OK, you guys, just so you ARE aware:
1) I am NOT a cadet.
2) I am a fully commissioned officer in the Canadian Reserves. I may not be operational, but I still am in the army. The cadets are the civilians, not me. I have to answer to the same rules as you, and can get a nice little holiday in Club Ed if I screw up.
3) I did NOT beg, steal or borrow the CADPAT uniform.
4) It was ISSUED to me.
5) Out here, everyone that I have seen, except people on BMQ, have the CADPAT.
For goodness sake, it's not like I asked for it

It was given to me. How am I supposed to influence who gets it first? Geesh. "Uh no thanks, I won't take that regulation piece of kit that you are going to issue me, because there is some guy out in Ontario whose Supply technician or whatever has decided that he is going to use up all of those OD combats before he gives out the CADPAT"
As far as the 'how are they getting it before soldiers?' comment goes, last I checked, the term 'soldier' applied to everyone in the Army, not just those of you who are out in the far ends of the earth getting shot at. Don't get me wrong, I have total respect for all of you in the Reg Force and the Reserves who are getting shot at, etc, and I do not, by any stretch of the imagination, think that I have the same level of training to deal with that. I know what my limitations are, and I never try to pass myself off as anything but what I am.
I am a CIC Officer, and very proud of that! I am good at what I do (or at least I like to think so), but I am by no means an expert. Would YOU like to come and teach these hormonal 12-19 year-olds? Go check out / volunteer at your local Cadets, and when you see what kind of stuff we have to put up with, then come back to me, and tell me that I don't deserve to wear the Uniform of my Country, which I am proud to serve, in whatever capacity I may.
I realize that this has gotten a bit off topic, so if anyone wants to continue this discussion offlist, please send me a private message, I would appreciate it.