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Osama Bin Laden Dead

cameron said:
Kudos to the triggerman and the team for sure :salute: however let's not be biased.  I doubt very much you'd be so critical if the speech was by GWB.  The call to use Special Forces instead of an airstrike could not have been an easy one to make.  The Commander-in-Chief considered the pros and cons of the different options and then made what John Brennan, Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counter-terrorism called "One of the gutsiest calls made by a president in recent memory".

I've noticed for a long while now that where some people on milnet.ca are concerned every dumbass decision by Bush Junior is excused but every achievement by Obama is downplayed or ridiculed.  As for his address sounding like an election speech, well he is a politician facing re-election soon.  Do you honestly think that a President Mc. Kain or Palin or Rodham-Clinton would not have tried to score at least some political mileage out of such an historic victory?

Again a great big salute to all the U.S., Canadian, British and other Special Forces and intelligence operatives who work quietly, courageously and often without recognition to make this world safer for all of us.  You're always in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm no fan of President Obama.  I acknowledge that he is an excellent orator, and I think that if nothing else, *this* could be his defining moment.

And let's face it, he's an attractive man:


Great day for the Pres, and I congratulate him and everyone involved for getting OBL.
Fatalize said:
A good achievement, but i'm not sure that parading around celebrating is quite the way to go. Seems no better than what some Islam country crowds did on 9/11 in the streets.

Well, they handled his body with respect and gave him a "proper" burial at sea. Could be worse, they could've de-capitated him and cut his body into pieces, tossing what was left into a shallow grave. Or, drag it through the streets while dismembering it, then hanging what's left from a  bridge after setting fire to it. What more do you want from them?

They (US Citizens) had EVERY right, and reason, to wave the red white and blue loudly and proudly last night.

You're comparing apples to whaleshit.
Technoviking said:
I'm no fan of President Obama.  I acknowledge that he is an excellent orator, and I think that if nothing else, *this* could be his defining moment.

And let's face it, he's an attractive man:


Great day for the Pres, and I congratulate him and everyone involved for getting OBL.

It will be good for him that it happened on his watch.  I am pleased for all our neighbours to the south, and for those of us here who care too.  A day to remember.
                                      shared with provisions of The Copyright Act

US may have to release photo of Osama bin Laden's body

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/world/us-may-have-to-release-photo-of-osama-bin-ladens-body/story-fn8ljm6z-1226048887421#ixzz1LF5ZYc8S

THE United States may have to release photographs of Osama Bin Laden's corpse to smother any claims he survived the special forces raid on his compound in Pakistan.
US Homeland Security chairman Joseph Lieberman said that unless al-Qaeda chiefs acknowlegde that their leader is dead, some may deny that DNA testing proved the US had killed the right man.

"It may be necessary to release the pictures - as gruesome as they undoubtedly will be, because he's been shot in the head - to quell any doubts that this somehow is a ruse that the American government has carried out," Senator Lieberman said.

Senator Susan Collins, one of the Republican party's senior security experts, agreed that many hardline Islamists "will try to generate this myth that he's alive, and that we missed him somehow, and in order to put that to rest it may be necessary to release some of the pictures".

The warnings came as a photograph broadcast on Pakistani TV purporting to show Bin Laden's corpse was exposed as a fake.

articles continues...

57Chevy said:
                                      shared with provisions of The Copyright Act

US may have to release photo of Osama bin Laden's body

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/world/us-may-have-to-release-photo-of-osama-bin-ladens-body/story-fn8ljm6z-1226048887421#ixzz1LF5ZYc8S

THE United States may have to release photographs of Osama Bin Laden's corpse to smother any claims he survived the special forces raid on his compound in Pakistan.
US Homeland Security chairman Joseph Lieberman said that unless al-Qaeda chiefs acknowlegde that their leader is dead, some may deny that DNA testing proved the US had killed the right man.

"It may be necessary to release the pictures - as gruesome as they undoubtedly will be, because he's been shot in the head - to quell any doubts that this somehow is a ruse that the American government has carried out," Senator Lieberman said.

Senator Susan Collins, one of the Republican party's senior security experts, agreed that many hardline Islamists "will try to generate this myth that he's alive, and that we missed him somehow, and in order to put that to rest it may be necessary to release some of the pictures".

The warnings came as a photograph broadcast on Pakistani TV purporting to show Bin Laden's corpse was exposed as a fake.

articles continues...

Good, it should because there is no reason not to. Gore shouldn't even be an issue in it's release, there are far worse things on TV and the internet right now than an international terrorists exploded head.

It's been 10 years, lets end it already.
and then there is the other side of the coin.....does it ever really end ?                               

                                          shared with provisions of The Copyright Act

Report of bin Laden’s death spurs questions from conspiracy theorists
Emily Wax, Monday, May 2

While much of America celebrated the dramatic killing of Osama bin Laden, the Sept. 11 conspiracy theorists still had questions. For them and a growing number of skeptics, the plot only thickened.

Where was bin Laden’s body? Why was the most wanted mujaheddin on Earth buried in an undisclosed location in the northern Arabian Sea? Why was the news announced mere weeks after President Obama’s campaign kickoff and just days after his birth certificate was released? Why so late on a Sunday night?

Within minutes of the news of bin Laden’s funeral at sea, Facebook, Twitter and e-mail lighted up with conspiracy theories from around the globe, asking questions, pointing out discrepancies, motives, counter-motives, coverups and counter -coverups, comparing photos and videos, voice recordings and FBI most-wanted pinup posters.

“This has not put a single of the 9/11 questions to bed,” said Steven Jones, a retired Brigham Young University physics professor and contributor to the 9/11 Truth Movement. Jones, along with other members of the movement, a loose coalition of people who distrust Washington’s version of the attacks, say the collapse of the twin towers is best explained as controlled demolition.

“As a scientist, I try to look at the evidence I can get,” said Jones.

It started with the “9/11 truthers,” who, after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, wondered why 110-story towers crashed and military jets failed to intercept even one airliner. They formed organizations. They held rallies. They filed many Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) requests.

They wrote books and studied the physics of the towers crumbling.

“I don’t know how you can have closure, when there are hundreds of contradictions to the stories that you were told. The story doesn’t end here because we are told bin Laden is dead,” said Mike Berger, who works with 911Truth.org, an organization founded to examine facts around the attack. “We are living in an endless war of trillions of dollars being spent without any responsibility.’’

Alex Jones, a radio personality out of Austin, Tex., who gives voice to the 9/11 Truth Movement, and runs the Web site Infowars.com, sent out a Web headline that screamed, “Red Alert. Inside Sources: Bin Laden Corpse Has Been on Ice for Nearly a Decade.”

The “king of conspiracy,” as he is known by the media, pointed out discrepancies that went instantly viral. He lists FBI officials and counterintelligence leaders from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan who have said for years that bin Laden was dead. Former Council on Foreign Relations member Steve R. Pieczenik even told Jones on the air in 2002 that bin Laden’s corpse had been dead for months.

“Obama just relaunched his election bid, and nabbing bin Laden is the main kickoff campaign rally. Things aren’t going well. So they are bringing back an old staple. They need a hero. It’s the Orwellian archtypical bearded scary bad guy who is going to get us, so don’t worry, the government got the bad guy,’’ said Jones in a telephone interview after his syndicated self-titled afternoon radio show. “This isn’t Elvis, man. The government lied to us about WMDs.”

But Elvis didn’t die during the Facebook era, when Web pages such as “Osama bin Laden NOT DEAD” go up instantly. “There’s something fishy in the waters where they supposedly dropped him. A picture of him dead wouldn’t have hurt,” reads an entry by one contributor.

“They saved Che Guevara’s fingertips to prove it was him,” said Ted Goertzel, a professor of psychology at Rutgers University at Camden, N.J., who has written extensively on psychology and terrorism. “But Muslim tradition says you bury the body right away. The issue is, our society goes through a traumatic event of 9/11, and this comes 10 years later, so it’s not timed very well for our national mourning or anger. But the conspiracy reaction is a way of thinking that’s much more common today, and people are accustomed to it because of the Internet. There’s no screening process. People may also be going into an automatic response.”

At different moments in American history, such as after the deaths of Martin Luther King Jr. and President John F. Kennedy, the country becomes more prone to conspiracy theories because there’s so much hurt and anger, said Goertzel.

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, who became a symbol of the opposition to the war, went on her Facebook page today to broadcast her theory.

“I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you’re stupid,” Sheehan writes. “Just think to yourself — they paraded Saddam’s dead sons around to prove they were dead — why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent — just put your flags away and THINK!”
Technoviking said:
I'm no fan of President Obama.  I acknowledge that he is an excellent orator, and I think that if nothing else, *this* could be his defining moment.

And let's face it, he's an attractive man:


Great day for the Pres, and I congratulate him and everyone involved for getting OBL.

Bwahahahaha, Eat that The Donald.
recceguy said:
57 Chevy, that was great!


Don't worry, I used 'Scutan' Aluminum foil vapour barrier and aluminum foil tape
when I renovated. ;D

*to add photo
More (legitimate) questions:


The End of the Trail?
May 1, 2011 - 10:33 pm - by Richard Fernandez
Bill Roggio and Bill Ardolino report that Osama Bin Laden was believed killed by a SEAL raiding team which raided a safehouse 30 miles north of Islamabad. The Los Angeles Times says that members of Congress had received advance news of Bin Laden’s death and Dianne Feinstein managed to blurt it out to the press before President Obama’s announcement.

Members of Congress were briefed on the news by Vice President Joe Biden throughout the weekend, according to a Senate aide. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, related the news to mourners at a memorial service for political consultant Kam Kuwata. Feinstein said Obama was announcing it on TV as she spoke. However, she announced the news well before Obama began to speak.

The location of Bin Laden’s hide-out and the use of a U.S. raiding team on settled Pakistani territory raises a number of questions. First, has Pakistan been hiding Osama Bin Laden all along? Second, did the U.S. independently discover the location of Bin Laden? Third, was the information shared by some elements of Pakistani intelligence, assuming that his location was known to them, in exchange from some quid pro quo which has not yet been revealed? Or was the discovery of Bin Laden simultaneous, the result of the mutual and cooperative investigation of the ISI and U.S. intelligence?

If highly placed persons in Pakistan have been instrumental in hiding Bin Laden these ten years, it suggests that some of the real masterminds of September 11, far from lying dead, are still at large.

The chances that Pakistan was wholly innocent were somewhat thrown into doubt by the possible location of the safe house. “President Barack Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in  Abbottabad.” What must have been the raid was reported on Pakistani media, putting Osama’s safe house very close to the Pakistani Military Academy in a location approximately 34°09′59″N 73°13′42E.

ABBOTTABAD: Three loud blasts were heard near the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Kakul Road late Sunday night and a military helicopter also crashed. Sources told Geo News that heavy firing was heard in the area before the chopper crashed.

Windowpanes of the nearby buildings and houses were smashed due to the intensity of the blasts, the sources said. Eyewitnesses said first sound of heavy firing was heard and then there was a huge blast. Fire erupted at the scene of the occurrence and according to latest reports police and fire brigade teams were rushing towards the blast scene. Security forces cordoned off the entire area and military helicopters were also hovering over the area.

Roggio and Ardolino write, “A US intelligence official with knowledge of the raid told The Long War Journal that Pakistan, specifically its Inter-Services Intelligence agency, ‘could not be trusted’ with operational details of the raid.” But once the raid was underway Sunday Pakistani time, some minimum level of cooperation with the Pakistani authorities must have been in place both to keep the cover story going and to ensure that there were no clashes with local Pakistani forces.

Yet it seems inconceivable that Bin Laden’s hideout could have been constructed without the knowledge of at least some Pakistani officials. According to Bob Hennelly, quoting White House officials, the hideout was custom built for the most famous fugitive on earth in an area favored by retired Pakistani military officers.

Bin Laden was killed during a 40-minute raid at an elaborate compound in a secluded portion of Abbotobad, 35 miles north of Islamabad in Pakistan.

The three-story structure — believed by White House officials to be custom built for Bin Laden in 2005 — had no phone or Internet service and was surrounded by a perimeter with 12- and 18-foot high wall with barbed wire. It also had security gates.

Three families were residing in the home that was valued at $1 million dollars. The town is also a place where former Pakistani Army officers like to retire.

In light of these circumstances, the billions of dollars the Pakistani government has received in foreign aid and the expressions of friendship and willingness to cooperate in the War on Terror seem somewhat hypocritical to say the least. Of particular interest is the role of  Pervez Musharraf, who was president of Pakistan from 2001 to 2008. What did they know about September 11 and when did they know it?

Ironically the circumstances surrounding the death of Osama Bin Laden tends to confirm the theory that terrorism, rather than being a spontaneous meme that floats above the planet, is in fact deeply rooted in the intelligence agencies and regimes of certain states. Thus, neither Hamas nor Hezbollah are creations of some kind of rage any more than than September 11 was wholly the result of some kind of amorphous resentment. Osama Bin Laden had backers; people with uniforms, ranks and the resources of bureaucracies behind them. Those who believe that the War on Terror is nothing but a law enforcement problem must ask themselves whether it is really rather larger than that.
Sorry if this is off topic, but it kind of irks me when people just instantly think that the people who are saying that Osama Bin Laden could not be dead are instantly the one's with tinfoil hats. I mean literally all of the information we have right now is a presidential statement and word of mouth [unless something has been released in the past couple of hours]. Is it so wrong for people to not take simple words at face value, especially when the issue is so prolific as this one? Maybe I am biased because I am in University right now for History and Philosophy and we are taught to question the truth and to find answers. By no means am I saying that Osama isn't dead, but I believe that people who hold the opinion that he is not dead are allowed that opinion without ridicule, because as of right now there simply isn't any hard evidence against that fact.

I mean in general I think when you acknowledge this skeptical opinion as a conspiracy theory it gives the whole idea a negative connotation. Can you really blame people for coming up with these theories when it is human nature to seek the truth that hasn't been provided to them?  Granted, some of these theories are quite extreme, but I think in general for one to question this situation they are only doing what most of us have been taught to do. I accept that this opinion may not be well received, but if someone believes I am seriously wrong to think this then please lay out a logical argument instead of a flame.
Wow... Epic timing! I had a poetry reading today to go to, and one of my poems (slam) was on 9/11!

(Here it is... 911)
Left alone
Left here to die
Can’t you even hear my cry?

The flames lick my skin
But it’s too risky for you to come in
The tower starts to crumble
I’m bleeding from my head
I wish that I am hallucinating
And lying safe in my bed

Who had done this to us
In a nation so strong

My colleague’s screams sound, ringing like gongs
The dying cry for help
The stench of burning flesh fills the air
What had hit us?
Why did we deserve this?
A nation so strong

The flames come closer
My skin starts to burn
My eyes tear up

Heroes are dying
Bodies are lying scattered across the floor
I sink into blackness
Then I am no more

A nation so strong
Had fallen to its knees
What had happened
On that September day

Families cry for truth
Like warriors for blood
People talk of government threats
Others talk of terrorists
All agree that it was a tragedy

What had happened
To a nation so strong
They fell apart

A new war was declared
A war against terrorism
Countless lives lost
And even more in war

A single day in history
But in reality, so much more

The hats really aren't made of tinfoil, which was found to be not as effective in reflecting the mind probe ray as aluminum foil.

"Tin foil hat" is a holdover from the X files.

Given human nature, I do not beleive the conspiracy theories. That is all they are....theories with NO proof.
Jim Seggie said:
The hats really aren't made of tinfoil, which was found to be not as effective in reflecting the mind probe ray as aluminum foil.

"Tin foil hat" is a holdover from the X files.

Given human nature, I do not beleive the conspiracy theories. That is all they are....theories with NO proof.

Haha noted. I'm not going to start a big argument here though, it's a conservative majority, got to celebrate!
While the strike and results are to be celebrated, it is quite stunning to observe the moral inverson of the Left. Cheney's assasination squad are now heroes, harsh interrogation techniques are OK and so is roaming the globe and violating sovereign states to get at the enemy. Reaity is so hard to deal with sometimes....
The Best Kind of Military Intelligence
Careful preparation, rather than expensive weapons, took out Osama Bin Laden.
By Anne ApplebaumPosted Monday, May 2, 2011, at 8:29 AM ET

The U.S. Air Force, with its extraordinary range and flexibility, is the best in the world. The U.S. Navy, with its vast aircraft carriers and global reach, has no real rivals. In technological sophistication and sheer firepower, the American military doesn't even have any close competitors, and no wonder: The U.S. government spends more on its military forces than the governments of China, Russia, France, Britain, Japan, and Germany combined.

Yet it was not our sheer military or technological strength that finally finished off Osama Bin Laden on Sunday; it was human intelligence, careful preparation, and patience. We don't know the whole story yet, and we might not hear it for some time. But according to first reports, an intelligence tip-off led U.S. analysts to Bin Laden's trusted courier; observation of the courier then led special forces to Bin Laden's compound, which has now been under surveillance for many months.

In other words, the killing of Osama Bin Laden did not take place in a hail of bombs and bullets, or after a shoot-out involving hundreds of troops. It was the result of careful preparation, followed by the competent execution of a plan. We missed him during the chaotic storming of Tora Bora. We caught him while he was at home in bed. Apparently the whole operation took 40 minutes, and no Americans were killed.


Found out about this via text message while visiting relatives in Italy - congrats to ALL involved.
Jim Seggie said:
Given human nature, I do not believe the conspiracy theories. That is all they are....theories with NO proof.

Ran into someone yesterday espousing the same / it takes all kinds  :facepalm:  I'm really happy with this action / brilliantly executed operation.  A coupled with being mindful of the 24 Canadians killed in the WTC, 155 KIA and approximately 2000 wounded in action including non-battle injuries.  My thoughts today are with all of us; family, friends, serving/retired that have been affected by the course perpetuated by this now-dead individual.  Also with a hope that we remain committed to making things right.  All the best.