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New CIC training system?

I did the course in June of 03 in the Atlantic Region and yes it was very much so a new course That course was differnet from the course that had been done the year before and was introduced by the Commandant of RCIS as a revised course.
National assessment forms and exams where introduced recently, which did have a minor impact on how certain PO's where taught and/or assessed.  But the basic content (and the actuall course standards) have not changed.

I have talk to the man at D- CDTS last week at a mess dinner here in Ottawa, He said there will be alot of new changes to improve the CCM.

I think it will be a WATCH AND SHOOT but we well see

Has any of my fellow Officers seen or read the findings of the  questionair that we filled out a few years back. Thats were the new changes are comming from.

Were can I find a copy of the findings

yes, the results from that survey are published on cadetnet somewhere....I'll check.
A very interesting read, i had been through it when we got our copies of cadence at my unit, but iy replenishes interest and curiosity.  The new system sounds good so far, however being on BOQ currently, i may be caught in the middle of the two systems.  I hope they still keep Abseil qual. open to air.

I like the idea of a more military BOQ. I was talking with my CO about it, and a week for BOQ isn't long enough. How can you produce a leader in one week. 3 weeks is a lot more reasonable. Especially when they will eventually get the same Commission as Res. and Reg Force Officers.
[quote  Especially when they will eventually get the same Commission as Res. and Reg Force Officers.

We were Res Officer Cadets as CIC officers  :salute:
I like the idea of a more military BOQ

I agree.  As an ex cadet, as with many ex cadets i am sure,  wish The BOQ course was more challenging at times, or more...militarized.  I think it all comes down to budget when lengthening courses.  RCIS's will probably need more money, unless as stated they make a great deal of the courses corespondance.

I also think more time in rank would be a good idea, with greater relevancy to time spent in rank according to Reg force standards.  Possibly 2Lt. for 2 years and Lt. for two years minimum instead of the current system (1 year minimum).

PViddy said:
I also think more time in rank would be a good idea, with greater relevancy to time spent in rank according to Reg force standards.   Possibly 2Lt. for 2 years and Lt. for two years minimum instead of the current system (1 year minimum).

Reg force is one year as a 2Lt and two years as an Lt in most cases, there's always exceptions of course. The caveat to that is that you must be MOC qualified prior to being promoted to Lt.

To to put that in a little perspective though, we're 2Lts for around 220 working days (not including weekends, stats, short, special, or annual leave). I know that wouldn't work though since you guys don't aren't in uniform that often in a year.
I have been told by a very reliable source at RCIS(C) that in addition to the changes detailed in the Cadence article that the RCIS organization is going to be revised as well, insofar that there will be a national RCIS Commandant and organization in order to eliminate the radical differences in the way that training is being delivered in different regions.
All of these changes are welcome, and long overdue in my opinion.
Agreed.  The training i have received in central region so far has been great, but the question begs to be answered- am i missing out on anything or is anybody else in other parts of the country ? standardization would make most sense.

The only thing you might be missing out on would be the OLD BOYS CLUB with in the school. :threat: I cant wait till RCIS (C) gets the shake up it will be for the better. :salute:
I am so glad to here someone else say that!  No more empire?  Fantastic.
So, three years later since the last post. I am interested in joining the CIC soon, has anything changed? I noticed that BOTC is still in the trial phase.
I havn't been on course since last year, however from what i understand the new BOTC is already being implemented (but perhaps somone else can elaborate).  The last course i was on was CWIC and i was told that we were the last intake under the current structure, and a new one would be online this year.  The gist is, yes things are changing as we speak.


I had that impression, but then became unsure when they have been talking about for 3 yrs at least.
Yep, it's in the works.  I am sure you can appreciate that changes, nationally, can't just happen over night.  I would suspect that it still varies by region and will for another few years.

The trial BOTC was run last May/June. The trial MOC courses are being run in june - the Sea Environmental Course being run at RCIS Pac  8), the Air at St Jean and the Land at RCIS Central.

I 'm not sure the date of implimentation of the BOTC/OCC courses - I have heard September but I haven't seen anything to confirm it.  The AdminO and SupO courses are now done online via DL, as is a section of the Commanding Officer Course as well as the Environmental Courses (and BOTC/OCC).

BOQ has been made into two courses - BOTC and OCC which is the CIC specialization course.

I liked BOQ. I wish I could have been on BOTC/OCC.

I'm glad that the training systems are being updated - there's a lot of "drugery" in them.
Would almost be smart to hang on and wait for BOTC/OCC to start. I am just starting the application process now. So I bet september wouldn't be that long of a wait.