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New Game: Make a wish

Granted ...Time has been rewound just for you now have the pleasure of watching the Green Bay Packers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers all over again!

I wish I could win a million dollar poker game
Granted... But bad for you, it all goes to debts and taxes...

I wish that I can get my report in on time! And do a VERY good job!
RemembranceDay said:
I wish that I can get my report in on time! And do a VERY good job!


Unfortunately, you've set your own bar so impossibly high, that any attempt at excellence you offer henceforth, is dismissed as being trite, jejune, and generally $hitty.....

I wish that the price of oil stays high, so that I continue not to be buried at work, and actually get free time!
(I hate the price of gas being high, but I enjoy the occasional weekend off)
"I wish that the price of oil stays high..."

Ya got it!  But the gas pumps break down and the boss has you hand pump the gas for the vehicles on the long weekend.

Now I wish to go to sleep....
Sigs Pig said:
"I wish that the price of oil stays high..."

Ya got it!  But the gas pumps break down and the boss has you hand pump the gas for the vehicles on the long weekend.

Now I wish to go to sleep....

Haha! Granted/Defeated!
I'm a chemist, who tests and grades the fine petroleum we consume.....the more people that buy oil, the less sleep I get.
(I did spend some time as a gas-pumper though...I loved that job)

You go to sleep, but the horrendous night terrors you experience negate the small bit of sleep you managed to get...so you wake up even more irritable, cranky, and dis-combobulated then when you went to ground.....

I wish for a (little-teeny bit) of snow in Nova Scotia tomorrow, so I can fix the "bobsled-style" track the Small Mallet and I constructed over the weekend.
:snowman: UM GRANTED  Hearing what such fun you all were having  your grumpy neighbour puts in a friendly call to the city who ask you for your permit and since you did not think you needed one you have to cut your afternoon short and tear it down.  :'(

I wish I could have a whole civilization follow me.
You get a civilization to follow you, but it is a weak civilization. To maintain their following, you institute a crude police state devoid of human rights. Very powerful civilizations see your brutal repression in your regime, and see fit to invade. Your civilization is armed...with spears and swords. Your enemy has fighter jets, bombers, aircraft carriers, tanks, etc. Your army is easily crushed and you are executed for your crimes and your people are freed from your tyranny.

I wish I could do work in my sleep.
Granted. You toss and turn all night, partly due to the pens in your bed. You wake up more tired, and when you try to go back to sleep because you feel like you're going to crash, the cycle repeats.

I wish I didn't have 20 more assignments, tests, masterclasses and concerts within the next three weeks.
JMesh said:
Granted. You toss and turn all night, partly due to the pens in your bed. You wake up more tired, and when you try to go back to sleep because you feel like you're going to crash, the cycle repeats.

I wish I didn't have 20 more assignments, tests, masterclasses and concerts within the next three weeks.

Granted, you lose the tickets to all the concerts giving you more time to study.

I wish Japan comes out of this disaster in as few pieces as possible.
HavokFour said:
I wish Japan comes out of this disaster in as few pieces as possible.
Granted.  But now that the island is 8 feet or so closer to Korea, Kim Jong Il has to reprogram his missiles.  Since Japan is in one piece, that means only one target.  "Dear Leader" blasts Japan back to the stone age.

I wish that Godzilla would attack North Korea instead of poor Japan all the time.
Granted, however Mr "I'm so Ronery" fires his nukes at Godzilla, blasting him back to Japan, where he undergoes more radiation induced, genetic mutations and then gobbles up Tokyo (again) anyway.

I wish my kid would pull his head out of his ass.

medicineman said:
Granted, however Mr "I'm so Ronery" fires his nukes at Godzilla, blasting him back to Japan, where he undergoes more radiation induced, genetic mutations and then gobbles up Tokyo (again) anyway.

I wish my kid would pull his head out of his ***.


Granted, but the results are... messy, and the smell never really goes away.

I wish summer would come around faster.
Black Betty said:
I wish for summer shopping spree

Granted...You are the proud owner of a $15K shopping spree, however it's only good at the local Chevron and restricted to oil, washer fluid and radiator coolant...oil changes aren't included.

Along the same note, I wish I had a year's free Timmy's.

medicineman said:
Along the same note, I wish I had a year's free Timmy's.

Granted.  Here is Timmy:

He's in your care for a year, for free.  It's all coming out of your pocket.

I wish that I knew the truth behind Schroedinger's Cat...
Granted - but you have to crawl inside the box to find out - and the "kitty" is a very hungry Bobcat.

Now I wish that the new Timmy I've been bestowed with goes into a coma and ends up in the hospital as respite for me (call me an arsehole, I know)...

medicineman said:
Granted - but you have to crawl inside the box to find out - and the "kitty" is a very hungry Bobcat.

Now I wish that the new Timmy I've been bestowed with goes into a coma and ends up in the hospital as respite for me (call me an arsehole, I know)...


Granted, but because he went into the coma under your care, you have been tasked to be his round-the-clock caregiver including spongebaths!

I wish my car never got dirty, inside or out.
Granted. All the dirt that would have been on your car now follows it and you inside of your apartment, where it all finally comes to rest.

I wish my argumentative essay about capital punishment was finished.
JMesh said:
I wish my argumentative essay about capital punishment was finished.
Granted, it's finished.  You lose the argument and are sentenced to death....by writing argumentative essays by pen until you are dead.

I wish we would pick one "time" and stick with it, instead of flipping from Standard to Daylight Saving.
airmich said:
Granted, but because he went into the coma under your care, you have been tasked to be his round-the-clock caregiver including spongebaths!

I wish my car never got dirty, inside or out.

Granted, you no longer have a car to get dirty.

I wish I had the cash to buy up some more MS points.