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Old soldier's had enough! - Historical Perspective


Fallen Comrade
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I have been doing that soldier's story so long,The old soldier needs to vent a bit.I'm mad has hell and ready to do battle.

Get up,Get up!

Enemy troop movement has been reported to the south.Their advancing on our position, a breach of our left line is imminent.
At 0600 hrs a hearty breakfast of hard tac and a slice of tinned meat will be served before the assault.Don't worry there'll be time for some idle gossip before the attack begins.
at 0800 hrs we will assault the enemies front line.'A' company armed with signs and harsh words will be spearheading the assault.If you should drop your sign or if it malfunctions grab another.Whatever you do don't let the enemy break your line.Fight to  the last three piece suit clad one of ye!'B' company will be supporting in defence of an enemy flanking maneuver,They'll be armed with a sit on the fence attitude and some handy free speech tactics.Front line support will be some of the spouse's of 'A' company they'll be ready to run should the front line faulter.If any of you are captured resist divulging any information,whatever you do Don't tell them where you shop.If you succumb to enemy interrogation,tell them only what you need to in order to survive.For example you can tell the what kind of smelly perfume your wearing,Whatever you do don't tell them where you bought it.Or how much you paid.Should the enemies secret police get hold of you resist to the fullest.Better to take a bullet then pass on anything you learned at bingo.
An aid station will be set up in case somone gets a hangnail or wet's themselves in the heat of battle.
Should the whole line collapse there'll be a defensive line of middle of the road citizens, they'll tell them to go home!

                                                                    Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry

Interesting read.  I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I think I missed the point of it though.  A statement of today's army?  Fill us in...
Yes,definately a statement about the army,give them your full support,
I believe he's getting at the lack of support our soldiers have for what they're doing overseas.  I know he's not slighting our Army - he's having a go at all the Canadian public who would have us never deploy anywhere in the world because somebody might get wounded or killed.  Could well be that pacifist Christian group those hostages belonged to that set him off.  They get rescued by Canadian JTF2 boys and other coalition forces, and in the groups public statement, they thanked everyone BUT the soldiers who rescued them. It took an outcry from various people across the Country to have them make a new statement that thanked the soldiers, but even then, they said the bare minimum and added "We're so happy that no shots were fired to rescue them"  :o What?  These people who were holding them executed other "peace activists", they're scum and deserve to die and you're happy they weren't there to get what they have coming to them?  Wonderful, so now they can go snatch other innocents who are "infidels" to toy with. Peace rallies at various post secondary campusses probably don't help old vets like Parkie either, and they seem to be happening more and more frequently.  That's my take on the post anyhow.

Parkie is like some of us other military families. He is tired of people who are not involved with the military and never have been standing around our country waving signs saying the CF has no business doing what we are doing. The protests all over this great country are getting under our skin. They think we are in countries like A'stan to take over the country and if they sat down and talked to any of the men and women that have been over there or read up on what we are doing there then they might realize that we are there at the request of the Afghani government to help the country not only get the Taliban etc out but also help rebuild. And personally I'm with him (Parkie) I would love for someone to come up to me and say that my son is a killer of innocents, I would have the best verbal fight ever. My son is only one of the young men over there, and the men and women are all doing the same job there, they rebuild ,they help the people any way they can. Yes we have lost men and men have been hurt in the last couple months but not by our hand but by the insurgents because the military is getting through to the people of Afghanistan. They are coming around to the Army and are learning that their life can be better. And to be able to do that the military has worked very hard, going villiage to villiage and meeting with the people.This can not be done while you sit in your warm houses in Canada or walk in circles holding a sign condemning the men and women who are protecting our freedoms.
Parkie here
I wondered If someone would read between the line's of the letter I put up.Can you bloody imagine someone " I'm so glad that no one killed any of the lunatics that were going to chop my head off.Good ,god how much more sit on the fence can you get.maybe you can have them over for tea later. Then we'll all go down to main street and wave some signs.
I guess writing about the war got me going a bit ,but sweet Jesus,So many people have died over the years to enforce  that very right that allows you to protest and say what you want in the public domain.And you see some of these people,they don't appear to be dressed in rag's or suffering from lack of food, a lack of intelligence certainly,but they sure don' lack nerve.
Parkie, I agree with you. I realize it's easy for me to say this since I'm sitting in the comfort and safety of Central Ohio, but honest to God, if I was in Zabul province and taken hostage by  the Taliban or some of their Muslim extremist buddies, I would be one grateful soul if some young Canadian Forces members put their lives on the line to save my tail. And it would not bother me one bit if they fired hundreds of rounds of ammo,brought their artillery with them, and even borrowed a couple of B-52's to bring me back home alive.Can you imagine their sob story if some of the hostage-takers had been wounded or killed? I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech as much as anyone,but what can you say about people who are not grateful to the ones who saved their lives? Just a few years ago, my cardiologist saved my life. I still shake that man's hand and say "thank you" everytime I see him. Can't imagine doing anything else.Things like this incident and the recent report that Halliburton " provided " US troops in Iraq with untreated water from the Euphrates River just infuriate me.You know,bud, I was making real progress in cutting back on some of my treats, but it's clear to me now. That medium size Icecap simply won't be sufficient to help me cope. Afraid it's back to the Large one for me!
I thank everyone for their well wishes,I feel much better,lesson I learned, some sleeping dog's should be left where they lay.
It wasn't so much the rescued worker's that set me off, it was the group for which they worked,when they stated that the illegal occupation of Iraq was the root cause of the kidnapping and the cause of so much pain and suffering in Iraq.I can't beleive that people can be that blind.I guess the murder of innocent people in mass by Saddist Hussein  and his chronie's fall's under the public work's department.And the student's and citizen's rallying here against our war on terrorism,you better wake up,I've had my war against terrorism and that was the point I tried to make in a soldier's story,if you allow someone to spread his ideals of hate sooner or later someone is going to have to do something about it,only question is how far are you willing to go,Do you wait until they do something right in your neighborhood,or do you wait until they do something right in your own home,well,guess what, they did something in our neighborhood ,they murdered a couple of thousand of our close friend's to the south of us.And for those who question the United States being our friend's,Don't you dare! They fought and died along side of our young men.they shared our pain and they spilled the same blood.
Lest we forget-To a soldier, doesn't only mean remember me.To a soldier it means remember me and when I fall,pick up my gun and take my place.


Easier to say than do, however I really try to keep things in perspective...

As you pointed out, our ancestors risked (and gave) their lives so morons could say what they wanted to. No one says I have to listen....

Many Canadians may whine about what we do....but remember the Government of canada sent us...and like them or not, the Government of Canada represents the majority of Canadians: therefore, the majority of Canadians want us over there. This being canada, most of us save our grumbling for kitchen tables and Tim Horton's....those vocal few are just that.

Botom line, it's simply nice to  be appreciated. I wore the uniform back when the Army wasn't well received: I've been spit on, called names (baby killer, etc), and had a pick up truck stop me on the highway to do me physical harm (ok, that one I enjoyed). .. but the older generation seemed to care. Nowadays, you want t see support? Come on out West. Ordered some gear for a bud in A'stan, and when the lady on the phone found out I was shipping direct to A'stan she gave me a break on shipping and cost. Why? She said it was small enough for "the boys" over there defending our country. (shameless plug here for the Flag Shop, good folk!!!) Lots of very positive articles in Edmonton papers, folk on the street are suportive.....all over Alberta, we support OUR Military....end of discussion.

Take heart, Bro, it is getting MUCH better than it was.....


True Garry
I live in St. Albert, we are 15 minutes from the Edmonton Garrison and this is one place the military and their families are very well received.I wear a yellow ribbon on my coat at all times for my son and the looks I get when people see it is great. Its nothing for strangers to stop me and ask who its for and where to get them. Edmonton and surrounding area loves their military families.
Garry said:
I wore the uniform back when the Army wasn't well received: I've been spit on, called names (baby killer, etc)... Nowadays, you want t see support? Come on out West.

Being spit on and called names? Sounds like what still happens here in London, ON. The majority of people don't seem to care one way or the other, and are often surprised that there is a relatively large military presence in their city. Some people support us. But a few actually do commit these acts against our soldiers, while in uniform. One time some of our soldiers were spit on while we were on a ruck march collecting donations for disadvantaged families at Christmas time! At the 2005 MEMORIAL Cup (commemorating the Year of the Veteran), some of our property was defaced. I could go on. The support does outweigh the hate, but you tend to remember the hate more.
JBeach said:
The support does outweigh the hate, but you tend to remember the hate more.
"When I do right no one remembers,  when I do wrong no one ever forgets."

I know what most of you mean.  When ever people at my school ask me if I have a job or whatever and I tell them I am joining the reserves.  Its almost like saying I'm American the way some of them change.  Even the recruiter was surprised that I was joining when I told him what school I went to.  The thing is for these people you need some story or line.  For example I tell them a story of Canada with out an army which usually involves us getting invaded by some dictator and he forces you to join the army any way so way to go cuz of your protesting we are now north east Korea or something.
Thank you for bringing this up parkie
Mod note:

texas 10...hoaxes will be not tolerated on this site.

texas 10 said:
Sorry to break in on this thread.
I have been following your posts from a friend's house,so I decided to try and make contact.
my father served with the us army in Italy.I don't want to get into what or where,but he kept a indepth account of what he did over there for his family.He mention's a parkie and a tall guy by the name of Joe that kind of worked alone, in one of his pages,that he worked with.I wonder if  I said 'looks like rain over the those hills' if that means anything to you.any reply would be appreciated has we are writing a book on my father's war time travels and things that he did.

I don't suppose their could be too many parkie's in Italy during the war,at least not with a tall guy named Joe.
Boy that takes me back a few years.Yes I know the answer to that,you can personal message me on here.
People mix politics and the army. That's why support isn't given to the hard working soldiers overseas or here at home. Mass medias control the information given to the population. So as soon as some media gives only the bad part of something, people then generalise to the rest of the army. People don't understand the whole picture. So ok, maybe you don't agree with the war, but that doesn't mean you can't support the troop. They are doing the job they've been asked to do, and they'll do it because that's their job. Gen Hillier is doing a great job showing the new role the canadian army as to play on the national and international level. People have to change their mind on what the army's role is.

I give full support and i know they're doing a good job wherever they are asked to go. They do something most people can't even think of doing, since it's so demanding, but they do it profesionnally.

I wish i could join and help, but my health is not so good. I'm also a sociology student, and most of my peers are not thinking like i do, i hope it'll change someday, eliminating prejudice and stigmates, because that's our job.

Be safe and take care over there, we want to see you back here

Another problem is that some people are too ignorant to understand what the Canadian army does. I've been asked seriously several times if I'm going to be sent to Iraq, because some people actually think that Canada is involved in that war (this was long before JTF2 may or may not have participated in the hostage rescue in Baghdad). I have explain to them that Canada is not involved in Iraq, but we're in Afghanistan.

Cabose said:
When ever people at my school ask me if I have a job or whatever and I tell them I am joining the reserves.  Its almost like saying I'm American the way some of them change. 

I can't stand some people's anti-American attitudes in this country. As Parkie said above, they are our friends, having fought with us since the First World War and continuing to do so.

Also, the impression that I get is that in the US, protests there are more political, and the people do tend to support the soldiers. Why can't we have this in Canada as well?
JBeach said:
Another problem is that some people are too ignorant to understand what the Canadian army does.

Perhaps canadians are more aware of their military today than in the late 1980's - but I remember some people not knowing I was wearing a military uniform (CF's or work dress) when in public. And man I hated being asked for directions at the airport - what do I look like ?   ??? a tour guide ?  :brickwall: