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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Also true, my platoon had 3 people promoted right to Lt. (two MPO's and a Hospital Admin), as well as three legal officers who went right to Capt.

Having to salute former classmates was a bit of a twist, but that's the way the game plays  :salute:
3 from my course were Captains while on course: 2 Docs, 1 Pharmacist

(Captain bars with the 'racing stripe' really confused some people)
How does it work for DEO rank level (other than officer cadet, 2Lt) following/during BMOQ, is it related to the trade and/or the degree (BSc/BA, LLB, MSc/MA, PhD, MD, PharmD) ?
Degree affects your pay: 3 year degree = level 1, 4 year degree = level 2, masters = level 3 etc.

As far as promotions goes, it depends on the trade.
Antoine said:
How does it work for DEO rank level (other than officer cadet, 2Lt) following/during BMOQ, is it related to the trade and/or the degree (BSc/BA, LLB, MSc/MA, PhD, MD, PharmD) ?

For DEO:

Some specialist trades such as Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer, Pharmacist, Chaplain are automatically promoted to Captain.  For them, direct entry requires that they already be qualified/practising. (to answer the question directly, it is both the trade and that associated degree)

GSOs and Pilots come in at 2Lt.

MSEng314 said:
Degree affects your pay: 3 year degree = level 1, 4 year degree = level 2, masters = level 3 etc.

As far as promotions goes, it depends on the trade.

Are you referring to IPCs?  I've never seen that before (but I'd happily be convinced)  Is there a reference?
I don't have any 'official' references, however that is what I was told by the clerks, and comparing my pay statement to the 2009 pay scale seems to confirm that is in fact the case. It was the same for most of my platoon, we started off at 2Lt - pay level C - increment 1 (or higher for some people, one guy on my platoon had 3 degrees).
funkmasta said:
HAHA, damn right!


I want to be a second, specialist corporal forever!

p.s. ..typo maybe?

No typos but he sure confused me over the 20k increase from Pte to Cpl until I realized he wasn't following the full scale.  Going from Pte (1) to Cpl (b) will give you almost a 21.5k increase.  In the real world for the most part we go from Pte(3) which only gives an increase of 6.6k.
CountDC said:
No typos but he sure confused me over the 20k increase from Pte to Cpl until I realized he wasn't following the full scale.  Going from Pte (1) to Cpl (b) will give you almost a 21.5k increase.  In the real world for the most part we go from Pte(3) which only gives an increase of 6.6k.

I'm going to disagree on the typo.  I'm certain there's a typo in pay rate of Cpl 5A, Spec 1, IPC 1...  Why else would they make more than CWO? (and for only one year)
MSEng314 said:
Degree affects your pay: 3 year degree = level 1, 4 year degree = level 2, masters = level 3 etc.

As far as promotions goes, it depends on the trade.

Does experience count at all?  For example if two people enter as DEO with bachelor degree, one is a fresh graduate and the other has 10 years of related work experience, will the IPC be different?
goldenhamster said:
Does experience count at all?  For example if two people enter as DEO with bachelor degree, one is a fresh graduate and the other has 10 years of related work experience, will the IPC be different?
Nope. But if the person genuinely learned something from their 10 years of experience, then you could expect them to excel at the job, complete the requisite on-job training more quickly, get selected for the career-progressing career courses, and be promoted sooner. On the other hand, it may just be that the university kid won't be half-bad either. It's all about merit: show, don't tell.
goldenhamster said:
Does experience count at all?  For example if two people enter as DEO with bachelor degree, one is a fresh graduate and the other has 10 years of related work experience, will the IPC be different?

It is a possibility.  Everyone who joins is treated as an individual.  A person may have a Prior Learning Assessment done on their work experience and be credited with it towards their career progression or IPC on enrollment.  All of this will be put to the person in the message that will be their "offer".  Will it be the norm?  No.  It will depend on the individual, the Trade they hope to enter, their related experience, whether or not the Trade is distressed, the feelings of the Career Manager, and numerous other factors.
Barts said:
I'm going to disagree on the typo.  I'm certain there's a typo in pay rate of Cpl 5A, Spec 1, IPC 1...  Why else would they make more than CWO? (and for only one year)

A Spec 1 Cpl at any IPC doesn't make what a CWO makes, even CWO (8A) IPC Basic, Standard.
There must be a problem with my browser then, because when I opened the previously posted link:


it showed a Spec 1 Cpl making $8025 monthly at IPC 1.  I just checked again, and it still does.

Eye In The Sky said:
A Spec 1 Cpl at any IPC doesn't make what a CWO makes, even CWO (8A) IPC Basic, Standard.

Please don't get me wrong, I agree with you on that point, which is why I think there's a typo in that table.
This is what I see (arrow added for emphasis and clarity)
Yes the webpage is wrong but did you click on the pdf link?

PDF link shows the correct pay.