.

      1. Figuring out what I am doing with my son and where my man and I are headed.

      2. I weigh 102 lbs.

  I desperatly need to bulk up. I have weighed in and around this weight ever since I was 12 years old. I am almost 23. I have tried everything to gain weight and nothing seems to work for me. I would do the whole proteing shake thing but I just can't seem to choke those things down. Are there protein pills that work just as well? Anyone at all know how to gain weight. I want to do it though so that I still look quite feminin and not all butch. If anyone has any tips at all I would love to hear them. Thanks.

1.  You need to hit the gym and get on a weight lifting program, a proper weight lifting program as well.  A good one for beginner's is stronglifts 5x5 http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5-beginner-strength-training-program/

I used this program over a year and put on 25lbs of muscle, went from 180lbs to 205lbs.

2.  You need to eat good food and a lot of it.  Don't skip meals either!

Good food for weight gaining/muscle building:

1.  Chocolate Milk
2.  Salmon
3.  Lean Beef
4.  Greek Yogurt
5.  Eggs
6.  Chicken
7.  Sweet Potatoes
8.  Spinach/Broccoli/Asparagus
9.  WATER (Most important one)

You do not need to take pills or any of that other junk, just buy proper foods and drink plenty of water and you will get all the nutrients you require.


Didn't realize this was an old post haha

ObedientiaZelum said:
You mean our recruiting system managed to turn away a physically fit person with life experience and previous military experience? I don't believe it.

ok, we are wildly off topic here. For DEO I am sure it is quite normal to go through security checks. Plus don't forget this was all not too long after 9/11, new measures were already in place or so I was told. I am thinking now, just so we learn something from it, what if the recruiting process was designed in such way that long security checks were running on the background, while the person is involved in basic training. Sort of "enlisted with conditions" and is not exposed to any sensitive information until the conditions were removed. Catch the prospect while he is still warm with the idea of service. Sales people do this all the time. In my situation this should have worked, and I am sure many others are the same way. In three years of waiting people get promoted or land interesting career somewhere else, relationships and kids etc.