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NHL 2006-2007

Who are you cheering for?

  • Tampa Bay Lightning

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  • Philidelphia Flyers

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  • New Jersey Devils

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  • Minnesota Wild

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  • Dallas Stars

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  • San Jose Sharks

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  • St. Lois Blues

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  • Colorado Avalanche

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  • Nashville Predators

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  • Columbus Blue Jackets

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  • Phoenix Coyotes

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  • Chicago Blackhawks

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  • Carolina Hurricanes

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  • Atlanta Thrashers

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  • Los Angeles Kings

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  • New York Rangers

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  • New York Islanders

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  • Washington Capitals

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The thought of the Senators proceeding to the finals makes me feel sick. 

But they're the best in the East this playoffs, and as such deserve to go to the big show.  Of course it will be interesting to see how to handle playing a real hockey team, either the Ducks or the Wings.  Because lets face it, the Pens tried hard but weren't that good, the devils just weren't clicking properly and the Sabres, I mean holy christ I've never seen such a talented team play so badly.  Sometimes its like watching Tim Bits hockey, only less coordinated. 

And Sens fans remember this,  we have 13 cups.  If you should happen to win the cup this year you still have a long way to go to turn yourself into a real hockey franchise. 

Sheerin said:
And Sens fans remember this,  we have 13 cups.  If you should happen to win the cup this year you still have a long way to go to turn yourself into a real hockey franchise. 

Ohhh, apparently thou ist a tad bit upset that your franchise has demonstrated that it needs quite a lot of work to turn itself into same. N'est pas?

Regardless, win or lose, I'm a Bruins fan; always will be. One of the 3 here apparently.  ;)
oh i see we want to play the how many cups do we have game well i didn't want but now i have no choice, i believe MONTREAL had the most cups almost double on what the leafs have
Infantry_ said:
oh i see we want to play the how many cups do we have game well i didn't want but now i have no choice, i believe MONTREAL had the most cups almost double on what the leafs have

Yes you do, but my beef isn't with you as you guys were out on the golf course before we were this year (yes yes  I know, less than 24 hours but hey at least we knocked you guys out of contention!)

The Librarian said:
Ohhh, apparently thou ist a tad bit upset that your franchise has demonstrated that it needs quite a lot of work to turn itself into same. N'est pas?

Regardless, win or lose, I'm a Bruins fan; always will be. One of the 3 here apparently.  ;)

I don't know if I'm included in this number but I've been a Bruins fan since '71 when I got to skate with Orr, Espo, Hodge and the rest of the boys.

And Sens fans remember this,  we have 13 cups.  If you should happen to win the cup this year you still have a long way to go to turn yourself into a real hockey franchise. 

And it's been how many years since you won? ;D Most Leaf fans have NEVER seen their team win one.

Your last line actually made me laugh out loud!
2 Cdo said:
I don't know if I'm included in this number but I've been a Bruins fan since '71 when I got to skate with Orr, Espo, Hodge and the rest of the boys.

It depends, did you vote in the poll above?? I did.

And it's been how many years since you won? ;D Most Leaf fans have NEVER seen their team win one.

Geez some of us non-Leafs fan weren't even around last time they won. I found this excellent link though that spells it out wonderfully!!  :)

Leafs Fan Page
I was going to report Vern to the mods for harrassment and mental anguish, then I remembered that I'm a Leafs fan (who was alive last time they hoisted the cup!).  I also remembered that SHE is a mod, so I have but one thing to say:


Who said I was a Laughs fan???

My team has won 2 cups in my short life span and unlike the Leafs has done it since colour TV was invented.....

I can' really remember when the last time Boston made the finals....hmmmm well not in I think a good 10 years or so eh....heck I even guess 20
HitorMiss said:
Who said I was a Laughs fan???

Hey there sunshine, (>:D)

If you're cheering for anybody other than Boston, you're a laughs fan!!

It doesn't matter how many times my team's won the cup, or when that was...I still love them!!  ;D
The Librarian said:
Hey there sunshine, (>:D)

It doesn't matter how many times my team's won the cup, or when that was...I still love them!!  ;D
I don't need to remind anyone how many times the Habs won the cup, no one's even close to catching up...but I guess cheering for the Bruins would be less painful than cheering for the Sens!  Go VERN!  ;)
HitorMiss said:
At least one in ever decade D2 One in every decade!!!!!
Yessiree, HorM,
not to mention 6 in the 70's, 4 in the 60's, 4 in the 50's
Counting the 85/86 one and the 92/93 one (which I was at!!!!) that's 16 Stanley Cups since the day I was born.
Unfortunately, one every decade is what seems to be the norm now  :(
I've been a fan of the sens since '96 since i learned that my moms cousin played for them in their first modern day year. he was Andrew Mcbaine

but onto the playoffs.... i cant believe we are gonna (hopefully) sweep the number 1 seed buffalo, they deserve it pretty much for what happened last year, and this year thinking they're hot sh*t.

Im gonna go on a limb and say buffalo will win tonight but in my right mind i hope they do get swept just so ottawa keeps breaking their own records this year, including a playoff sweep and finally getting to the cup final in again.. the modern day nhl.

heatley is by far the greatest winger the sens have had.

go sens go
canada needs the cup!
and ill count this as a p.s

to all the toronto fans going about how many cups they won, last time toronto won a cup, was a few years past when ottawa held the cup 11 times, so really, your cup arguments dont really stand with the new nhl, inreverse us sens fans can rub it in your newly sunburnt faces from golfing, that toronto hasnt done squat but build their franchise around a member that only wants to stay around to break his personal records (sundin).

and to the toronto fans that are cheering for the sens right now, kudo's to you for having some taste.  ;)

its all in good fun.
Sixshooter said:
canada needs the cup!
Hard to argue with that one shooter, but geez...the Sens?  It's bad enough I've had to cheer for the Leafs since moving to Toronto ("When in Rome...")
Now if HAMILTON ever gets an NHL team...