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Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)

I notice there's nothing there about AFVs. I remember being up in Meaford, shuttling Cougars from the VLA to Andrews for a weekend course, when the morning Anthem was played. All the pedestrians around stopped & saluted; I ordered my driver to halt, and my gunner to traverse & depress towards the BOR while I saluted. Got some -weird- looks from the RCR-types floating about...  ;D

Funniest thing I ever saw - young 2Lt loitering about the verges of the square is approached by a senior MCpl; said MCpl slams firmly to attention, twitches his right arm, but doesn't salute. Young officer, sucked in by the deke, salutes first. The salute was returned smartly, with a loud "Thank you, sir!" thrown in for good measure...  >:D
tank recce said:
I notice there's nothing there about AFVs. I remember being up in Meaford, shuttling Cougars from the VLA to Andrews for a weekend course, when the morning Anthem was played. All the pedestrians around stopped & saluted; I ordered my driver to halt, and my gunner to traverse & depress towards the BOR while I saluted. Got some -weird- looks from the RCR-types floating about...  ;D

Funniest thing I ever saw - young 2Lt loitering about the verges of the square is approached by a senior MCpl; said MCpl slams firmly to attention, twitches his right arm, but doesn't salute. Young officer, sucked in by the deke, salutes first. The salute was returned smartly, with a loud "Thank you, sir!" thrown in for good measure...  >:D

I don't see why one would do that... Don't salute me, I don't really mind... But don't make fun of me that way!

tank recce said:
I notice there's nothing there about AFVs. I remember being up in Meaford, shuttling Cougars from the VLA to Andrews for a weekend course, when the morning Anthem was played. All the pedestrians around stopped & saluted; I ordered my driver to halt, and my gunner to traverse & depress towards the BOR while I saluted. Got some -weird- looks from the RCR-types floating about...  ;D
You wouldn't have gotten any weird looks from the RCRs in Gagetown for this. They'd be too used to disembarking their vehicles on Broad Road outside the main gate of the Base to salute the raising or lowering of the Canadian Flag (as we should) to be thrown off by this.  :D
tank recce said:
Funniest thing I ever saw - young 2Lt loitering about the verges of the square is approached by a senior MCpl; said MCpl slams firmly to attention, twitches his right arm, but doesn't salute. Young officer, sucked in by the deke, salutes first. The salute was returned smartly, with a loud "Thank you, sir!" thrown in for good measure...  >:D
Wow, what an excellent display of leadership and professionalism by that MCpl;  ::)

He'd have been thanking me for the extras when he left my office too had I witnessed it.
airmich said:
No it's not.  You're just imagining things.  You have been working too many night shifts.  Go have a beer then a nap, and it will all go away.  ;D

Nappy sounds good right now........maybe when I wake this whole thread will have been a sad, sad dream.
tank recce said:
I notice there's nothing there about AFVs. I remember being up in Meaford, shuttling Cougars from the VLA to Andrews for a weekend course, when the morning Anthem was played. All the pedestrians around stopped & saluted; I ordered my driver to halt, and my gunner to traverse & depress towards the BOR while I saluted. Got some -weird- looks from the RCR-types floating about...  ;D

Funniest thing I ever saw - young 2Lt loitering about the verges of the square is approached by a senior MCpl; said MCpl slams firmly to attention, twitches his right arm, but doesn't salute. Young officer, sucked in by the deke, salutes first. The salute was returned smartly, with a loud "Thank you, sir!" thrown in for good measure...  >:D

That is a new one for me.  Seeing as you are not on Parade doing a Roll Past, I would think that the proper thing for you to have done is:

10. Anthems.     When the Royal Anthem, Vice Regal Anthem, National Anthem (see A-AD-200-000/AG-000) or the national anthem of a foreign country is played, all shall stand and:

   a. All ranks who are not part of a formed military group shall salute. The salute shall commence with the playing of the first note of music and shall be cut away at the end of the last note.

   b. Formed military groups shall be called to attention and all officers or the person in charge shall salute; formed military groups bearing arms shall present arms.

  c. On defence establishments, all vehicles within hearing distance shall be stopped and the occupants shall dismount and pay compliments.

11. National Flag.    When the National Flag is hoisted or lowered at defence establishments, all ranks within view shall face the flagpole or mast, stand at attention and pay compliments as follows:

   a. All who are not part of a formed military group shall salute.

   b. Unarmed military groups shall be halted facing the flagpole, and the officer or non-commissioned member in charge of the group shall salute.

   c. Armed parties shall present arms.

d. Motor vehicles in view shall be stopped, and the occupants shall dismount and pay compliments.

And I say again......Apparently many have not paid attention to their Introductory Lectures on Saluting and Paying of Compliments, when they joined the CF.  ::)

I don't see why one would do that... Don't salute me, I don't really mind... But don't make fun of me that way!

Not to worry Max, OR's never make fun of Offrs, and Army types never make fun of the blue suited mob.

You're doubly safe my friend... it could never happen ;)

Seriously though,
Why would one do it ?
Stupidity comes to mind.
George Wallace said:
That is a new one for me.  Seeing as you are not on Parade doing a Roll Past, I would think that the proper thing for you to have done is:

10. Anthems.     When the Royal Anthem, Vice Regal Anthem, National Anthem (see A-AD-200-000/AG-000) or the national anthem of a foreign country is played, all shall stand and:

   a. All ranks who are not part of a formed military group shall salute. The salute shall commence with the playing of the first note of music and shall be cut away at the end of the last note.

   b. Formed military groups shall be called to attention and all officers or the person in charge shall salute; formed military groups bearing arms shall present arms.

   c. On defence establishments, all vehicles within hearing distance shall be stopped and the occupants shall dismount and pay compliments.

11. National Flag.    When the National Flag is hoisted or lowered at defence establishments, all ranks within view shall face the flagpole or mast, stand at attention and pay compliments as follows:

   a. All who are not part of a formed military group shall salute.

   b. Unarmed military groups shall be halted facing the flagpole, and the officer or non-commissioned member in charge of the group shall salute.

  c. Armed parties shall present arms.

  d. Motor vehicles in view shall be stopped, and the occupants shall dismount and pay compliments.
(changed colour in your quote to highlight the parts that I think support MY case)

Roll past or no, is it not appropriate to Present Arms as an AFV, when mounted as a crew? How large a group is a "formed military group bearing arms"?
Crantor said:
I saluted an officer in a parc outside NDHQ.  She was having lunch and was seated on a bench.  Maybe it she was suprised by the salute or my voice saying "Ma'am!"  but she saluted with her left hand (the right one was holding an awkward looking sandwich and her mouth was full) she also had her headress off for obvious reasons.  I had to smile.  I think she was more in shock realising what just had happened, you could see it on her face the moment her hand went up. ;D

Sorry but I think that is unreasonable for you to have done that. I once had an RCR soldier salute my back while I was paying for stuff and counting out change in the Drug Store in the Oromocto Mall...sorry but that's just stupid. He was trying to embarrass me rather than being respectful. I said thank you but certainly didn't return the salute I wouldn't have returned your salute while eating in a park with my right hand occupied either.
I think you might cut people a little slack. The saluting is a sign of respect for the commission the person holds but he or she is a person and doesn't deserve to be embarrassed.
tank recce said:
(changed colour in your quote to highlight the parts that I think support MY case)

Roll past or no, is it not appropriate to Present Arms as an AFV, when mounted as a crew? How large a group is a "formed military group bearing arms"?

Armed parties, means persons bearing arms; ie. Small Arms.  An AFV does not fall into that category.  Can you physically lift an AFV, ie. bear it?

It is a vehicle.  You dismount, exactly the same way as if you were all in a car or MLVW, and pay your respects that way. 

A group bearing arms could be as small as two men standing on guard at the gate.  After all, one person is not a group.  ::)
The Librarian said:
OK, so are you insinuating that you would do this in Petawawa because you know the Officers there will call you on it if you don't; but that you wouldn't in Halifax because those Officers wouldn't call you on it?

Interesting. Be careful though, I know a whole bunch on Army Officers posted to that location too....

Vern, some of these Navy officers march to their own drum. They frown apond saluting in buildings. But if you are across the road and he is walking the other day.. you better high 5 them. I learned the hard way...  ???
Sorry but I think that is unreasonable for you to have done that. I once had an RCR soldier salute my back while I was paying for stuff and counting out change in the Drug Store in the Oromocto Mall...sorry but that's just stupid. He was trying to embarrass me rather than being respectful. I said thank you but certainly didn't return the salute I wouldn't have returned your salute while eating in a park with my right hand occupied either.
I think you might cut people a little slack. The saluting is a sign of respect for the commission the person holds but he or she is a person and doesn't deserve to be embarrassed.

I find nothing wrong with that RCR saluting you while you were partially turned, as you obviously saw him.  As for being embarrassed, there is no need to be, but a simple verbal acknowledgement of "Thank you" would have sufficed had you been busy with a transaction at the counter.  It is the same as the officer on the bicycle or carrying an armload.  Obviously they can not return the salute with their hands, but they can still say "Thank you" or "Good Day."  Nothing embarrassing with that.  Nothing improper with that either.

I have driven a General, who actually stopped the car and had his Major get out and ream out soldiers who did not Salute a Flagged and Plated Staff Car.  
TN2IC said:
Vern, some of these Navy officers march to their own drum. They frown apond saluting in buildings. But if you are across the road and he is walking the other day.. you better high 5 them. I learned the hard way...  ???

See below regulations. If the building IS NOT a designated saluting area then you do not salute in it, whether it's on an Army, Navy or Air Base doesn't really matter.

TN2IC said:
Vern, some of these Navy officers march to their own drum. They frown apond saluting in buildings.

I think I hear the sound of the rusty lock closing on this topic..................................
Sorry but I think that is unreasonable for you to have done that. I once had an RCR soldier salute my back while I was paying for stuff and counting out change in the Drug Store in the Oromocto Mall...sorry but that's just stupid. He was trying to embarrass me rather than being respectful. I said thank you but certainly didn't return the salute I wouldn't have returned your salute while eating in a park with my right hand occupied either.
I think you might cut people a little slack. The saluting is a sign of respect for the commission the person holds but he or she is a person and doesn't deserve to be embarrassed.


Base Gagetown Standing Orders direct that personnel WILL remain wearing their head-dress in the Oromocto mall, and that they WILL salute; that would mean that any Comissioned Officer who was saluted in the Mall is required to return that salute.

I'd say this soldier was obeying directives and most certainly was not trying to embarass you.

And as for the Officer eating her lunch, the member who saluted her acted IAW the regulations which direct that he will pay her that compliment (regardless of her activity) if the member was in uniform. Given, she would not be required to return the salute as she had her head-dress off, nor would she be required to orally return the compliment due her commission as her mouth was full.  A simple nod of her head would have sufficed as acknowledging the compliment that the member in uniform was required to pay to her.

In both cases, the saluting member obeyed the regulations regarding the proper paying of compliments to those holding comissions of Her Majesty. Any embarrassment suffered should not be placed at the feet of the members in these two cases.
Nfld Sapper said:
I think I hear the sound of the rusty lock closing on this topic..................................

I think the mods are having to much fun with this one ;D
NL_engineer said:
I think the mods are having to much fun with this one ;D

No, I just think it's quite interesting that even once the Regulations are posted right there in black & white....people still can't read them.
NL_engineer said:
I think the mods are having to much fun with this one ;D

........and it's taking to much of their time. If you don't understand what's written here, go ask your RSM (or equivilent) to explain it for you. I'm fairly positive, they'll be more than happy to explain it to you. This one's done.
Ok....awake now..............well it wasn't a sad, sad dream but at least its out of its misery.

Thanks Recceguy, I salute y................aww poop.
What is the proper way to address a Chief Warrant Officer? Do officers address them differently from the NCM's?