I'm currently in a sticky spot at the moment and hopefully can receive a little bit of help. I recently had to sell my condo and had the intention of moving into a PMQ. However, the sale fell through about a week before the closing date and my anticipated clear-in to the Q. Now, I have sold my condo (again), but CFHA tells me they don't have a PMQ to which I am entitled. It is just me and my wife, no kids. CFHA has told me that it's too bad that we don't have kids because their are tons of 4 bedrooms available, but since we're not entitled to them, we can't have them. I have looked through the CFAOs and QR&Os on Married Quarters but I can't seem to find anything specifically on size entitlements other than CFAO 208-1 Annex A.
What I'd like to know is, is it possible to request a type of PMQ which is above entitlement but in great abundance? I'd be more than happy to pay the difference in the shelter charge and I'm mainly interested in not being homeless come our closing date in less than a month from now. CFHA has given us the run around and basically said, "We'll see what we can do, but don't hold your breath". I find it difficult to believe that a military member can't get a PMQ when at least 25% (and probably more) PMQs are currently vaccant, and many are being occupied by single guys and civilians. Not to mention a couple I know of that are inhabiting some illegally, but that's a whole other story... Not only that, but this year's APS is pretty much done for. How many 4 bedroom PMQs do they think are going to be taken in the next, say, 6 months? I'd even be willing to sign a waiver stating that I will take a 4 bedroom but move to a 2 or 3 Bedroom as one becomes available, paying the difference in rent until that time.
In any case, if anyone has had a similar problem or can point me to some references, it would be appreciated. I think I might have to go through the C of C, but they won't do anything for me unless I do all the legwork and have some sort of reference. The thing that grinds my gears is I get the impression that CFHA really wants to hold off moving people into PMQs that haven't been renovated yet so they can charge people more for the ones that have been redone. One of the clerks at CFHA here even told me 90% of the work being done is just cosmetic.
What I'd like to know is, is it possible to request a type of PMQ which is above entitlement but in great abundance? I'd be more than happy to pay the difference in the shelter charge and I'm mainly interested in not being homeless come our closing date in less than a month from now. CFHA has given us the run around and basically said, "We'll see what we can do, but don't hold your breath". I find it difficult to believe that a military member can't get a PMQ when at least 25% (and probably more) PMQs are currently vaccant, and many are being occupied by single guys and civilians. Not to mention a couple I know of that are inhabiting some illegally, but that's a whole other story... Not only that, but this year's APS is pretty much done for. How many 4 bedroom PMQs do they think are going to be taken in the next, say, 6 months? I'd even be willing to sign a waiver stating that I will take a 4 bedroom but move to a 2 or 3 Bedroom as one becomes available, paying the difference in rent until that time.
In any case, if anyone has had a similar problem or can point me to some references, it would be appreciated. I think I might have to go through the C of C, but they won't do anything for me unless I do all the legwork and have some sort of reference. The thing that grinds my gears is I get the impression that CFHA really wants to hold off moving people into PMQs that haven't been renovated yet so they can charge people more for the ones that have been redone. One of the clerks at CFHA here even told me 90% of the work being done is just cosmetic.