Where are you located?
Edit to add - I see you're likely in Montreal based on recruiting center location posted in another thread.
In your course Joining Instructions, there should be contact details for course staff (near the end of the main part of the JI's) I will suggest asking your supervisor at your unit to reach out to the course staff to inform them that you don't have kit yet.
On Friday night, I recommend showing up dressed in appropriate civilian attire, with a bag of stuff to enable you to stay for the weekend.
Recommend packing as follows at a minimum:
-Shirts/pants/shoes/socks/undergarments for 3 days
-fitness gear - shirt/pants/running shoes/undergarments
-Appropriate jacket/gloves/mitts/toque for weather conditions in case of outdoors activities
-shower/ablution gear - shaving kit, shower sandals, shampoo, etc
-personal sleeping bag (if you have one, or can borrow one)
-positive attitude and a readiness to adapt to change
Looking at the BMQ we have kicking off here in Halifax this weekend, most of the first weekend is lectures and briefings - there is some basic drill, and some PT, but TBH, if someone shows up this weekend without a uniform for weekend 1, it is NOT a game ender from my perspective.
If a soldier shows up to the BMQ this weekend in HFX without kit at report time of 1800 hrs, as Training Coy CSM for the lead mounting unit (LMU) we would be in touch with the OPS and Training staff at that member's home unit by about 1900 hrs. The soldier's home unit would get told to sort out their uniform issue in advance of the second weekend, but the soldier would be staying on the course.
They may end up finding a set of coveralls to issue you for the weekend - that's what I wore when I did Basic until day 3 when they took us down to get our kit issue.
Attached is a picture of the pre-BMQ kit check that my troops conducted last week. We have 13 of these soldiers starting BMQ this weekend as well.
Good luck, and I'm certain things will work out - you'll feel out of place this weekend, but it's likely not your fault - and your course staff will accommodate the circumstance the best they can as things get sorted out.
Best regards,