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Paintings, drawings, crayon-ings etc. Anyone out there do any artsy kind of work

Loving the colour choices. My only quarrel with your work is the water seems far to calm in the foreground. This is most noticible in your first peice (the landscape) and in my opinion it would probally triple the quality of the overall appearance. I guess I'm just saying that your water seems too flat...

These 'graffiti' posts from facebook were the only peices of mine that shows how I like to do my water =P



on the topic of 'graffiti' and water...

I did a quicky yesterday as a birthday greetings on facebook.

I'm partial to purple... and chocolate  :P, so I like it .
I have tried doing some graffiti on facebook, and have realized technology and me don't work when it comes to art.  I commend you on your awesome 'graffiti and water' pieces, and really don't get how you can do something that good on fbook!
UMB, phenomenal work!!

Your seascape reminded me of a trip I made up island last year.
The water was so smooth, almost like glass!

I don't paint...but i can draw a real mean stick-man!

deej96 said:
I have tried doing some graffiti on facebook, and have realized technology and me don't work when it comes to art.  I commend you on your awesome 'graffiti and water' pieces, and really don't get how you can do something that good on fbook!

You just have to learn to work with the opacity options they give you. Dedicate like 30 mins for the first time you do it. Have fun. lol

My favorite graffiti is still thiiis one.


followed by these ones.



You just have to learn to work with the opacity options they give you. Dedicate like 30 mins for the first time you do it. Have fun. lol

ooh, so that's why...I just don't have the patience ;)...actually what I don't like about it is that you can only delete like 1 stroke and then you are stuck with your initial stuff...I don't know if that made sense, but ya...I just like to change stuff around as I go and have new idea's for it...so when it comes to graffiti, i'm with springroll and do so pretty awesome stick men [and women]  ;D
I decided to draw an eye in graffiti...


I think it turned out okay.
I *tried* to do a high contrast eye at an odd angle.. I failed..  :crybaby:


edit: got bored, did another landscape... tree looks like garbage, proportions are way off from the type I was going for.

Ended up getting a scanner here at home, albeit not a very large one. So after going red in the face from dealing with installing this piece of technology, I was able to put some more paintings through it.


wow all of these art works are gorgeous!  I wish I were artisticly inclined. I especially enjoyed the facebook art! Can't say my graffitti looks anywhere as amazing!  Snaps to all you fine artists!

I'm not terribly pleased with the way the clouds turned out... but I do like the tree line in the middle ground.

People who can draw and paint depress me cause I am useless at it , my girlfriend paints, and I'm extremely jealous.  I could never draw to save my life, playing music was the only art I ever took to with any success.   :P

These are all really good guys!

Cheers, Kyle