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New CM for sailor accused of "dicking around" with milk

The Bread Guy

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I'm.  Not.  Making.  This.  Up.
A second military court martial is being convened against a Canadian Forces seaman accused of disgraceful conduct after a prank involving a glass of milk and a sailor’s penis.

The unusual case happened aboard the HMCS Nanaimo when the coastal defence vessel was visiting Seattle in 2009.

A leading seaman in the ship’s mess poured the last of the chocolate milk; mess protocol dictates he refill it. Master Seamen W.L. Boyle told him to refill it and the sailor of a slightly lesser rank said he would do it after lunch.

An argument ensued and the junior sailor left, presumably to get fresh milk. While he was gone, MS Boyle took the glass of milk, unzipped his overalls and, according to one witness, inserted his penis into the drink, swirled it around and returned the glass to the table.

The sailor was warned by a shipmate not to drink it.

MS Boyle was charged with disgraceful conduct and conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline, under the National Defence Act, which he was found not guilty of almost a year later. The military appealed, however, and won a retrial on the disgraceful conduct count ....
More from Postmedia News here - Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada decision here.
I should see about visiting that one, seeing as NAN's home is here...I can see the judge having a hard time controlling the court, much less himself...

medicineman said:
I should see about visiting that one, seeing as NAN's home is here...
I wouldn't drink any chocolate milk you haven't poured yourself if I were you, though ....
Ohhh boy, this is one of those times when Canadian Forces Sailor may have been a better choice of words than Canadian Forces Seaman for the article lol
Makes me REALLY REALLY think twice about sailing on any of this coast's MCDV's ever again.

Snakedoc - you almost owed the crown a new monitor.

Hardly the worst prank to ever of taken place in the CF. I can't imagine the LS being too well liked by his fellow sailors after he ratted out his master seamen for that...  ::)
I'd rat him out too. He's a Master Seamen, and should be setting an example for this LS to follow.
Am I the only person here who considers the FIRST court martial  of waste of time money and  effort? Never mind the second? :facepalm:
GK .Dundas said:
Am I the only person here who considers the FIRST court martial  of waste of time money and  effort? Never mind the second? :facepalm:

That's true, as well. This could have been dealt with at a lot lower level.
GK .Dundas said:
Am I the only person here who considers the FIRST court martial  of waste of time money and  effort? Never mind the second? :facepalm:
It makes me wonder, too, why it wasn't dealt with by the senior non-commissioned leadership, or by summary trial.
A quick look at the JAG site makes me think that Disgraceful Conduct is an electable offense, and either the prosecution or the defendant elected for trial by Courts Martial.
Trueblue said:
Hardly the worst prank to ever of taken place in the CF. I can't imagine the LS being too well liked by his fellow sailors after he ratted out his master seamen for that...  ::)

He did the right god damn thing. Behavior by a Junior NCO will be modelled by his subordinates. Think about it....sticking your yoo hoo in their milk (or even the appearance of) is a leadership style I was NEVER taught and would not condone. Your remarks seem to make a victim of the MS....and you are condoning his actions.

Maybe this MS thought he could beat the system by taking a CM. Maybe he refused the offer of "corrective training". I've read the alleged offence and even the appearance of him sticking his yoo hoo in a fellow sailor's milk is vile and disgusting. This sailor is NOT a leader....with some coaching/mentoring he could be.

He deserves a CM. The LS DID NOT RAT.....he reported a disgraceful, disgusting act.
Along with choosing a CM, you also accept that the penalties are increased and the penalties of the Board are expanded. Perhaps someone in CFDSB will be dipping their 'yoo hoo' in something of his ;)
recceguy said:
Along with choosing a CM, you also accept that the penalties are increased and the penalties of the Board are expanded. Perhaps someone in CFDSB will be dipping their 'yoo hoo' in something of his ;)

Actually no one dips their yoo hoo in anything in DB. My brother used to work there. It is not a fun place to be.

I love your comment!! LOL ;D
Jim Seggie said:
Actually no one dips their yoo hoo in anything in DB. My brother used to work there. It is not a fun place to be.

I love your comment!! LOL ;D

I 'know' that Jim ;) The conjecture just made me chuckle ;D

That and you called it a 'yoo hoo' (because when you pass the wife in the hallway, on her way to the shower, you jiggle it and say 'yoo hoo') I know it's a married guy thing, that we think is hilarious, but the wife seems fail to see the humour in it. :rofl:
edit: no offense was meant in any of my responses, yes I am aware a lot of you have a lot of time in but that may be the issue here.

Think back to when you first got in, to when first went through Cornwallis etc.

Think back to your first "7 days at sea."

It's probably my relative inexperience in the service that's making me look at this in a different light than somebody with 25+ in.
I think the issue is when you as a leader put your dick in someones milk while attempting to correct them.

"Do this"
"After milk"
"Do it now then have milk"
"Wahh" goes to do the task
"Now to put my wang in the milk"

Pranks are one thing but this at best reduces your ability to lead and at worst gets you in the news.

I mean really consider the logic: Sailor boss tells sailor subordinate to fill milk up because its protocol. Then goes and breaks protocol while the subordinates back is turned. Its pretty much an example of poor "everything" and while amusing to read wouldnt be that amusing to watch.
You sort of rapidly loose credibility as a supervisor whenever you use your dick in any sort of corrective action...