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No Red Friday at Petawawa Timmies?


Army.ca Veteran
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Was watching A-Channel (Ottawa) and there was a little blurb about the Tim Horton's in Petawawa not allowing its staff to participate in Red Fridays.  Guess I'll have to watch the news tonight.

Anyone heard anything further?
Hi folks,

I was advised by the Bde P Affairs Officer at lunch today that the A Channel would be at Tim Hortons to interview the staff about them not being able to wear red shirts on Friday.  I spoke to the CANEX Tim Hortons manager and advised him regarding the pending arrival of the press and asked about the policy. 

The restriction about wearing red shirts on Friday is not a CANEX policy but rather a Tim Hortons policy.  I might suggest that Tim Hortons be interviewed regarding this policy.

Ed Gagnon
PSP Manager
CFB Petawawa
Thanks Ed. Any chance you can raise the rent for Timmies?

Its OK if Tim's doesn't follow the red Friday trend. They have their uniform to wear, just like every soldier on base does. Its not what you wear, or what you say....It is what they do. And Tim's has and continues to be a good supporter of the CF.
My wife's mother is a manager at pet smart and they were not allowed to follow the red Fridays either.Store policy internationally.She looked into also wearing the yellow ribbon but was shot down.It made sense to me also as if they started to wear yellow ribbons next would be pink for breast cancer and by the end of the year they would be covered in support ribbons.As armymedic stated its a business and it has a uniform,and lets face it the whole world isn't full of army support and business would want to stay bias to not effect its net income from certain "hippie" demographics.

Maybe they could tie a ribbon in their hair,that's what the mother in-law told her employees if they so chose to do so.
I noticed last week that some of the girls were wearing red t's under their uniforms.  Will this till be allowed?  If not, then they shouldn'd be allowed to wear those little support bracelets either.
Tims has been a proud supporter of the CF for many years.  They do have a Uniform Policy, like so many other organizations and companies.  On the other hand, have they not worn T-shirts for other occasions in support of Terry Fox Runs, Cancer, the Tim Horton Camps, etc.  I could be wrong.

In the end; perhaps on Fridays they will just make larger displays of Red Coffee Cans and be in vogue.   :-\
My wife works for Tim Horton's in Kingston. The corporate policy is that they must wear their uniform shirts on Friday. They are allowed to wear the Camp Day T-Shirts only on Camp Day. I had heard that the Tim's on the Base did wear the Support Our Troops shirts available at our CANEX one Friday and the staff was censured for it. I don't know if this happened or not as my wife wasn't working there that week.

The local TDL owner, however, is trying to get red shirts with the Tim's logo on them for wear on Friday's, but it isn't looking good.
George Wallace said:
Tims has been a proud supporter of the CF for many years.  They do have a Uniform Policy, like so many other organizations and companies.  On the other hand, have they not worn T-shirts for other occasions in support of Terry Fox Runs, Cancer, the Tim Horton Camps, etc.  I could be wrong.

In the end; perhaps on Fridays they will just make larger displays of Red Coffee Cans and be in vogue.  :-\

Yes.. but these could be organizations that Timmies supports as a whole (officially and across the board)

Support the troops could also be seen more in the political realm also.
Lowe Green on CFRW was just talking to the VP from Tim Hortons....Red Support now Allowed.
I think you have to look at this as business owners.  In some minds "support the troops" means support war, which means support violence, all of which I truly support, but there are enough bleeding heart peaceniks out there to really hurt a business. Hell, look at athe tuna/dolphin thing a few years ago. I would rather have a business quietly support us than see a business that supprorts us run out of business because some crying flowerchild starts a petition.
Here endeth the speel.
Supporting our troops does not mean you will be supporting our mission in A'stan.

You will be supporting the mission in A'stan if you vote for the political party that sent them there in the first place.

Supporting our troops means exactly that " supporting our troops".

My son is an avid soccer player, he lives to play. There are some games where the other team are just a bunch of goons with no soccer skills who use their size instead of their feet.

I complain to the league but they do nothing, so I don't support the league but I support my son's passion for soccer.

Its not much of a comparison and a bit long winded but its no different than our "support our troops"

GUNS said:
Supporting our troops does not mean you will be supporting our mission in A'stan.

Guns... you know that.. I know that.

Sadly, many people don't.
GAP said:
Lowe Green on CFRW was just talking to the VP from Tim Hortons....Red Support now Allowed.

A tip pf the hat to Lowe Green.

did they say specifically how they would be allowed to show their support?
Will the store provide staff with shirts? And is it just that location or can
they all participate now?
They said that they could wear the red Support Our Troops ribbons on their uniforms.  Asked about the Red T-shirts, the answer was that that was still being discused.  It was a very quick reaction on the part of a major Corporation, so the finer details will probably take some time.
I think I just found the whole thing initially a little shocking.  After all, this is the store that set-up shop (pardon the pun) in A'Stan which, in my view, shows that they in fact support the troops already.
I just heard on the morning news that Tim Hortons has lifted their "ban" on Red Friday support. And now their staff can wear red shirts to show support.
Tim Hortons relents, workers join 'Red Friday'
Updated Fri. Sep. 29 2006 11:02 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff

Tim Hortons employees almost didn't get to join other Canadians Friday in wearing red to support Canadian troops in Afghanistan.

The "Red Friday" campaign was begun last spring by the families of CFB Petawawa troops serving in the war-torn country. But employees at the Tim Hortons on the base were distressed when the head office issued an order this Friday that they weren't allowed to ditch their uniforms and wear red.

"I think it's terrible myself," one soldier who came into the doughnut shop on the base told CTV News. "We support them everyday coming in here buying coffee."

The head office altered its order within hours of making it, telling employees across Canada they had to wear their standard uniforms, but could wear red ribbons or pins on the job, if they wished.

The manager of the Tim Hortons at Petawawa, whose husband just returned from Kandahar, doesn't think that's enough. She said her employees want to hold out for red T-shirts to support their loved ones overseas.

Their relatives in Afghanistan love Tims. The outlet in Kandahar is a cherished connection to home.

Suzy Wells worked at the Tim Hortons at CFB Petawawa two years ago. With her husband training to go to Afghanistan, she can't imagine not being able to wear red on Fridays.

"They let them wear the support a cookie smile T-shirt when it's time for that, or their camp day T-shirt when it's time for camp day, but they won't let them wear a red shirt in support of Canadian Armed Forces," said Wells. "I think it's kind of silly."
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